Dr. Graves

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Revision as of 02:28, 17 September 2011 by imported>Astartus (Souvenir text)
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Dr. Graves
Zone Mercy Island
Coordinates (-1066, 239, -9)
Level Range 1-19
Introduced By ???
Enemy Groups Skulls
Rogue Island Police
Badges Dark Heart
Blackened Soul
Face Of Evil
v  d  e

Dr. Graves is a villain contact in the Mercy neighborhood of Mercy Island at coordinates (-1066, 239, -9).  His level range is 1-19. He is one of the Ongoing Training Missions contacts.


Contact Introduced By

+++ Missing Information +++

Contact Introduces

+++ Missing Information +++


The Eternal Surgeon

Somewhere between man and monster, Dr. Graves no longer practices 'formal' medicine. Practically impossible to kill, since he's technically already dead, Dr. Graves realizes that his name has become the butt of numerous jokes. However, when he needs a new kidney, spleen, heart, or other 'disposable organs', not too many people take time to appreciate the irony of his career path.

Initial Contact

Missing Initial Contact Dialogue


Missing At Least One Greeting Dialogue

Too Busy

Missing Too Busy Dialogue

No More Missions

Missing No More Missions Dialogue

Story Arc

The Hearts of Darkness - Rogue's Contest (1-9)

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits.


Souvenir: Remote Detonator

This leftover detonator reminds you of your initial victories in Dr. Graves's game...

The Hearts of Darkness - Rogue's Contest

It began whit a summon from Dr. Graves, a grim surgeon with a short temper. He gathered you and four other Villains together and proposed a contest. The prize: unimaginable power and a resource at the winner's disposal, courtesy of your unnamed benefactor.

You started by making sure that Arachnos took little notice of you. You played dumb for the Arbiters and got them fighting amongst themselves, and returned to Graves.

During the first round of the contest, you managed to trick Dollface out of finishing a race to the finish, and stole the win yourself. Graves, though displeasedm was forced to concede the first victory to you.

For the second round, each contestant was required to formulate a plan of their own design, to display their villainous prowess. After investigating the others' plots, you came upon inspiration: you would destroy a Longbow base, lighting it up for all Mercy to see!

As you engaged in your plan, a mysterious voice began to assis you. It directed you on the specifics of when and how to destroy the base.

As you were about to evacuate the base and let the explosives run their course, the voice revealed itself: Scirocco of Arachnos had assissted you! He directed you to continue participation in Graves's illicit contest, in the hopes of tracking down and capturing your unnamed benefactor.

Register for Dr. Graves's tournament

Healthy Competition


You would believe me to be a ghoul? And I assume your self-image is that of a misunderstood protagonist, is it? Or maybe the snarling monster with a secret heart of gold? Or perhaps someone cursed to a life they didn't want?

Bah. I am not here to trade barbs with someone of your like. However, what I am going to do is offer you, Character, a formal invitation to a very exclusive, albeit unsanctioned... competition.

Before you dismiss this opportunity, know this - the victor of the trial shall be granted the privilege of being apprenticed, if you will, to a person with very important connections.

Dr. Graves looks around at nearby Arachnos guards in a rather dramatic fashion before fixing his soulless eyes upon you.

Very, very important... connections.

Mission Acceptance

I'm glad to see that your ambition overshadows your attitude, Character. You'll need both if you expect to surpass the others in the eyes of the one who is truly watching. With that said, let us tarry no longer with this conversation. Actions speak louder than words, and if you try hard enough, sometimes louder than screams. I will give you the location you are to 'register' at. Use the registration console within the gathering place to prove your intent and I shall then speak to you further.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I do not have time to waste catering to your personal schedule. You are to meet me at the provided location,,, or forfeit your chance at gaining an enviable position of power. Now go!

Mission Objective(s)

This appears to be the location Dr. Graves instructed you to meet at. You'll need to find the registration console he spoke of.

  • Register for Dr. Graves tournament
    • Use the Identity Verification Console
    • Talk to Dr. Graves
    • Talk to Omnicore
    • Talk to Zephyr
    • Talk to Dollface
    • Go look for Crosscut
    • Talk to Crosscut
    • Talk to Dr. Graves

You have signed on as one of the contestants in the tournament of darkness. Little do the others know that you have no intention of losing this contest...



Notable NPCs

Identity Verification Console interaction 

This looks like the registration console Dr. Graves told you to use when you showed up. Large flashing words indicate that you should use one of the buttons below the screen.

