Angel Lopez
Prior to Issue 21, Breakout was the Villain tutorial zone. It was replaced by a new co-op tutorial experience, although the zone itself was not removed from the game. Consequently, any characters that were in Breakout upon the release of Issue 21 were able to complete the old tutorial and exit to Mercy Island.

Angel Lopez is one of two possible second contacts you will meet if you go through the Breakout tutorial zone. (Jimmy Dortz is the other possible second contact.) Angel is located at (-2252, -160, 770).
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Sakai Tamaki does not have any introduction text. He can be talked to directly and bypass all previous tutorial contacts.
Connected Con
Angel's only been in the Zig for 2 months, but in that time he has made more connections than any current inmate. Most of the prison cliques can count Angel among their friends, so Angel is able to trade in favors better than even the hardest of the hard-core criminals. Some suspect Angel may have powers of his own, some sort of empathic charm or something, but no one has ever been able to find or prove anything.
Prior to Introduction
You lost, ese? I think you should be chattin' with H.T. (Click this contact to begin) before you chat with me, comprende?
So you call yourself Character, eh? That's cool. Well, I could hook you up with who ya need to get outta here, but with all the guards, heroes, and escaped prisoners runnin' around you are gonna need una poca fuerza, a little strength. I know a guy, deals in Superadine here in the Zig. If you want me to hook you up, just say so. You won't be sorry.
Click on ask about available missions to proceed.
No More Missions
You got your stuff, now go see Sakai Tamaki.
Tamaki can be found in the Yard. Go to the room with the big hole in the floor and jump into it, then follow the tunnel to the metal gates. Click on the gates and that will take you up into the Yard where you can find Sakai Tamaki.
Click here to accept this task
Talk to Mr. Verde
Ok, there is this designer drug called Superadine, see? And this drug, it can give even normal hombres super powers. If you have super powers already it can even increase their effectiveness. With the inhibitor drugs that the Zig guards make most of us take, we can't access our powers. But with Superadine we can once again feel mighty, at least until the guards make us take our inhibitor drug again. I have a friend, Mr. Verde, who can hook you (and me) up with a couple doses of Superadine. This will unlock the potential of your powers. Mr. Verde is up the stairs here on the second level. Just tell him I sent you and he'll set us both up.
Mission Acceptance
Come back to me once you have everything.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Mr. Verde is upstairs, and waiting to talk to you.
Mission Objective(s)
- Talk to Mr. Verde
Angel say he want Superadine, eh? Well, mes does owe him some. I give you a few doses. Youse makes sures that Angel gits his, aight?
You received Training: Damage.
Return to Angel Lopez
Mission Objective(s)
- Return to Angel Lopez
After this conversation, find Caze to learn about combat.
This stuff is fantastic, but you have to be careful you don't use too much, or you end up looking like Mr. Verde. He's a Troll, a member of a gang that likes to O.D. on Superadine and cause havoc. Not my scene, but some hermanos get off on it.
Now let me tell you a bit about figuring out how tough your foes are.
You can 'consider' or 'con' targets by clicking on them or using the tab key to highlight them. The target's name will appear in a color that indicates how tough it is.
GREY: These enemies are very weak and are worth no Experience Points to you.
GREEN: You have a large advantage over this enemy.
BLUE: You have a slight advantage over this enemy.
WHITE: Target is an even match for your abilities.
YELLOW: These enemies are tough, and give more XP.
ORANGE: These enemies are very tough, and caution should be taken around them.
RED: These enemies are extremely tough and are worth a lot more XP.
PURPLE: These enemies are the top of the food chain and should only be attempted when you are in a strong group with other Villains.
Foes come in multiple varieties as well, the most common being Minions, Lieutenants and Bosses. You can usually tackle a few even-level Minions at one time, and probably stand toe-to-toe with a lone same level Lieutenant. A Boss of your level will put up a furious fight and you may need to team up with another villain in order to take him out.
Now go on and see Caze, he can explain Health, Endurance, and how to use your powers.