'Duke' Mordrogar

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'Duke' Mordrogar


'Duke' Mordrogar is a boss and one of the Hellions.

Villains can find him on the Defeat the Hellions and get the book back mission from Mr. Bocor. (Levels 5-9)

Later on, he is kidnapped by the Circle of Thorns and possessed to become Senestrus in Mage-Killer Zuhkara's Storyarc mission Vanquish Senestrus.


The Hellions are at the bottom of the heap, even in Paragon City. But every so often, one of them displays some real power. The self-styled 'Duke Mordrogar' is one of the few Hellions who display some level of real power even without making an unfavorable contract with a demon. This has given him an inflated ego, and an ambitious drive.


Before combat: "It is here!"
"Soon we shall free its master!"
Combat start: "Nothing shall stop us!"
75% health: "Feel the flames of Duke Mordrogar!"
"Your pitiful powers are nothing to me!"
50% health: "My flames shall not falter!"
25% health: "You will burn!"
"You will ALL burn!"
Upon defeat: "Oh."
"Okay, I give up."

See Also

  • 'Duke' Mordrogar's Hellions profile for a list of his powers