Applicant will provide a biological sample to prove they are not in the employ of organizations as Longbow.

Insert sample of bio-organic composition.

  • Insert blood sample
  • Insert hair sample
Source material - Hair.
Spectral Analysis Readings - No trace of pollutants known to be found in Paragon City.
Texture Analysis - Sample shows chemicals found in low-quality haircare products.
Cellular Analysis - Abundance of dead epidermis clusters suggests sample source is afflicted by severe dandruff
  • Hey! I don't have dandruff!
  • Refuse to provide sample
Words begin streaming across the display.
All candidates must submit biological samples or face immediate termination.
A mechanical arm extends from the console. At the end of the arm is what appears to be something that could only be described with one word - 'probe'. Before you can react, the arm goes to work procuring a rather... painful... sample from your body.
Matter Composition - No traces of known Longbow nutrition supplements detected.
  • YOU. WILL. PAY!!!!

Genetic Analysis - Subject missing one strand of DNA within early strand sequence. Anomaly recorded.

  • Wait... Did you just say I'm missing DNA???

Genemap Database Query Results - Subject matches no known genetic match from S.A.M. database. INTERPOL records show two known matches. Further inquiries prevented due to Triple Black Secret Clearance information lockdown.

  • Two matches? How... How is that even possible.

Psychological Profile - Subject shows signs of narcissism normally associated with sociopathic disorders. Additional negative traits evidenced are the following - Delusion of Grandeur, Persecution Complex, Poor Impulse Control, and Exceptional Gullibility.

  • Whan have I ever been gulli - hold on... Uh oh.

Final Analysis - Subject has failed the first test. initiate self-destruct sequence.

  • [Quickly step away from the console!]

1st Dr. Graves dialogue 

Upon approach

Dr. Graves: Well, at least you're not as gullible as it would seem.
Dr. Graves: You have passed the initial test. let us talk, shall we?

After interacting with Dr. Graves

Do not congratulate yourself too quickly. That was but the first of many tests you will need to pass if you are to win the right to be our faceless master's protege.

  • What would have happened if I failed?

You would have made yourself useful in other ways. For instance, I could likely find a use for any undamaged limbs that still remained. However, there will be time to pursue that line of thinking later. In the meantime, we will need to gather the rest of the candidates so that I may explain the rules to all of you.

  • Others? Rules? I want these answers now, Graves.

My, my... rather demanding, aren't we? Allow me to point out that currently you are not in a position to make any demands. Perhaps things may change in the future, but for now, you will be following my instructions if you wish to be part of this trial. Now follow me as we gather the rest. I believe I saw Omnicore nearby.

Omnicore dialogue 

Upon approach

Omnicore: Doctor! How much longer am I to wait?
Omnicore: And who is this cretin?

After interacting with Omnicore

You are to be one of my rivals? You? If you are an indicator of the type of competition I am to expect, then it would seem this contest has ended before it even has begun.

  • And you believe I view you as a threat?

I couldn't care less what simple beliefs you hold, - what was it again - Character. The fact remains that I am by far your superior on an intellectual level, and by the looks of you, on a physical level as well. These indisputable facts are all that are important.

You may wish to spare yourself the humiliation of me besting you by just leaving - now.

  • So... You plan to beat me with pathetic, hollow threats?
Dr. Graves: Both of you - cease this bickering at once!
Zephyr: Heyyyy... Sounds like somebody's about to get in a fight.
Zephyr: You guys are totally going to fight, right?
Dr. Graves: I will not warn both of you again.
Dr. Graves: If either of you continue this arguing, I will have both of you disqualified IMMEDIATELY!
Zephyr: That sucks... I was hoping to see her pull off that torso trick.

Omnicore looks at Dr. Graves with what you believe to be glaring hatred from behind her mask. A moment later she screams in frustration, then looks back at you.

I will not let someone like you ruin my chance at gaining unimaginable power. We'll finish this at another time, Character.

  • I'm looking forward to it, Omnicore.

Omnicore jerks her face towards the direction of the newcomer, Zephyr.

And what exactly are you supposed to be? You look like the lame excuse for being a fog machine.

Zephyr: Whooooaaa... Do you have any idea who you're dealing with, you mechanical freak?
  • You should hear what I think *you* look like, Omnicore.

WHAT!? How dare you... Both of you. I will no longer tolerate this from either of you.

Omnicore glares at Dr. Graves.

I may not be allowed to kill these miscreants, but I will not lower myself to speaking with them any longer.

  • It's about time you shut up, Omnicore.

You turn around to talk with with Zephyr.

