Message Man

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Message Man is a Praetorian contact who is not located anywhere. In the Contacts window, his location is given as "???". The Message Man is an endless source of missions for Resistance characters, much like the Police Radio for Heroes and the Newspaper for Villains.



Resistance Messenger

No one knows where exactly Message Man is, not even members of the Resistance. This makes it easier for him to communicate news that he discovers. Message Man walks a dangerous line, and many believe one day he'll just simply vanish. Until then, he continues to try to fight the good fight against Emperor Cole and his regime.

Initial Contact

Need information


  • Time to stomp on some of them blueberries, eh?

Too Busy

Need information

Unnecessary Solicitation

Message Man's "unnecessary solicitation" dialogue (when a character contacts him prior to finishing the mission) is always the same, regardless of the mission selected:

Make sure to get this thing handled, yeah?

Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 5-9)

PPD Presence Overwhelming in Tunnels


Them PPD have been snoopin' around too much in the tunnels lately. We can't even move around some supplies without runnin' into a group of 'em. It's a little dangerous, but we need someone to get into those tunnels and lower the PPD numbers a bit.

Fight the PPD in Underground Nova

I got the info sent over to you now. All you gotta do is put the hurt on some PPD, like say, ten of 'em. That should give us some breathin' space to do what we gotta do in the tunnels.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 10 Praetorian Police

Maybe now the Resistance will have some more room to move around in the tunnels.


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 10-14)

Need information

Missions: Street Sweeping (Level 15-20)

PPD Presence Overwhelming in Tunnels


We've got way too many PPD roamin' around in the tunnels beneath Neutropolis. We got a lot of stuff down there that's not for their eyes, if you get my drift. Someone's gotta start pushing them back so the Resistance can keep on movin' forward with their plans.

Defeat 20 Praetorian Police

I got the info sent over to you now. All you gotta do is put the hurt on some PPD, like say, twenty of of 'em. That'll set 'em back a good amount while lettin' us continue on the important things, like gettin' some prisoners of war outta Praetoria.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat 20 Praetorian Police


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Missions: Objectives (Level 5-9)

Resistance Knocked Out by Robots


Two of our more cocky boys got caught while tryin' to sneak into a warehouse full of Clockwork. Now them Clockwork are holdin' 'em down till the PPD arrive. Someone's gotta rescue our boys and put down the Clockwork transmittin' everythin' to the PPD!

Rescue the Resistance from the Clockwork

I got the info sent over to you now. You gotta get our boys outta there and bust up that machine before we have the PPD crawlin' all over the place! After, we'll have a chat with those two about how to properly beat down one of them clocks.

Mission Objective(s)

It must have been a bit embarrassing to get captured by a robot nicknamed 'Cleaner'.

  • Rescue the Resistance from the Clockwork
    • 2 recruits to rescue
    • Destroy the Clockwork Emitter

You've rescued the recruits and destroyed the Clockwork emitter!


Badge DefeatClockwork.png Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Resistance Recruit 1 dialogue 

Before Combat:

Random Clockwork: While PPD.COM == None; GRD(CUR.TGT);
Resistance Recruit: Man, I can't believe I got myself scamped by a clock...

Combat Start:

Resistance Recruit: Wha? You here to sweep me outta here?

When Freed: Thanks for the save.

Resistance Recruit 2 dialogue 

Before Combat:

Random Clockwork: RES != PPL.PRA(ALY)
Resistance Recruit: You gotta be kiddin' me, caught by a bot?

Combat Start:

Random Clockwork: If PWR.DIV(ALY) != PPL.PRA Then PWR.DIV != CWK(ALY)
Resistance Recruit: Finally! Someone to help me outta here!

When Freed: These things are tougher than they look. I swear.

Clockwork Emitter dialogue 

Before Combat: While PPD.COM == None; Wait;

PPD Scanning Our Bases


Here's the lowdown, slammer. We found ourselves a facility in Nova Praetoria that the PPD are usin' to monitor all Resistance activity. We gotta get that place put down if we wanna get movin'. You interested?

Attack the PPD facility

I got the info sent over to you now. You gotta get in there and take down them Police scannin' everythin' and grab anything off their computers if you can! Good luck up in there, slammer, don't go gettin' yourself killed or anythin'.

Mission Objective(s)

The PPD are using this facility to scan Resistance movement in Nova. Putting a stop to it will give the Resistance more leeway in this battle.

  • Attack the PPD scanning facility
    • Recover stored data on Resistance sightings
    • 2 PPD Scanners to defeat

You've busted the PPD facility and recovered the data on the Resistance!


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Notable NPCs

  • PPD Scanners x 2

PPD Scanner 1 dialogue 

Before Combat: What movements do we have on the Resistance!

Combat Start: Powers Division? What are you doing here?!

PPD Scanner 2 dialogue 

Before Combat: Hrm... lots of movement in the underground. We'll have to focus in on that area.

Combat Start: What's the meaning of this?!

PPD Showing Off Shiny Tech in Office


We got a little opportunity here with the PPD. They got some new tech that they're showin' off in a nearby office building. Word is that it's gonna allow them to send in some sorta ultrasonic sounds to flush us outta the tunnels. Someone has gotta get into there and destroy those machines and take the schematics for it!

