Arbiter Daos

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File:Arbiter Daos.png

Arbiter Daos is a villain contact in Grandville.  His level range is 40-44. The building entrance coordinates are (2725, -333, 1015).


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

I know a strange man, an employee of AeonCorp, named Dr. Forrester. He's in Grandville doing some science for Arachnos and is looking for a lab assistant.

Dr. Forrester is kind of crazy, but then again, I guess that's why they call them mad scientists.

I know a woman named Mage-Killer Zuhkara. She's an assassin from Russia who specializes in eliminating spies with magical backgrounds. She's looking for someone to help her with a few hits.

Zuhkara is very blunt and to the point, and she seems to take a personal interest in destroying those of arcane origin.


Arachnos Arbiter

Arbiter Daos is perhaps the most humorless man to ever walk the Rogue Isles. A devout servant of Arachnos, Daos is not loathe to take advantage of the impunity his position provides him. He often investigates groups and activities that, strictly speaking, like outside his purview, but he does so in the knowledge that, whatever his reasons, Arachnos will stand beside him.

Initial Contact

Lord Jinx, is it? Ah, yes. A most colorful career. You, like me, seem to know the value of bending the rules to suit your own purpose. But you must understand one thing: while you are working with me, my word must be law. If you can live within such restrictions, you will reap the great benefits of being above all other Arachnos authority.


Arbiter Daos sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 40 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements
  • Level 45 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements

Story Arc

Breaking Knives


Stop the Knives' assault


I'm sure you're familiar with the group known as the Knives of Artemis. They are well-organized, as well as quite ruthless. Admirable. I find their efficiency most commendable, but their downfall is their overwhelming arrogance. It is as if their 'riot girl' mentality prevents them from backing down from any foe, even one they know they cannot beat. No doubt this is why they have chosen to take on Arachnos.

As we speak, an elite group of Knives is ransacking an Arachnos base. Go there, stop them, and find out what they seek.

Mission Acceptance

The Knives of Artemis are cunning and skilled. Be wary.

Mission Objectives

You hear almost nothing as you enter the base. The Knives work quickly, and stealthily.

  • Defeat all Knives in base

You defeated the Knives of Artemis and learned the name of their quarry.

Clue: Sister Livia's story

When you defeated Sister Livia, she snarled, 'You cannot save Moira. Arachnos may shelter her for now, but we will keep coming for her!'


The Knives are looking for an Arachnos operative named Moira? I know no one by that name. I'll have to do some digging to find out who they're looking for.

Rescue Mnemosyne


I've done the research, and I believe I know who the Knives of Artemis were seeking. The woman in question was once known as Moira, but once she joined the ranks of the Fortunatas, she took up the name Mnemosyne. I know the Knives of Artemis often resent seeing their members leave the fold; it may well be that they wish revenge against Mnemosyne. Unfortunately, the lady's psychic abilities put her in touch with ancestral memories dating back thousands of years. Quite valuable, as you can imagine. I do not intend to let Mnemosyne be taken without a fight.

Mission Acceptance

You will go to the Arachnos base where Mnemosyne is stationed, and extract her for her own safety. We can't be sure that the Knives did not already learn her whereabouts.

Mission Objectives

The inner life of a Fortunata is difficult to speculate on. Does Mnemosyne feel any fear of her erstwhile sisters? It's hard to say.

  • Rescue Mnemosyne
    • Rescue Mnemosyne
    • Lead Mnemosyne out

You rescued Mnemosyne!


You recovered Mnemosyne. Well done. I will see that she gets to safety. Now we must punish the Knives for their foolish assault.

Exact vengeance against the Knives


The Knives of Artemis made a grave mistake when they decided to come after an Arachnos Fortunata. Now, note: my emotions are not involved in this conflict in any way. Emotions only get in the way of absolute virtues such as loyalty, honor, and obedience. If I allowed myself to feel something for the Fortunata Mnemosyne, or for the now doomed Knives of Artemis, it is possible--just possible--that I might waver in my service to Arachnos. But, I do not. I will exact vengeance against the Knives not out of anger, but because I know that vengeance is the only possible response to their effrontery.

Mission Acceptance

I have located the Knives' base of operations. You will go there and destroy every last one of them. Arachnos has no choice in this matter; it is the only thing we can do.

The Knives of Artemis can be quite deadly. Take this Arachnos Power Shield to aid you.

Arachnos Power Shield

Toggle: Self, +Res(All DMG)
Temporary Powers

The Arachnos Power Shield projects a protective force field around you, giving you good damage resistance. The power cell it uses lasts 10 minutes of constant use.

Mission Objectives

Arbiter Daos' methods are brutal, but effective. This attack should help spread the word that Arachnos is not to be messed with.

  • Defeat all Knives in base

mission end message




Mission Acceptance

Mission Objectives

zone entrance message

  • overall objective

mission end message


External Links