Upon leaving

Omnicore: Ugh... Both of you disgust me. I will no longer subject myself to your idiocy.
Omnicore: Doctor, come find me when this is to begin.

Zephyr dialogue 

I can't believe you let her talk to you that way and you just let her get away with it... just sayin'.

  • Who are you supposed to be?

Me? I'm Zephyr. You know, like the wind.

  • You named yourself after the wind?

No. I am the wind. You know, like the whole 'Fwoooooosh! Haha! Crashed your ship into a shoal and now you're all gonna drown! Boohoo... now cry your eyes out, you wuss.'

That kind of wind, you know?

And, man... I gotta say... that kinda thing never gets old, I'm telling you.

  • So you're telling me you're THE zephyr wind?

Uh, yeah. I thought I was pretty clear the couple first times I said it, but hey, you know, whatever. Oh yeah, and I'm also the one who's gonna kick your butt in the competition, too.

  • Wait - why is the wind - you - competing for the prize?

Meh... I got nothing else better to do, you know? Ever since mankind got all technological-like, like that robo-freak, it's hard to cause all kinds of pain and sorrow and all that junk. Stuff like making widows - or blowing down houses - or flipping up a gal's skirt.

Okay, well, I still do that one.

Anyways. So, to get to the point, one day I turned myself into -

  • I am no longer entertaining this conversation with you.
Dr. Graves: Enough of this idle chatter. We still need to gather the other two. Let us go find Dollface next.

Dollface dialogue 

Upon approach

Dollface: Um... I think I'm lost. Would someone please help me?
Dollface: This place is scary.

After interacting with Dollface

Oh! You... You're not going to hurt me, are you?

  • That depends. Are you Dollface?

Who's Doll-

Dollface stops short as she is interrupted by Dr. Graves.

Dr. Graves: This is indeed another one of your fellow competitors.


Yeah, I'm Dollface. You're one of the other contestants, I'm guessing?

  • Look, kid, this contest is for the grown-ups. Why don't you run along home.

Dollface glares at you.

Hey, pal. I'm older than I look, ok? Probably older than you, from the looks of it.

And who the heck are you anyway, turning your nose up at me, huh?

  • I am known as Character.

Hmph. Yeah, I can see you calling yourself that. So what makes you so special that you think you can beat someone like me? Do you shoot frogs from your eyes or something?

  • I have no desire to reveal my powers to you.

Okay, okay! Calm down. I was just asking because I wanted to know if I was going to get grossed out if I ever have to fight against you. First of all, it's not nice to hit a girl. But if you're going to start throwing pukes at people or growing spikes from your body... well, I just don't want to see that kind of thing, okay?

  • Then how do you expect to win?

Oh, that's easy! I'm going to convince everyone that I'm the best for the job. I'm very talented at what I do. I wouldn't say I'm the best at what I do, but I'm pretty darn good at it. And if that doesn't work, then maybe I'll just stab you in the neck or something.

...tee hee...

I'm just kidding. But you got real scared, didn't you? Didn't they, Mr. Doctor? They got so scared they were going to run away!

Just like how you're scared you're going to run away right now.

Like now.

  • I doubt the Doctor is going to listen to -
Dr. Graves: Um... I'm... I have to leave you all... I, um, have to go find Crosscut...

...tee hee...

He is so silly, and a very nice man. And he listens really well, too.

Really well.

Don't worry, though, I don't know you guys well enough yet. I don't know what you like to hear. But maybe I will one day, you know?

And then we can have a real fun time playing together.

  • What did you just do to him?

What? Little old me, do something?

...tee hee...

All I did was suggest to him that he had a better place to be. And I guess I was right, huh? It's a coincidence, you know?

  • Sure it was. A coincidence...

Dr. Graves said there was another person, too? Maybe we should go find them. What was it, Cross-slice or something like that?

Dollface looks right into your eyes.

I think it would be fun if we all went and looked for that guy, don't you agree?

  • Yeah... I think I would be... A lot of fun...

Crosscut dialogue 

Upon approach

Crosscut: Ding-a-ling-ling! DING-A-LING-LING!
Crosscut: Look at what I've done...
Crosscut: I brought us all some presents...

After defeating the Longbow Intervention team

Crosscut: Well now... Who wants the dark meat?
Crosscut: Now now... Don't all speak up at once...
Dr. Graves: I see you've met our final contestant.

After interacting with Dollface

So... Any preferences to the type of cut? A rump-roast perhaps? Or perhaps some ribs...?

