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Revision as of 00:24, 26 April 2008 by imported>HarshLanguage (adding link to SG registrar to make finding the info easier)
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Rent is a monthly in-game charge for Supergroup Base Plots larger than the 8x8 minimum size (which is now free). It is paid with Prestige by speaking with the Super Group Registrar. A group with overdue rent cannot make further upgrades to its base until the rent is paid.

Current Calculations

Base Rent will be calculated solely on your plot size. The larger the plot, the larger the rent. Secure plots also pay more rent, due to the number of defenses they are allowed to have. When they are re-introduced, Items of Power will reduce the amount of Rent due.

Plot Name Plot Size Rent
Tiny Hidden Spot 8x8 0
Small Hidden Spot 8x12 20,000
Small Hidden Spot 12x12 43,000
Small Secret Location 12x16 65,000
Small Secret Location 16x16 105,000
Large Secret Location 16x20 145,000
Large Secret Location 16x20 145,000
Small Hidden Complex 20x20 200,000
Small Hidden Complex 20x20 200,000
Small Hidden Complex 20x24 280,000
Large Hidden Complex 24x24 350,000
Massive Hidden Complex 24x28 610,000
Small Secure Location 12x16 200,000
Small Secure Location 16x16 420,000
Large Secure Location 16x20 750,000
Small Secure Complex 20x20 1,300,000
Small Secure Complex 20x24 2,100,000
Large Secure Complex 24x24 3,200,000
Massive Secure Complex 24x28 5,000,000

Old Calculations

This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes: Rebirth. The content provided may refer to City of Heroes Freedom.
It is provided for historical purposes.

The old base rent system was both a rent, and a tax. While the exact calculation is unknown for several parts of this formula,

(X * Z) + Y = rent

X = total amount of unspent prestige sg currently has as corresponding to a look up table. Ex: 10,000 free prestige would be 2, and 13,000 would be 3
Z = total number of objects subjectable to the tax (ex: control items, power items.. this excludes most decorations)
Y = rent charged per plot size + rent per room

GUI window and tab with Total Upkeep

The Table used in the Y portion of the equation is currently unknown, but most likely is similar to the new calculations, just at a larger amount.

The X amount can be lowered down to 0, thus avoiding the tax portion of equation provided the base architect has kept a good track of when the base rent will be calculated, and spends all loose prestige ahead of time.