Missions:Blood Begets Blood - Part Two: An Ivory Tower

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Part Two: An Ivory Tower


Sorceress Serene has gone to great lengths to ensure that her power goes unchecked in First Ward, but she underestimated the ability for us to put aside our differences in order to achieve a common goal; survival.

Master Midnight may be rough around the edges, but he is still a potent ally. While you were securing the Seer Network in order to stop the Talons from swelling their ranks, Midnight has been poring over the Chronicles of Doom for any clues as to what Serene is up to and how to stop her plans from coming to fruition. {[darkorange|I want you to check in on Midnight's progress.}}

Mission Acceptance

The Talons feed on suffering, Character, they seem drawn to it, and when they find the source, that person is inevitably drawn to the siren song of the Talons.

This is what happened to Katie Douglas. The promise of revenge was too alluring for her and even though she knew better, she was powerless to resist its effect. This is how the Talons spread. It is their single greatest strength, and their single greatest weakness.

My guess is that Serene's abduction of Diabolique was for a greater purpose than revenge, but at this time, I cannot imagine what that purpose is.

See if Master Midnight has discovered anything

Unnecessary Solicitation

Master Midnight may have found something of use against Sorceress Serene and the Talons of Vengeance. Go talk to him and see if he's made any headway.

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After accepting this mission you are ambushed by one wave of Talons of Vengeance.
Huntress: Destroy Character and all who walk with him / her!
Contact Small Master Midnight.jpg
Master Midnight


Character, I've been studying the Chronicles for any hints on Serene's plans and I think I've determined what they are.

As near as I can figure she is planning on using an ancient sacrificial ritual to summon the Furies... You know, the Furies, the creatures of myth and legend?

The Furies are sort of like divine judges who determine the sentence for oath breakers.

  • The Talons don't seem to discriminate who they 'judge'.

The Talons of Vengeance aren't the Furies, they're just mortal and monstrous agents of them... just... allow me to explain.

In ancient times people warned against breaking oaths, for it would call down the Wrath of the Furies on everyone. This was effective in convincing people that it was a good idea to create and pass their own laws. They're the basis of morality as it were.

As it turns out, the Wrath of the Furies wasn't just a fable to scare people straight. History is filled with stories of villages, cities, or even whole civilizations that cast aside basic decency and then were destroyed by the 'wrath of heaven' or what not.

That 'wrath of heaven' is the Talons of Vengeance at work. The Talons of Vengeance ARE the Wrath of the Furies.

  • But the people of First Ward aren't oath breakers.

You're right, but it doesn't matter. Once the wrath is called down, everyone is a target. Whenever the Talons have struck in the past, the city or civilization found itself alone, their neighbors having turned their backs to them or even joined in their destruction in order to avoid the same fate.

The Furies make examples of people and either the world listens and rights the wrongs themselves, or the Talons keep destroying. The Wrath of the Furies is something that ancient peoples learned to staunch and avoid whenever possible.

  • So all we need to do is figure out who the oath breakers are?

Precisely, and pass judgment on them. We need to kill them, Character, or we may all end up dead.

Interestingly enough, the Furies and Talons contradict one another in this respect. The Furies throughout history and myth have always frowned upon mortals killing one another for any reason; it creates blood feuds, which persist throughout ancient history and even up to modern day. But in order to avoid the wrath of the Furies, it seems, blood must be spilled.

I guess the lesson here is not to break an oath, because if you do, then you find yourself in quite the pickle.

  • Serene went through a lot of effort to capture Diabolique... Why?

Diabolique betrayed Serene's coven, the writers of the Chronicles of Doom.

Serene might be looking for revenge, but Diabolique can't die, she's already a spirit...

A perfect, flawless, ageless, beautiful spirit...

  • Hey, focus! If she can't die then...

Then how do you kill her?

She's bound to this world by a magical artifact, a talisman. Destroy the talisman and her spirit is set free...

  • Then we need to get that Talisman.

Ooooh, no no no... There's no way we can get the Talisman.

  • Why not? Where is it?

It belongs to one man.

The man.

The big cheese himself... The Emperor, Marcus Cole.

If we want to get that Talisman, we're going to need to get into Cole's Tower.

  • Of course... This couldn't be easy.

I can get you in and out of Cole's Tower, but there is no way you are going to be able to get the Talisman out before Praetor White turns you into paste.

If you can figure that part out, then I'm on board, otherwise, no way.

  • Alright, I'll find the way.

Talk to Vanessa DeVore

Unnecessary Solicitation

We'll need a plan to get that Talisman.

Contact Small Vanessa DeVore (Praetorian).jpg
Vanessa DeVore


Diabolique's Talisman...