  • You're... going to eat them?

That would be a waste of such interesting textures, wouldn't you agree? No no... I have something else in mind.

Crosscut stares at you with a gargoyle-like gaze for a moment

Did you know you have very pretty eyes?

  • What? What makes you say that?

I was wondering...

I was wondering if I could have them...

  • Over my dead body.

Oh, you are so kind...

Dr. Graves: I shall now explain to you all the rules of the contest.
  • Yeah, ok. We're done.

2nd Dr. Graves dialogue 

Dr. Graves speaks to all of you.

Now that I have all of you assembled - save for Omnicore - it is time for the proceedings to begin. I am sure each of you have many questions -

  • Yes, and it's time we get some answers, Graves.

You're impertinence has been noted, Character.

Now then. Each of you will be given a trial to test the strength of your powers. More important will be how you use them and on whom.

Throughout these trials, your faceless benefactor shall be watching you - and judging you. Once each of you have completed your test, we shall then move onto the true competition.

For now, concern yourself with only how you can show that you are superior to your rivals.

  • I can kill them all right now if you'd like. Will that work?

No, Character, that will not work. All of you are prevented from killing each other upon threat of immediate disqualification and proceeding termination. I would suggest that you all abide by this rule.

Another important thing to note... The one hosting this contest - the very same person who will grant you untold powers - does not wish to be identified until the winner has been chosen. Thus, this tournament is unsanctioned by Arachnos.

If any of you speak of this to anyone, you will not only be discredited, but will forever be known as a 'snitch'. This, my friends, can in itself be a fate worse than death here within the Rogue Isles.

You will await further instructions as the trials are being prepared. Now go.

  • I'll see you soon, Graves.


I hope you paid attention to the rules, Character. They are quite important. I am giving you my contact information so that you can learn when your trial is to begin.

Oh, and another thing. Good luck... You'll need it.

Avert Arachnos attention

Undisciplined Disciple


Character. Before this first round of the competition begins, we must be certain that the ever present grasp of Arachnos has not taken notice of our... festivities. Thus, I have assigned each of you the task of reducing your profile - your importance, if you will - in the eyes of those who govern the pecking order in the Rogue Isles.

In other words, make the Arbiters believe you're not someone worth paying attention to for the time being.

Mission Acceptance

You have most likely already spoken with the arbiters that grant you permission to increase your powers. Although they appear to regard you as just one of the teeming throng that litters the streets of Mercy Island, this is not truly the case. I would suspect they have already taken a silent interest towards your activities, making your movements not as slight as you may believe.

You will need to make them think you're not worth considering for the time being. As part of your challenge, I will leave the details up to you. However, if I were to offer a suggestion, perhaps you may want to convince them that you're woefully inexperienced.

Dr. Graves pauses for a moment as he reads your face.

In other words, tell them you're a 'noob'.

Talk to Arbiter Richards in Mercy Island
Arbiter Richards dialogue 

What is it that you want, citizen? I am not required to speak with you unless you feel you need training. Out with it already!

  • So, umm... You're a trainer, right?

What kind of foolish question is that? Of course I'm a trainer!

Arbiter Richards stares at you with extreme annoyance.

Hold on a moment... You're Character, are you not? You've already been granted the right to increase your powers several times now. As a matter of fact, I believe I may even have granted you that right personally. What is this all about?

  • I don't remember... I think I may have been, um, mindwiped.

Mindwiped? I'm unaware of any local individual who has been authorized use of those powers, let alone deign to use them on you. Now speak up! Who was it that mindwiped you?

  • I don't remember. I was mindwiped, remember?

How convenient. Alright then. I'll play along... For now.

Arbiter Richards glares at you.

To answer your original question, yes... I'm a trainer. An arbiter, to be exact. You will come to me when you feel you can demonstrate increased powers through undertaking tasks that please Arachnos and Lord Recluse. If you can exhibit enough gained experience I, or another Arbiter, may judge you worthy of the privilege of increasing your powers.

  • I forgot what experience means.

WHAT?! How could you forget something as simple as that? Experience is gained by combating those that Arachnos deems an enemy. Or by undertaking special missions, as well. Only a simpleton would ask such a ridiculous question!

...oh yes... I forget...

You've been mindwiped.

  • Oh no! Maybe you've been mindwiped, too?


Arbiter Richards viciously snarls as if he is seriously considering striking you. After a deep breath, he regains his composure.

