Missions:The Only Good Day Was Yesterday - Part Two: What We Bring With Us

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Part Two: What We Bring With Us


Theory time, Character. For years, D.U.S.T. has been using the Free-Fire Zone as a training ground, which loosely translates into live fire exercises against any and all targets that they can find there. They do this with the full but undisclosed support of some agency within the Cole regime back in Praetoria proper; one that funds them, equips them, and refills their ranks with fresh supersoldiers when necessary. They couldn't do this without being in contact with said agency.

Word from the FFZ is that a D.U.S.T. special operation science lab codenamed ARCLIGHT suddenly went Black Channel. Either their comms are down or there's no one home. Get into ARCLIGHT and find their communication records. We need to know what D.U.S.T. has told its upper command about the situation here and if they ever got a response. Someone in Praetoria may have a way to contain the Apparitions... or they may simply be sending in heavier forces. If things are really bad, then they may just be abandoning their cells out here altogether. In any case, we can't afford to be in the dark.

  • We'll need something to bypass the Black Channel for this to work at all.

You're right. When you're inside ARCLIGHT, find a way to temporarily override the communications lockdown. Here, take this ghostband transceiver with you. With it, I'll be able to advise you from here. Good hunting, Character.

Icon clue generic.png
The Ghostband
Noble Savage gave you a ghostband transceiver that will allow you both a semblance of contact while you're in ARCLIGHT. He'll help you as best he can while you attempt to temporarily bypass the facility's Black Channeled communications network. From the look of the ghostband transceiver, it looks like Gully has been working hard on the Compound's technical gadgets to shed some of the guilt he still has from abandoning his scavenger team in the FFZ.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We've got to concentrate on ARCLIGHT right now, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

Map: P_TECH_30_LAYOUT_09_01

For a brief moment, your ghostband transceiver explodes into a chorus of screams and commands that you cannot parse. The insidious power of the Apparitions is at work here.

  • Search ARCLIGHT
    • Override communications channel
    • 2 more comm arrays to access
    • Download files from Comm Station Array 01
    • Download files from Comm Station Array 02

You managed to enter ARCLIGHT and temporarily bypass the communications blackout long enough to download transmissions sent to and from various D.U.S.T. spec-ops cells in the Free-Fire Zone.


V badge Apparition.png The Possessed
V badge Apparition.png Apparitions
V badge Awakened.png The Awakened

Override successful.
Power temporarily restored to communications arrays.

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After overriding the communications channel, you will be ambushed by one wave of The Awakened.

Comm Array Station Guard Dialogue 

Combat Start:

Suspicious Ranger: Keep him / her away from this terminal!

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After defeating the first set of Comm Stations guards, you will be ambushed by one wave of The Awakened and one wave of The Possessed.
Contact Small Comm Array Station.jpg
Comm Array Station 01


Black Channel Protocols temporary bypass: Some archived transmissions corrupted. This comm station array only contains the last incoming transmissions from ARCLIGHT. For last outgoing transmissions, please try another terminal.

  • (Check last incoming transmission.)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Incoming]

Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC, to Captain Jennings, CO ARCLIGHT

Captain, our Mother just called. It seems some very special Seers either escaped or were broken out of the Asylum recently. Current reports from the cell Captains in the FFZ pinpoint them as being in the Sunken City. I need you to send a squadron out and retrieve them. Bring the Seers back to ARCLIGHT and contain them until further orders. Be advised, the Asylum are referring to these Seers as 'Awakened', but I have no idea what that means. Evidently, they exhibit strange mutations, often physical, and give off a psychic resonance quite unlike the Seers we are familiar with. Your men should have ample enough persona psychic defense training to deal with them, but the Asylum notes that these 'Awakened' may put up a fight. Under no circumstances are you to damage the package. This comes from on high. We mustn't disappoint Her. Vargas out.

  • (Keep scanning last incoming transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Incoming]

Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC, to Captain Jennings, CO ARCLIGHT

Well done, Captain. I've relayed your success to the Asylum. They should be sending out one of own their spec-ops teams to ARCLIGHT for immediate exfil of the package. Between you and me, I really hope it's not the IDF, or this thing is going to move from Strange Request to Something Really Bad Happened. Vargas out.

  • (Keep scanning last received transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Incoming]

Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC, to all Cell Commanding Officers of special operations in First Ward

Be advised that the 'Awakened' are a Red-level threat. Shoot them on sight. They are also working with the Apparitions in the FFZ for reasons that remain unknown. Several D.U.S.T. soldiers have already been compromised, either through possession or mind-control. Shoot them on sight; they cannot be saved. We have our science team at BETTERMOUSETRAP looking into the hows and whys, but until you hear different, consider us at battle stations throughout the Ward. I have relayed all of this to the Asylum. When I hear from Mother, I will update you all. Stay safe and stay strong. We will get out of this. Vargas out.