You will not be able to obtain this item without sacrifice, I'm afraid. You will need help, and to do that you must ask men to die.

  • What? Why?
The Tyrant's Tower is too well defended to infiltrate without help. That help must come in the form of a distraction, a distraction that must buy you as much time as it can at the cost of lives.
  • A suicide mission...
See Below
  • No problem.
I see you understand well how grave the threat we face is. Despite that, having some respect to those who are about to give their lives for others would be in order, don't you think?
  • Better them than me.
  • You're right, it is noble of them.
I cannot foresee whose lives you will touch in this affair, but you must find people who choose to do this for us all. Only people so dedicated can be entrusted to pay the ultimate price so that others many live.
They must be lead by one who is truly...
  • Noble... Noble Savage and the Forlorn.
Their fate was determined long ago, Character. Go now and see whether it ends at the Tyrant's Tower. You can point them to this path, but it is they who must choose to walk it.
  • I'll see what can be done.

Talk to Noble Savage

Unnecessary Solicitation

Speak with Noble Savage and see that though his form is mangled, his soul remains untainted.

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After accepting this mission you are ambushed by one wave of Talons of Vengeance.
Huntress: Your death watches you from above, Character, turn and face your hunter!
Contact Small Noble Savage.jpg
Noble Savage


Character, things are getting bad. The apparitions are worse than before, the Shepherds are doomsaying, and the Talons of Vengeance are stalking the streets even in the daylight. We've got to do something.

  • I have a plan, but you won't like it.

At this stage I think I'm open to any idea. Anything is better than awaiting the innevitable.

  • I need a distraction to get into Cole's Tower.

Cole's Tower? What, are you going to ask for his help?

As much as I admire what the man has done in the past, he's a different person now, Character. Cole has thrown us in the garbage, we'll get no sympathy from him.

  • There's a magical talisman in the tower, it could end this.


Alright, I'll help you, but only because without it you'll fail...

  • Thanks, Noble.

Praetor White has jurisdiction over Nova Praetoria, with strict orders to defend the Magisterium and chiefly to defend the Tower.

However, I know for a fact that the PPD HQ in Magisterium is the highest value target in the area, and that Praetor White knows that too.

  • So you hit the HQ while I sneak into the tower.


The Tower is mostly administrative offices above ground, but below ground there are some maximum security doors that even I couldn't get into back in the day.

That talisman you're looking for is probably down in those storage areas, near the Tower's reactor system. Cause the reactors to fail and the emergency override system will unlock all the doors in the Tower for safety reasons.

  • So while the people are getting out, I get in.

I'll assemble a team and get ready for the attack on the PPD HQ.

When you're ready, contact me, we'll be in position...

  • Noble, this might be a one way ticket.

Character, if we do nothing, then we die for sure. This way we can at least give everyone else a chance against the Talons.

  • I'll contact you when I'm ready.

Infiltrate Cole's Tower

Unnecessary Solicitation

Noble Savage and the Forlorn are in position. When you are ready I will contact Master Midnight and have him transport you to the Tower Lobby.

Contact Small Master Midnight.jpg
Master Midnight


So, you've gathered your forces and are ready to venture forth.

Just between you and me, I really don't think you have a chance, but, best of luck anyway.

When you're ready to go die, let me know, just do me a favor and don't tell anyone who opened a magical door into the lobby of Cole's Tower, ok?

  • I'm ready to go to Cole's Tower. (Enter Mission)

Mission Objective(s)


The Forlorn attack on the PPD HQ has cleared out the otherwise well guarded lobby of Cole's Tower. While there is still time you will need to find Diabolique's Talisman and get out quickly.

  • Infiltrate Cole's Tower
    • Find the entrance to the basement
    • Breach the PPD HQ (Team Noble)
    • Disable Main Power (Team Noble)
    • Free Prisoners (Team Noble)
    • Raid PPD Armory (Team Noble)
    • Plant Explosives (Team Noble)
    • Hold out for as long as possible (Team Noble)
    • Unlock the Reactor Door
    • Gain access to the Reactors
    • 4 Reactor Controls to Disable
    • Find the Talisman
    • Enter Secured Storage
    • Deal with Dominatrix
    • Get to the surface!

You got Diabolique's Talisman from Dominatrix, but at what a cost. Noble Savage and Team Rampage most certainly suffered at the hands of Marauder, and the man came close to crushing you as well if not for Midnight's magic and Dominatrix's questionable methods of manipulating the image of her fellow Praetors. She's a dangerous one, and not to be underestimated.
Talk to Master Midnight and see what he can do with this damn necklace.