I have an idea... let me help you, Character. I want you to go to speak with Arbiter Unger in Port Oakes. I'm quite certain that he will be more than happy to answer any and every question you have for him. Please be sure to ask him, oh I don't know, any little thing you're even the slightest bit curious about. Perhaps you would like to know why the sky is blue? Well then, you be sure to ask, alright? That'll be fun, won't it?

Travel south beyond the wall until you arrive at the Ferry at which point you can take it to Port Oakes West. Now... leave my presence...


  • Thank you so much for your help, Arbiter. Have a nice day!

Trainers are capable of helping your character grow stronger. Whenever you gain enough experience to Level Up, a flashing arrow will appear near your Experience Bar. When you see this arrow, speak with a trainer!

Depending on your character's level, Trainers can allow you to learn new Powers, or can help you add Enhancement Slots to Powers you already have.

Visiting Trainers every time you Level Up is an essential part of your character's growth - remember to train whenever you get the chance!

Unnecessary Solicitation

Missing Unnecessary Solicitation Dialogue

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go take a ride on the Ferry to Port Oakes West
    • Use your map to locate the Rogue Island Ferry

You've reached the Rogue Island Ferry leading out of Mercy Island. Take a trip to Port Oakes West and find Arbiter Unger in the Arena District.

Talk to Arbiter Unger
Arbiter Unger dialogue 

Citizen. If you are standing before me, that must only mean you are claiming your right to increase your powers? You in no way would be here to waste my time, am I right? I mean...

That would be quite dangerous, wouldn't you agree?

  • Actually, Arbiter Richards directed me to you.

Oh he did now, did he? What is it that you need from me that he could not deal with himself?

  • I wanted to know how the Ferries worked.

You wanted to know how the ferries work...

And he sent you to me. To ask me 'how the ferries' work.

Let me make sure I understand this correctly. Arbiter Richards, rather than answering this pathetic question himself, sent you to ME. And he very specifically said, to you, that you were to speak to Arbiter Unger... am I understanding this right?

  • No sir... He said 'speak to that brown-nosing Unger'.

...Brown.... nosing?...

Arbiter Unger clenches his teeth.

I see. Very well. I'll answer your question, citizen.

The ferries are but one means of transportation throughout the islands that make up the Rogue Isles. By the grace of Lord Recluse, these ferries are free to use and will take you to a number of different ports. You can use them any time you wish, reducing the time it would take to travel there through conventional means.

Know this. Although Arachnos has provided you the means of transportation, we do not provide you protection in your journeys. If you wander into a neighborhood with individuals far more powerful than you, your body will be unceremoniously dumped into the ocean.

Similar to what I have in mind for Richard when I next see him?

  • You're going to kill him? Are Arbiters allowed to do that?

What? Oh no, you mistake me. I would never lay a hand upon one of my fellow Arbiters, even a buffoon the likes of Richard.

However, I understand he is still dealing with the problem of a corrupt police force within his purview. Were the Rogue Island Police force to start winding up in the hospital after a spate of mysterious attacks... well, I'm quite certain their Police Chief will want answers from Richard personally...

And when that's all done, I'd be curious to see whose nose is browner.

Now then... I've answered your question. Unless you have real business with me, I would suggest that you go about your day - somewhere - else.

  • I understand. I'll be on my way now.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Assault the corrupt cops in Mercy Island
    • Defeat 10 Rogue Island Policemen

You have successfully beaten down enough cops to keep the Arbiters busy for a while. Now it is time to inform Dr. Graves of your success.

The Rogue Isles Ferry is the best method for Villains to move about the Rogue Isles. Each Ferry leads to every other City Zone that also has a Ferry. Note that some zones also have a Black Helicopter. Like the Ferry, the Black Helicopter is a good way to quickly reach any zone with its own Black Helicopter.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Although your idea is rather effective, this is not what you've been instructed to do. However, if you insist, I will not get in your way of inflicting grevious bodily harm upon those hypocritical authoritanians. You should find more than enough of them at Darwin's Landing or in Mercy City.


I'm not sure what was going through your head when you decided to raise the ire of the Rogue Island Police, Character. This runs directly counter-intuitive from your directions to reduce your profile.

You have, however, managed to keep the eyes of the police off of our activities; perhaps even Arachnos, themselves. Because of this, I will not request that our faceless benefactor disqualifies you... this time.

Beat the other Contestants!

Skeletons in Your Warehouse


It is now time for the trials to begin. This shall be the first of several competitive events that you will be used to gauge your strengths, and potentially cull the weak. Let us hope for your sake that you are not the first to be culled.

