Mr. Rodney

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Mr. Rodney
Mr. Rodney.jpg
Goldbricker Spokesperson
Zone Cap au Diable
Coordinates (-319.2, 3.0, -1790.4)
Level Range 20-50
Introduced By None
Enemy Groups V badge Longbow.png Longbow
V badge Hero.png Paragon Heroes
v  d  e

Mr. Rodney is a villain contact in the New Haven neighborhood of Cap au Diable at coordinates (-319.2, 3.0, -1790.4). His level range is 20-50.

Mr. Rodney is a Gold Bricker that King Midas has sent to help villains to get their capes and auras. He is standing in front of Langston Corporation's building. He was introduced in Issue 21.


Contact Introduced By

None; Mr. Rodney is introduced by contact popup at the appropriate level.

Contact Introduces

None; he exists solely to unlock capes and auras for villains.


Goldbricker Spokesperson

Mr. Rodney is a 'veteran' Goldbricker who has been promoted to role of a spokesperson for King Midas.

Whenever Midas wishes to bargain a deal with a villain or organization, he will send one of his spokespersons to do so for him.

Contact Unlocked

Mr. Rodney of the Goldbrickers has an offer!

Mr. Rodney of the Goldbrickers wants to help you earn a cape to let the other villains of the Isles know of your rising power.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window.

Prior to Introduction

Contact is not introduced. Mr. Rodney begins with his Initial Contact dialogue.

Initial Contact

Hey there, Character. Happy to be talking to you at the moment, especially sans any beatings.

The name is Mr. Rodney, and I'm a representative of King Midas, head of the Goldbrickers.

Now, I know perhaps you and our fine organization haven't gotten along in the past, but, well, let's just consider the past the past, right?

King Midas wishes to extend a gesture of good will towards you in the form of me helping you get what you need. And I think I've got an idea of what we can do to help you out, so why don't we get started?


  • King Midas sends his regards.
  • We're here to work together, Character.

Too Busy

+++ Missing Information +++

No More Missions

+++ Missing Information +++


Mr. Rodney does not have a store.


Cape Mission (Level 20-50)


One of the things that King Midas wishes to help you out with is your image, Character. No offense, of course.

A sign to other villains and heroes that you're a big bad around here is if you've got a cape.

One of the traditional ways folks around here get their capes is by beating the snot out of a hero and stealing theirs. A rite of passage, you could say.

I know of a way that you can find yourself a hero, and a cape, if you want to elevate your social status around here in the Isles.

  • Tell me how to find this hero.

Well, first, you'll need to get yourself to Paragon City. There are a few ways to go about this, but King Midas is willing to provide you with a specific way, mainly through the Family in Sharkhead.

He's put in a good word for you to some of the powers that be there. You should go talk to Lorenz Ansaldo in Sharkhead Isle. He'll be able to help you get into Paragon, but you may have to help him out with any problems he might have.

Speak with Lorenz Ansaldo

Unnecessary Solicitation

Lorenz is part of the Family. They're experts at smuggling people and goods to and from the mainland.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Lorenz Ansaldo

Contact Small Lorenz Ansaldo.jpg
Lorenz Ansaldo


You need passage to Paragon City? Yah, I can hook you up. I got an arrangement going with the Goldbrickers to handle any 'special deliveries' they might have between the Rogue Isles and the mainland. But that don't mean there ain't no price...

We got a lot of them Longbow agents snoopin' around the docks here lookin' for contraband. I was planning on getting a few of my boys ready to beat some sense into them, but then you happen to show up! Take down all the Longbow agents snoopin' around our warehouse here at the docks and destroy any crates of contraband they may have found.

Defeat all agents, destroy contraband

Unnecessary Solicitation

Lorenz is part of the Family. They're experts at smuggling people and goods to and from the mainland.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: V_Warehouse_30_Layout_12

Longbow constantly looks for evidence to shutdown Family smuggling operations in the Rogue Isles. It's time to convince Longbow to mind their own business!

  • Defeat all agents, destroy contraband
    • 3 crates to destroy

You cleared out the warehouse for the Family! Lorenz has set up a boat to take you to Paragon City, and a truck to take you to the statue park.


V badge Longbow.png Longbow

Notable NPCs

Longbow Contraband Guard Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Longbow Flamethrower: Call for backup!
Longbow Flamethrower: We better tell the commander about this!

Combat Start:

Longbow Flamethrower: Watch out!

Before Combat:

Random Longbow 1: Call for backup!
Random Longbow 2: Roger that!

Combat Start:

Random Longbow 1: Oh, no! We got villain trouble!

Longbow Patrol Dialogue 

Longbow Minigun: Check the crates in the next room.
Longbow Flamethrower: Yes, sir!

Longbow Flamethrower: The Family is up to no good!
Longbow Flamethrower: Yah, but we still need proof of that!

Longbow Commander Dialogue 

Before combat:

Longbow Commander: Comb the area! We need to find the contraband we tracked here!

Combat Start:

Longbow Commander: Longbow agents! Attack!

Icon clue generic.png
Longbow Watch List
You find on the Longbow Commander a hand-held computer. It contains information on villain activities in the Rogue Isles, including Family smuggling operations and movement of villains into Paragon City. You're included on the watch list! It looks like Longbow might be monitoring your activities!

Steal cape from hero

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've got your ticket to Paragon. All you have to do now is take down the hero and earn your prize!

Mission Objective(s)


You wait for the appropiate moment to launch your assault. Paragon City will soon fear your name!

  • Steal cape from Hero
    • 2 statues to destroy
    • Defeat hero & allies

You have defeated a Paragon City hero and taken his cape!


V badge Longbow.png Longbow

Notable NPCs

Longbow Guard Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Protect the statue from the villains!

Combat Start:

There they are! Attack!

Before Combat:

Longbow Minigun: We're received word to expect Character.

Combat Start:

Longbow Minigun: Longbow attack!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! Upon attacking the guards around a statue, there will be one ambush by Longbow. There is one ambush for each statue.

Longbow Eagle: Stop in the name of Longbow!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After defeating the ambush from destroying both statues, there will be another ambush by Longbow. The Longbow Commander is within this group.

Longbow Commander: Longbow agents attack!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After defeating the Longbow Commander ambush, there will be one last ambush by Longbow. The random Hero is within this group.

Random Hero: Character! Stop your evil ways!

You wrest the cape from the back of the fallen hero!

Icon clue generic.png
Hero Cape
This is a cape taken from one of the heroes of Paragon City you defeated in combat! Take this back to Fortunata Kalinda back in the Rogue Isles to prove yourself worthy as a destined one of Lord Recluse!


You can now access capes at the tailor!
You may now access the costume part Regular Back Capes at the Tailor.

You did it! Even now, there are villains in the Isles speaking of your abilities in a respectful tone.

However, the heroes in Paragon do not seem too terribly please about what you've done. But at least now when you go toe to toe with a hero, you'll have one more thing to show that you're better than them, and that's what really counts, isn't it?

(Aura Mission)

These missions are available from level 30 onward.