Badge DefeatPPD.png Praetorian Police Department
V badge TEST.png T.E.S.T.
V badge Loyalist.png Imperial Defense Force
Badge DefeatClockwork.png Praetorian Clockwork
Badge villain praetorians.png Praetorians

Notable NPCs

  • Breach the PPD HQ (Team Noble)

PPD Dialogue 

Before Combat:

PPD Suppressor: What's going on?

Combat Start:

PPD Suppressor: Hey! Stop!

Before Combat:

PPD Trooper: PPD HQ is under attack?

  • Disable Main Power (Team Noble)
  • Free Prisoners (Team Noble)

T.E.S.T. Ambush Dialogue 

Before Combat:

T.E.S.T. Ranger: Tower One-One, this is Tower Two-Six, we're starting our sweep.

Combat Start:

T.E.S.T. Ranger: Target's spotted!

Before Combat:

T.E.S.T. Ranger: Think the attack on HQ is a diversion?
T.E.S.T. Ranger: I'm sure of it...

Combat Start:

T.E.S.T. Ranger: We have contact, all units move on our position!

PPD Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Warrant Officer: The Tower alarm!
Warrant Officer: We're under attack!

Before Combat:

PPD Suppressor: Is that the alarm?
PPD Suppressor: Don't worry, nobody would be stupid enough to assault Cole's Tower.

Combat Start:

PPD Enforcer: ...I stand corrected.

Before Combat:

PPD Trooper: Is there another Resistance attack happening?

Combat Start:

PPD Trooper: Stop that guy / +++ Missing Information +++!

  • Raid the PPD Armory (Team Noble)

IDF Ambush Dialogue 

Before Combat:

BCU: Nobody leaves the tower. NOBODY.

Combat Start:

BCU: Destroy them!

  • Plant Explosives (Team Noble)
  • Hold out for as long as possible (Team Noble)

Upon entering third floor:

You opened the doors to the Reactor Elevator. You can now proceed down into the reactor room in order to disengage their safety parameters. Doing so will unlock all doors in the building for safety reasons, allowing you access to the storage chamber where Diabolique's Talisman is kept.

Dominatrix Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Dominatrix: Looking for Diabolique's talisman, hmmm, Character?
Dominatrix: Oh, don't look so hurt, I'm just teasing you a little.
Dominatrix: I could care less what you want to do with this trashy jewelry...
Dominatrix: What I care about is what you can do with me.
Dominatrix: Now, now, don't be having deviant thoughts... I just want to use you for my own gain.
Dominatrix: If you want this little trinket, then I'll give it to you, but in return I want you to make it look like I didn't just hand it over.
Dominatrix: Don't worry about hurting me, I can take a little pain.
Dominatrix: Just make sure it looks good.
Dominatrix: I want Michael to suffer mightily when the Emperor hears that his incompetence allowed his granddaughter to be injured and his property stolen.
Dominatrix: With any luck, Mr. Marauder will get reassigned to somewhere like Lambda Sector, leaving the well-being of the Magisterium to pretty little me.

First Blood:

Dominatrix: Hit me, Character. Harder!

75% Health:

Dominatrix: That'll do...
Dominatrix: Mmm, that was very good, Character.
Dominatrix: I'm impressed.
Dominatrix: As promised, here is the talisman.
Dominatrix: Now, if I were you I'd hurry out of here.
Dominatrix: If Michael catches you then I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to do much to stay his hand.
Dominatrix: After all, I'm just a delicate little girl who needs all these big strong men around to protect me.

Marauder is coming! Survive until Midnight teleports you to safety!

Marauder Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Marauder: I'll find you, you little maggot!
Marauder: Even if I have to tear down this entire damn tower to do it!
Scryer: Go!

Talk to Master Midnight

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Contact Small Master Midnight.jpg
Master Midnight


I'm usually not one to brag, but that was pretty good on my part. A second or two longer and Praetor White would have crushed you like a grape!

But enough about you, I'll look into the ensorcellment on this talisman and see if there is a way that I can release Diabolique's spirit before Serene can. Hopefully that will quell the wrath of the Furies and put an end to all this.

  • You've got to hurry, Midnight.


You got the talisman?

Thank the stars. I was monitoring Noble's mind during the attack and I thought for a moment that there would be no coming back from that, and then Praetor White turned his attention to finding you in the tower. Noble managed to get out of the PPD HQ, but he lost a lot of good men doing it...

Character, their sacrifice is worth it, for the good of everyone they gave their lives to put an end to Sorceress Serene's sinister machinations. I just hope that Noble will be able to forgive himself for leading those men to their fate. But for now our attention needs to be focused on stopping Serene. We can grieve when this is all over.

It is difficult for me to grow close to anyone, Character. I have foreseen the moment of death for all I am fated to meet... except my own. But I have foreseen through you that when my time comes, you are near, and I am in your thoughts, and that is comforting.