Mission Acceptance

While you and the rest were avoiding the eye of Arachnos, I have put into motion all of the situations you will encounter and be judged by. You and the others will return to the impromptu training-grounds and utilize the registration terminal to begin the competition. The first to the finish line will be determined as the winner of Round One.

Oh, and you may wish to hurry. For you see, the competition has already begun...

Unnecessary Solicitation

I would highly suggest that you graced us with your presence in the Trial Ground, Character. The longer you wait, the more you have given your fellow competitors that much more headway towards the finish line.

Mission Objective(s)

You can hear various yells and explosion sounds coming from deeper inside the building. It looks like you may have gotten here too late!

  • Beat the other Contestants!
    • Register at the Terminal
    • Trick Zephyr into following you!
    • Stop Crosscut from getting ahead of you!
    • Trick Crosscut into following you!
    • Get the Intercom Override controls
    • Fight the Skull blockade
    • Find the Marker before the others do!
    • Talk to Dr. Graves
    • QUICKLY! Use the Marker!!!
    • Deal with the angry Skulls!

You made it to the Marker before anyone else did!

Well, officially, that is... and that's all that counts now, isn't it?



Notable NPCs

Skull dialgues 

Upon entering the mission

Skull Opportunist: So alls I gotta do is beat up one of these supers and I'll get the cash?
Skull Opportunist: Oh yeah... here's another one now!

Skulls fighting Crosscut

Crosscut: You know, I could help you make that skull-look happen for real.
Skull Opportunist: Is this guy for real? Okay, you are starting to freak me out...
Crosscut: Oh, the scaredy-gust and Character.
Skull Opportunist: Oh yeeeeeahh! More capes means more money!
Crosscut: Oh, where are my manners? Skulls, Character. Character, Skulls.
Crosscut: Please, don't let me interrupt while you guys are getting to know each other...

Skulls blocking the way

Skull Opportunist: These guys ain't gonna get past us.
Skull Opportunist: Heads up, boys! Once these capes are down, we'll split the moeny fair and square!

After interacting with the final terminal

Skull Opportunist Leader: We have been doublecrossed!
Skull Opportunist Leader: We want our money, you zombie freak!
Skull Opportunist Leader: AND the cars!
Skull Opportunist Leader: We ain't goin' anywhere until we get it!

Interaction with Trial Marker 

The console screen reads as follows:

All candidates will register. Upon registration, the rules of the contest shall be provided.

The candidates will remains till for retinal scan.

  • Await retinal scan.

From the top of the terminal, a device emeres that appears to be a robotic hand with a cylindrical end point. A small hole is in the end of the cylinder which emits a small laser-dot. The robotic hand scans the dot up your face, reaching the bridge of your eyes... and keeps moving upwards past your eyes until resting directly in the center of your forehead.

  • Quickly move away from the laser!

You deftly move out of the way of the dot.

A split second later, they cylinder erupts forward a deadly laser blast where a moment earlier your head was. Upon the screen lists the words:

Analyzing Reaction Patterns

Dodge Rating: 0.32

Complacency Rating: 1.25

Submissiveness Rating: 5

Identity Confirmed: Character.

  • Submissiveness Rating of 5? Is that good or bad?!

Candidate Registration Accepted

Message from Dr. Tedd Graves directed to Character:

Character, once again you have managed to survive this test. However, as before, do not laud yourself in victory laurels just yet. From this moment forward your task will be to reach the corresponding terminal found hidden within this compound. Once you have done so, you will enter the following code - Omega Zero Terminus.

  • Memorize the code.

The trial will be judges by our benefactor through hidden eyes. You will be judged not only ny what place you reach the end, but also by what means you take to reach the end.

One final note: You are still under restrictions that prevent you from killing your fellow contestants. 'Accidents' will be fully investigated, and the perpetrator of those actions will be disqualified immediately with extreme prejudice.

  • Look for the other terminal before anyone else does!

Zephyr dialogue 

Upon arrival

Zephyr: Whoahhh!!! That zombie dude has thrown skeletons at us!
Zephyr: Like, walking skeletons that are wearing, like, skin!

Upon interaction

Why did it have to be skeletons? I haaaaaate skeletons!!!

Ummm... can I stick around near you?

  • You can't be serious, Zephyr. They're not even really skeletons, you know.

I don't care, man! When I, uh, made my, um, first body - yeah, that's it - I, uh, forgot to make a skeleton for it, right? So then I -- don't laugh at me!

Crosscut laughed at me and, man, I tell you... that was even creepier than these skeleton guys!

