The Cimerorans are warriors from Cimerora who remain loyal to Imperious.
Cimerora was originally controlled by Imperious, but Romulus Agustus rebelled and usurped power with his own legion of warriors. Nevertheless, many stayed true to their emperor and remain faithful to their true leader.
Enemy types

The Legionarii is the backbone to Imperious' army. Ever true to their emperor, despite the odds they face, these men fight harder and longer than any other forces on the battlefield.
Pilum Ranged, High Damage, Lethal
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage. Damage: High. Recharge: Moderate
Slash Melee, Moderate Damage (Lethal), Foe -Defense
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.
Slice Melee, Cone, Lethal, Moderate Damage, Foe -Defense
You Slice your sword in a wide arc, attacking all enemies in front of you. Slice does less damage than Slash, but can hit multiple foes and reduces their defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Push Back Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash), Foe High Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.Damege: Extreme. Recharge: Slow
Energized Shield Self: +Def(All but Psi), +Res(DefDebuff), +Prot(Stun, Sleep, Hold, Knockback/up, Repel, Immobilize
Kinetic Shield creates a harmonic Energy Aura that can deflect physical attacks. Your Defense to Smashing and Lethal attacks is increased as weapons and powers like bullets, blades and punches tend to deflect off the shield. Kinetic Shield also grants you good resistance to Defense Debuffs. The Energy based nature of Kinetic Shield also offers some minimal Defense to Energy attacks.
Phalanx Fighting Auto: Self +Def(All but Psi)
Your coordination with other shield users grants you all enhanced protection.
Immunes Surgeon

The Surgeons have long been the healers among the Cimeroran. They have trained at their craft for most of their lives seeking to aid those surrounding them.
Healing Aura Point Blank Area of Effect, Team Heal
Healing Aura restores some hit points to you and all nearby heroes. Healing Aura is not as potent as Heal Other, but can heal multiple targets at once.
- Heal Other?
Immunes Engineer

The tactics of the Engineer have been honed through countless battles. They function as a secondari team amongst the Centurions and Legionarii, performing quick strikes to the weakest points in their enemies' armor.
Frag Grenade (Ranged) Targeted Area of Effect, Fire/Smash, Foe Knockback
The explosion from the Fragmentation Grenade affects all within the blast and can knock them back.
Push Back Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash), Foe High Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes. Damege: Extreme. Recharge: Slow

If the Legionarii were a spear, the Centurions would be the point. Sharpened to a deadly point, these women will do whatever it takes to cut down their enemies.
Pilum Ranged, High Damage, Lethal
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage. Damage: High. Recharge: Moderate
Hack Melee, High Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You Hack your opponent for a high amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Slash Melee, Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.
Slice Melee, Cone, Lethal, Moderate Damage, Foe -Defense
You Slice your sword in a wide arc, attacking all enemies in front of you. Slice does less damage than Slash, but can hit multiple foes and reduces their defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Push Back Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash), Foe High Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.Damege: Extreme. Recharge: Slow
Shout of Command Ally +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Terrorize, Confusion), +Perception
By bouncing a carefully pitched sound wave off an ally's ear drum, you can free him from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Confusion, Fear, or Immobilize effects, and leave him resistant to such effects for a good while. Protection will improve with multiple applications and as you advance in level. Clarity also provides your ally enhanced perception. Recharge: Fast
Energized Shield Self: +Def(All but Psi), +Res(DefDebuff), +Prot(Stun, Sleep, Hold, Knockback/up, Repel, Immobilize
Kinetic Shield creates a harmonic Energy Aura that can deflect physical attacks. Your Defense to Smashing and Lethal attacks is increased as weapons and powers like bullets, blades and punches tend to deflect off the shield. Kinetic Shield also grants you good resistance to Defense Debuffs. The Energy based nature of Kinetic Shield also offers some minimal Defense to Energy attacks.
Phalanx Fighting Auto: Self +Def(All but Psi)
Your coordination with other shield users grants you all enhanced protection.
Critical Hit Critical Damage
All Centurion melee attacks have a chance to land a Critical Hit for up to double damage.
Praefectus Castrorum