Recover the schematics from the PPD

I got the info sent over to you now. You gotta destroy them machines before they cause problems for all of us down here! I don't think I gotta tell you how bad it would be if we lost our only place to hide against Tyrant.

Mission Objective(s)

You'll have to move fast if you're going to stop the PPD from deploying their latest weapon against the Resistance.

  • Destroy the PPD's Weapons
    • Recover the Ultrasonic machine schematics
    • 2 Ultrasonic machines to destroy

You've recovered the data needed for the Resistance and destroyed the PPD's two main machines!


Ultrasonic machine guards 1 

Before Combat:

Random P.P.D. 1: This should change things radically, once it's released.
Random P.P.D. 2: Maybe now we won't have to go into the tunnels anymore.

Combat Start:

Random P.P.D. 1: Powers Division? Get away!

Ultrasonic machine guards 2 

Before Combat:

Random P.P.D. 1: Are we sure this is going to work?
Random P.P.D. 2: Parson said this is state of the art technology. It should work fine.

Combat Start:

Random P.P.D. 1: We've got an intruder!

Ghouls Kicking Our Collective Rears


We got ourselves some major problems. Them ghouls in the tunnels? We're gettin' our heads handed to us by 'em. Worst part is that we had to do the whole runnin' thing from one of our bases. We need someone like you to go in there and smash in some monster faces and get our stuff back!

Recover Resistance items from the ghouls

I got the info sent over to you now. You gotta get our stuff back and smash in whatever ghoul is leadin' them chompers! Just make sure you don't get bit. Not 'cause they're infectious, just cause that thing hurts like there's no tomorrow.

Mission Objective(s)

The Resistance fight a constant battle on all fronts; against ghouls, against the PPD, and anyone else who wants to put them down.

  • Recover Resistance goods from the Ghouls
    • 2 resources to recover
    • Defeat the Alpha Ghoul

You've recovered the Resistance supplies and defeated the Alpha Ghoul!


Badge DefeatGhouls.png Ghouls

Notable NPCs

Alpha Ghoul dialogue 

Before Combat: Kill! Kill the food given to us!

Combat Start: More food to devour!

Missions: Objectives (Level 10-14)

Need information

Missions: Objectives (Level 15-20)

Experimented Ghouls Waging Crazy War in Tunnels


Our boys just got thrown outta the tunnels by these monsters lookin' like ghouls, but they ain't. They got themselves fancy cyborg like equipment, it's crazy! They're tryin' to set up their own base in there, so we gotta put a stop to that. Last thing we need are intelligent ghouls trying to run us outta the tunnels!

missing click text

I got the info sent over to you now. They got two main supply crates they're working on, plus a hidden cache of weapons. We gotta make our move fast before we got even more problems for us in the tunnels.

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


Badge DefeatGhouls.png Ghouls

Neuron Clockwork Just Asking to be Attacked


I got some prime info regardin' some of Neuron's Clockwork. There's a gap in PPD security at a specific time. We can use that time to get into the warehouse they're kept in and smash 'em apart! Them Clockwork are schedule to be released into the Underground to hunt down members of the Resistance. We take 'em down, we give ourselves some breathin' room. You down for this?

missing click text

I got the info sent over to you now. There's two main robots you wanna go after. You also wanna plant a virus in their systems to slow 'em down afterwards. If we pull this off, we'll buy our boys in the dim some much needed time to keep their plans goin'.

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


Badge DefeatClockwork.png Neuron's Clockwork

PPD Gathering up Resistance Supporters


Things just got a lot worse over there in Neutropolis. Seems like some Resistance supporters in the city were found by the PPD and are bein' round up in a warehouse. Most likely those folks are either gonna be sent to the BAF or just tossed outside of the sonic fences to be monster meat. We gotta save them folks!

missing click text

I got the info sent over to you now. There's two supporters in the warehouse, along with the PPD officer who was in charge of roundin' them up. We gotta make a show that the Resistance protects those folks who are gonna try to support us

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Resistance Traitor Meeting with PPD


Looks like we got ourselves a traitor within the Resistance. This guy ratted out a bunch of us to the PPD and now an entire squad is on the run! We need someone to grab that traitor so we can stop him from talkin' about anythin' else we got planned!

missing click text

I got the info sent over to you now. The traitor probably ain't gonna put up much of a fight, but we still gotta take down whoever is heading the investigation from the PPD and wipe their computers clean of any info that the traitor told 'em. Crazy stuff that we actually got betrayed, you know?

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department

Syndicate Thieves Hiding in Nearby Office


I gotta say, I personally think workin' with the Syndicate was one of the worst ideas possible. We got a group of 'em that just went AWOL and took a bunch of our supplies. Deja vu, right? We need someone who can safely run around on the surface to beat down these guys and get us back the supplies.

missing click text

I got the info sent over to you now. They got crates containin' some of our medical supplies and another holdin' our weapons. There's a squad that's hurtin' real bad not havin' those! Make sure to make whoever was leadin' this charge pay for what they pulled on us!

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


Badge DefeatSyndicate.png Syndicate