  • You're seriously afraid of skeletons? That is the most ridiculous thi --

Look, man. If you keep making fun of me for that, I'll go back and hang out next to Crosscut. But since he's further ahead of you, it looks like you'll have to beat BOTH of us, okay?

On the other hand, you can shut up with the mocking and I'll chill out with you... giving you a better chance of winning this round... see where I'm going with this?

  • Hmmm... very well. You say Crosscut was up ahead?

Yeah, he was just around the corner fighting some of those skeleton dudes. He didn't really seem like he was in a rush, though. To be honest, I think he was more interested in playing with them than actually winning this round.

  • Then I'll encourage him to keep up the good work...

Crosscut dialogue 

After defeating the Skulls

Crosscut: How disappointing...
Crosscut: I was hoping these ones would have lasted longer...

Upon interaction

I have been trying to get them to say trick or treat for the past hour, and not one of these little spookies will play along.

Now what ever I am to do with my little trick I had planned for them?

  • I'm afraid to ask, but what was this trick?

I have this earpiece that lets me talk over the unused intercom system. It's like the little bird that sits on your windowsill that you tell all of your secrets to.

But this little bird tells your secrets to everyone here. My trick was to tell everyone my secrets... some of my dirty, dirty secrets...

Can I tell you my secrets, Character? Oh please... let me breathe my secrets into your ear...

  • If you give me the earpiece and tell me how to use it, I'll think about it.

Ohhh... I will like telling them to you. Just me and you... alone... sharing my secrets with you...

Here is the earpiece. All you do is say your secrets into the mic. Then, when you think it's the perfect time to drip your secrets inside everyone, you just say - 'Open Wide'. You will first need to override the system, but that should be easy enough.

Now... let me think... what secrets should I tell you? Maybe I'll tell you about the bad things I've done with seta belts? or with the doggy door? Ah... the retirement party... I've never told anyone where all of the went... yesssss... that one...

  • I said MAYBE I'll let you! Remember that, Crosscut!

After hacking the Intercom Override controls

Omnicore, after hearing the message

Omnicore: I do not know what you did to make this happen, Character...
Omnicore: But when I find out, I will have you disqualified, then...
Omnicore: I will kill you.

Dr. Graves & Dollface dialogue 

Upon approach

Dr. Graves: I am perplexed as to where that message came from.
Dollface: Do you think Omnicore will listen to that message?
Dr. Graves: Well, it seems all of the other contestants have finally made it to the end.
Dr. Graves: However, you're all too late...
Dollface: Ooooh! That's everyone else, and I got here first!

Upon interaction

I am here to confirm the winner of this first round, and as you are able to see, Dollface has beaten each of you to the finish line. All that is left is for the winner to register their name in the Endpoint Marker--

  • Stop right there!

I do not know what you mean accomplish by delaying the inevitable, Character, but Dollface is clearly the winner. If you attempt to stop her by force, I will respond ind kind and disqualify you from the contest.

  • I know the rules, Graves. I just wanted to congratulate her by saying 'open wide'.

Open wide? What foolish nonsense is--

Dr. Graves looks into the direction of the speakers

  • Sorry, but it's a secret.

Dollface, after hearing the message

Dollface: How interesting...
Dollface: Winner? That's ME!!!
Dollface: I'm going to go get ALL of my new cars!

Dr. Graves quickly looks at Dollface.

  • Wow... looks like you get a lot of cars, Dollface! You'd better hurry and get them!

I had no involvement with that message in any way or form!

Dr. Graves turns his eyes upon you.

However, I have a good mind as to who might be responsible for that highly coincidental announcement.

  • I'd love to hear your thoughts. But first, I'm going to win.

Interaction with Final Checkpoint Marker 

The terminal has only one line blinking on the screen.

Enter Victory Code.

  • TYPE: Omega Zero Terminus

The screen pauses for a moment then displays the following:

Round One Victor:


  • Looks like the round is over, Graves.


To say that I am infuriated by the manner in which you stole the victory from under the clear winner is... well, we'kk just say that's an understatement.

I was looking forward to the look on your face when I told you that you had been disqualified.


However, it would seem our benefactor has deemed your actions withing bounds of the contest. Therefore, as much as it pains me to say - you have officially won the first round, Character

Learn of your competitor's plans

Villain without a plan


You are blessed with a luck like no other, you know that Character? Were it not for the intervention of our faceless benefactor, I would have isqualified you for the manner in whcich you stole your victory. However, since it was deemed alright by the one patronizing these proceedings, I must award you the winner's spot in the first round.