Throughout the battlefield, you can hear the shouts and commands of the Praefectus. They alone can keep the bloodlust and battle frenzy that flows through the veins of every Cimeroran in check.
Pilum Ranged, High Damage, Lethal
You throw a pilum at a foe, dealing heavy damage. Damage: High. Recharge: Moderate
Hack Melee, High Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You Hack your opponent for a high amount of damage. This attack can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit.
Slash Melee, Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a quick Slash that can reduce a target's defense, making him easier to hit. This attack causes moderate damage, but has a quick recharge time.
Slice Melee, Cone, Lethal, Moderate Damage, Foe -Defense
You Slice your sword in a wide arc, attacking all enemies in front of you. Slice does less damage than Slash, but can hit multiple foes and reduces their defense. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate.
Whirling Sword Melee, Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage, Lethal, Foe -Defense
You perform a Whirling Sword maneuver, attacking all foes in melee range. This attack wounds your opponents, causing them to take minor damage over time and reduces their defense.
Push Back Melee, Extreme Damage (Smash), Foe High Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.Damege: Extreme. Recharge: Slow
Shout of Command Ally +Res(Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Terrorize, Confusion), +Perception
By bouncing a carefully pitched sound wave off an ally's ear drum, you can free him from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Confusion, Fear, or Immobilize effects, and leave him resistant to such effects for a good while. Protection will improve with multiple applications and as you advance in level. Clarity also provides your ally enhanced perception. Recharge: Fast
Phalanx Fighting Auto: Self +Def(All but Psi)
Your coordination with other shield users grants you all enhanced protection.
Critical Hit Critical Damage
All Centurion melee attacks have a chance to land a Critical Hit for up to double damage.

Main Article: Daedalus
Daedalus is the finest crafter these ancient times have ever seen. His gift borders on Celestial, but is in fact simply his own genius at work.
Note: Please note that during the mission Stop Romulus from Imperious Task Force, Daedalus possesses hit-points and abilities of a Boss-class ally. In addition, he is listed under Pets for his faction.
Neutrino Bolt Ranged, Minor damage(Energy), Foe: -Defense
Irradiate Close (Area of Effect), Moderate Damage over Time(Energy), Foe: -Defense
Electron Haze Close, Moderate Cone
Damage(Energy), Foe: -Defense, Knockback
Cosmic Burst Close, Extreme Damage(Energy), Foe: Disorient, -Defense
Neutron Bomb Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate damage(Energy), Foe: -Defense
Atomic Blast Area of Effect, Smashing
(moderate), Energy (high), Foe: Stun, -Defense
Enervating Field Ranged (Targeted
Area of Effect), Foe: -Damage, -Resistance
Lingering Radiation Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect) Foe: -Speed, -Recharge, -Regeneration
Your attack rate, running speed, and regeneration rate have been reduced by the Lingering Radiation.
Choking Cloud Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe: Hold
EM Pulse Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe: Hold, -Endurance, -Regeneration, Special vs. Robots, Self: -Recovery
Overcharge Self: +Defense(All but
Psionics), +Recovery, +Max Health, +Resistance(Defense debuff), +Recharge, +Damage(Smashing, Energy)
Resistance Self: +Resistance(Smashing, Lethal and Energy)
Resistance Protection against Stun, Hold, Fear, Confuse, Knockback (high), Resistance to all debuffs (high)
Fly Self: Fly
Daedalus can fly.

Main Article: Imperious
Born from both god and man, Imperious commands the forces of Justice against the armies of darkness. His Pantheon of heroes fight at his side without question. He is truly the leader of these people and the visionary of the future.
Note: Please note that during the mission Retake the city from Imperious Task Force, Imperious possesses hit-points and abilities of a Boss-class ally. In addition, he is listed under Pets for his faction.
Jab Melee, Foe:Disorient
Imperious has disoriented you with his jab.
Punch Melee, moderate Damage(Smash), Knockback
Haymaker Melee, high damage(Smash), Knockback
Hand Clap Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe: Disorient, Knockback
Imperious has disoriented you with his hand clap.
Note: Imperious' Hand Clap does smash damage as well, in comparison to player and other NPCs' Hand Clap, which does no damage.
Knockout Blow Melee, extreme damage (Smash), Foe: Hold
Imperious has hit you with a knockout blow. You are held.
Hurl Ranged, high damage(Smash), Foe: Knockback, -Fly
Foot Stomp Point Blank Area of Effect Melee, moderate damage(Smash), Foe: Knockback
Hammer of Justice Melee Area of Effect, High Damage(Smashing), Foe: Knockback
Imperious calls upon the power of the gods to strike down upon you.
Dull Pain Self: Heal, +Max Health
You can activate this power to increase your maximum Hit Points for a short time.
Unstoppable Self, +Res (Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, Knockback, all damage but Psionics)
When you activate this power, you not only become extremely resistant to most damage, but also to Disorient, Immobilization, Hold, and Sleep effects. Endurance recovery is also increased. Unstoppable costs little endurance to activate, but when it wears off you are left exhausted, and drained of almost all Health and Endurance.
Zeus’ Lightning Bolt Ranged Area of Effect, High Damage(Energy), Endurance Drain (high)
Imperious can call upon the power of Zeus in time of need.
Resistance Smashing, Lethal, Energy (high), Fire, Cold (moderate), Negative
Energy, Psionic, Toxic (low); Resistances to all debuffs (high); Protection against Fear, Stun, Confuse, Knockback, Immobilize, Taunt (high)
Fly Self: Fly
Imperious can fly.
See Also
Cimeroran Traitors - Romulus Augustus's faction