List of Key Names

From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
Revision as of 12:13, 31 January 2007 by imported>Konoko (ya keynames! I'll see about making a pretty table later.)
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Below is a list of key names for use in binds. This list was posted on back in 2005 during Issue 2. There will be a re-check of all keys to verify their keynames

Key Names

esc f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 sysrq scroll break insert delete home end pageup pagedown up down left right numpad1 numpad2 numpad3 numpad4 numpad5 numpad6 numpad7 numpad8 numpad9 numpad0 add decimal multiply subtract divide numlock numpadenter ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - equals backspace tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] / a s d f g h j k l

' enter lshift z x c v b n m , . / rshift lcontrol lalt space ralt rcontrol rbutton lbutton mbutton mousewheel button4 button5 button6 button7 button8 joy1 joy2 joy3 joy4 joy5 joy6 joy7 joy8 joy9 joy10 joy11 joy12 joy13 joy14 joy15 joy16 joy17 joy18 joy19 joy20 joy21 joy22 joy23 joy24 joy25 joypad_up joypad_down joypad_left joypad_right pov1_up pov1_down pov1_left pov1_right pov2_up pov2_down pov2_left pov2_right pov3_up pov3_down pov3_left pov3_right joystick1_up joystick1_down joystick1_left joystick1_right joystick2_up joystick2_down joystick2_left joystick2_right joystick3_up joystick3_down joystick3_left joystick3_right


Storyteller's post on the Official Forums