Missions:To Something Greater - Part Three: Coming Together

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Part Three: Coming Together


We're all set to bring this thing to an end, Character. Vanguard has talked with a US Naval Fleet that's in the area near Wade's island.

We're planning an all out assault on the area. The first fleet has gone forward to begin the attack on the island, but they've reported information that's going to make this a little harder than we thought.

What information is that?

There's some sort of intense power fluctuations within the area, which makes flying a no-go. Anything in the air would get tossed about like a ragdoll by the huge forces that are in the air.

The only way to get to Wade's island is by a boat.

We're going to have Vanguard airlift you over to one of the farthest vessels and take you from there. Oh, I should also mention that you're not going alone.

Lord Recluse, Captain Mako, Penelope Yin, Numina, Ms. Liberty, and Gaussian will be going there with you. Gaussian will be in charge of maintaining the ship. Recluse insisted on going along to finish off Wade himself, so you may run into some issues there. I'd keep my eye on Captain Mako; he'll have a huge advantage being in the ocean.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Good luck, Character.

Mission Objective(s)


You stepped off the Vanguard helicopter and into the ship. After spending a few hours wandering around, you return to the main area of the deck, waiting for information about Wade's island.

  • Assault Darrin Wade's Island
    • Speak with anyone on board (optional)
    • Contact the ship captain via the computer for an update
    • Get topside to see the disturbance
    • Ascend to the USS Barry
    • Retrieve the USS Barry's computer data
    • Return to the USS Ross
    • Fend off incoming Rularuu until Lady Grey can teleport the group to safety

You found Darrin Wade's island and discovered that only an attack from some immense amount of force will be able to destroy the forcefield that protects it.


Notable NPCs'

Penelope Yin


Ms. Liberty




Captain Mako


Bug off, I got nothing to say to you.






The computer connects you to the captain of the ship.

Character, we've got some odd readings that we're looking into. Something... definitely isn't right. We're getting -

What in the...

What is it?

We need you all up on the deck, NOW! Something VERY wrong is happening! Gaussian is getting to work on scanning what exactly is going up there.



The Fate of the USS Barry
You looked through the Barry's computer system and found data regarding its final moments. The Barry was the first to spot Wade's floating island and ordered everyone in the fleet to open fire.

They reported that nothing in their arsenal was able to destroy the shield surrounding the island, noting that it would take a large amount of high-powered missiles to begin to break through the shield.

Afterwards, energy signatures spiked in the area as other ships in the fleet were lifted out of the water as if they were toys.

Members of the crew began to instantly evaporate until there was no one left in any of the ships.

Defending the USS Ross 

Gaussian: We need some shields on this ship, NOW! There's a MAJOR energy build up coming from the island!
Gaussian: Lady Grey is working on a spell to get us out of here! Wade is sending in a MASSIVE force of Rularuu, you need to hold them off!

Ms. Liberty: Do your worst, Wade!

Numina: Penelope, we'll combine our abilities to create a shield!

Penelope Yin: I know... we can do this!

Bane Spider Executioner: For Arachnos!

Darrin Wade: You all had the chance to walk away from this. You could've just LET me ascend to godhood!

Natterling: Destroy Character. Destroy the Vanguard!

Lord Recluse: Wade! You may have killed Marcus, but you will not kill me! You are NOTHING compared to my might!

Darrin Wade: But, no, like all supers, you just HAD to interfere! Don't you see?! This is for the best!
Darrin Wade: I will be a perfect being, with the knowledge and power of Rularuu!
Darrin Wade: You'll all just have to be the last sacrifices made before my dreams become a reality!

Lord Recluse: I've lost contact with Mako. I swear, if that fish has betrayed me...!

Brute: Rularuu's coming will not be stopped.

Penelope Yin: I can't... hold in there... for much longer...!

Natterling: The end will happen. It is pointless to fight.

Numina: We don't have a choice, Penelope!

Wisps: You will all fall to Rularuu's power.

Gaussian: Brace yourselves! The Rularuu are forming underwater to capsize the ship!

Captain Mako: Are you outta your MIND? You're in SHARK territory now, Wade!

Darrin Wade: Please, do you think some -fish- is going to stop me?

Gaussian: The whirlpools are diverting the Rularuu... and the current is going directly around the ship. Captain Mako... I must say, I'm impressed!

Captain Mako: Just count yourself lucky I'm being on my best behavior. When're we getting' outta here?

Gaussian: Any second now, brace yourselves for teleport!


This is worse than we imagined, Character. Darrin Wade was able to take out an entire fleet with the power he has on that, well, now floating island. Penelope Yin and Numina are currently recovering from trying to block Darrin Wade's attacks on the ship.

From what we can tell, Wade's island is starting to ascend higher into space. He must be planning on using it as the stage to summon Rularuu into this world! But we just have one problem... how are we going to get past that shield? We'd need an entire city's worth of fire power to...

Wait! I know!