  • (Keep scanning last incoming transmission)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Incoming]

Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC, to all Cell Commanding Officers in First Ward

Colonel Vargas to all D.U.S.T. special operatives through the Ward: ARCLIGHT is compromised. BETTERMOUSETRAP is compromised. The FFZ is a ghost zone. D-SEC? We have our own problems. The less I say about the Seer Network the better. Someone in Praetoria has just enacted the Black Channel Protocols. You all know what that means. We will be cut off from one another. Mother has decided to abandon her children.

The Black Channel is set to drop now,so I've got one chance to say it: There is no help coming. Repeat: there is no help [transmission ends, presumably because the Black Channel Protocols went into effect]

  • (Download files and leave)

Icon clue generic.png
Compound Theory
From what you can piece together from ARCLIGHT's incoming transmissions, the Asylum ordered the retrieval of escaped Awakened from the Sunken City. The mission was a success, but shortly thereafter almost all of the D.U.S.T. facilities in or around the FFZ, including BETTERMOUSETRAP and D-SEC were compromised by the Apparitions. And when that happened, the Asylum-- or more properly, Praetor Tilman-- enacted the Black Channel Protocols, which effectively cut all communications down across the organization.

After entering next level:

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! After defeating the second set of Comm Stations guards, you will be ambushed by one wave of The Possessed.
Contact Small Comm Array Station.jpg
Comm Array Station 02


Black Channel Protocols temporary bypass: Some archived transmissions corrupted. This comm station array only contains the last outgoing transmissions from ARCLIGHT. For last incoming transmissions, please try another terminal.

  • (Check last outgoing transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Outgoing]

Captain Jennings, CO ARCLIGHT, to Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC

Colonel, I'm happy to report that the 'Awakened' were retrieved from the Sunken City and brought back to ARCLIGHT as per your orders. The operation went smoother than expected, with no casualties, despite the warnings from the Asylum that the 'Awakened' may be unnaturally antagonistic in their confusion. Instead, they gave my men no trouble at all and came to ARCLIGHT willingly, as if they wanted our protection from the rest of First Ward. Mother should be pleased.

  • (Keep scanning last sent transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Outgoing]

Captain Jennings, CO ARCLIGHT, to Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC

The attack continues. These 'Awakened' are mind-controlling my men to wander into the FFZ and get possessed by Apparitions. ARCLIGHT is full of ghosts and these crazy Asylum Seers. Please send help, Colonel. I'm concerned that my whole cell will be compromised by nightfa

[transmission ends abruptly].

  • (Keep scanning last sent transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Outgoing]

Major Loeb, (acting CO) ARCLIGHT, to Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC

Captain Jennings was compromised, sir, and put down, but the Apparition inside him simply jumped to Specialist Holloway. There are only four of us left now. Our persona training is useless against these ghosts, especially when the Awakened keep hitting us with psychosocratic logic loops. I am hereby shutting ARCLIGHT down. Do not send help. Repeat: do not send help. I can already feel like I'm haunted in some way. I pray that the efforts at BETTERMOUSETRAP can find a way to end this.

Tell Mother we tried.

  • (Keep scanning last sent transmissions)

PROJECT ARCLIGHT: Transmissions Log [Outgoing]

ARCLIGHT to Colonel Vargas, CO D-SEC

Loeb is one of them. Fields is one of them. No one can find Foster. Why aren't you responding to us, Colonel? Why are we going under Black Channel? Only Praetor Tilman can authorize that! I'm about to TOXIC AND GUTTED AND NO APOLOGIES oh no, I didn't say YOU WILL PAY US IN THE MEAT AND WE ALL HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS I'm not saying this [transmission ends after the sound of a sidearm firing].

  • (Download files and leave)

Icon clue generic.png
This section of ARCLIGHT's outgoing logs is the most troubling: 'Our persona training is useless against these ghosts, especially when the Awakened keep hitting us with psychosocratic logic loops.'

If D.U.S.T. can be compromised so easily, what chance does the Compound have? When you're finished here, it looks like your next stop is the D.U.S.T. medical facility code-named BETTERMOUSETRAP to see what their science teams discovered before the Black Channel cut them off from the rest of the Ward.


We'll get Gully and some of our more technical guys on these data retrievals, Scrapperr, but it's pretty evident that ARCLIGHT's last operation was a disaster. And that the next step is the BETTERMOUSETRAP medical facility. The Asylum is certainly frightened of these 'Awakened'.... enough for Praetor Tilman to condemn the very soldiers that reported their existence. We're going to need to stretch our resources even further.