That may not be to your liking, as you shall soon see. Let us now move to the next trial, shall we?

Mission Acceptance

How fitting you say that, for that is almost precisely what you will be experiencing. You see, being the winner in the first round puts you in a rather undesirable position. The next round of the contest will require you to pull off an act of mayhem and discord by your own design. The loser of the last round has been given the opportunity to stake claim to a location where they will perform their deed... first.

You, being the winner, will get to pick last.

However, I am giving you the list of where the others have chosen to undertake their plans, which our benefactor has provided as your 'prize' for winning the first round. Perhaps you can glean some insight from them that will help your own plan to outdo theirs. Now go.

Talk to Crosscut

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Hospital and talk with Crosscut

Unnecessary Solicitation

Crosscut indicated he will be near the hospital. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Crosscut conversation 

Ahhh... my pleasently plump friend.

Do you know how happy I am to see you here?

You being so very alone.

And with that beautiful, lost look in your eyes.

  • Don't even think of it, Crosscut.

Oh, I hate to disappoint you, but I already did. I've been thinking about it all day. I do so think about it all the time, to be precise.

Crosscut gazes at you from behind his mask.

Can you see the smile it gives me? It's so, so big...

Why, it would take up your whole neck to make you smile that big, now wouldnÄt it?

  • Try it and I'll --

You'll scream? You were going to say scream, right? Oh please please please tell me you said you would scream.

My last plaything here in the Hospital wouldn't scream for me and that made me so, so very sad. If you would be so kind to put a smile on my face, Character, and I'll be very happy to do the same for you...

  • Wait, you're attacking people here? Here in the Hospital?

Of course! Where else can you find a palce where your broken toys are fixed over and over? You can make a cut, and another, and another and another and another and another... until all of those little tendons finally snap.

And then -- 'tada'! All back together, right as rain as my dear old mother would say.

Maybe if I take enough pictures for my photo album, our patron will smile, too!

  • You're planning on brutalizing hospital patients to win this round?

Oh... there is that, too, now that you mention it...

  • ...Alright then. I'll leave you to your... games.

Talk to Dollface

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Arachnos Training Grounds and talk with Dollface

Unnecessary Solicitation

Dollface indicated she will be near the landing that Arachnos uses for training drills. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Dollface conversation 

Oh! It's the bad person who LIED and stole my win!!! You know, just for that I should tell these nice Arachnos people that you kick puppies.

And old ladies crossing the street.

How would you feel if I lied like that, huh?

  • You shouldn't be so gullible, Dollface.

OH YEAH!? Well... Well, maybe YOU'RE the one who's gullible. Ever think about that?!

Yeah, I didn't think so!

  • Dollface, you're just being juvenile now. Accept your defeat already.

Juvenile? I don't even know what that word MEANS! You think you can outsmart me with your big, fancy vocabulary, huh? That's it! I'm changing my plan now.

I WAS going to walk up to these administrators and tell them it would be a good idea to give me my very own Arachnos Flyer. But you know what? Now I'm going to... um...

I'm going to... uh...

Oh, I know... I'm going to tell them you tried to... to STEAL my purse! Yeah! And then you're in biiiiiig trouble!

  • Is that so? You know what they'll say if you tell them that, right?

Yes, I know EXACTLY what they'll say. They'll say, 'Miss Dollface, we'll send a whole army of cops and find that Character!'.

Uh... Then they'll give me a reward for bringing a mugger to justice. And they will be a... uh... parade, right? For me?

  • No. They'll throw you in the ocean for not defending yourself. Only the strong survive here.

Dollface looks at you in horror.

Oh no... Really? Oh, that's terrible! I don't like swimming, what with all those slimy fishies taking baths in the ocean...

Fine... Then I'll let you win. But I'm still going to fly a helicopter AND win this time around. And - you - can't - stop - me!

  • You go knock yourself out with that.

Talk to Zephyr

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Docks and talk with Zephyr

Unnecessary Solicitation

Zephyr indicated he will be near the Docks. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Zephyr conversation 

Oh hey. What's up, Character. Nice moves back there in the trial. You so stole that win! Even though you totally punked me, it's all good. I can appreciate a cool move.

  • Well, good to know you're not planning revenge.

Naw, not really. I'm still gonna win, but I got no beef with you. Plus it's getting really boring standing around here waiting for these guys to set sail. I'm talking the big one. All those tiny communter ferries ain't gonna do it for me.

  • Do what for you?

Sinking them. If you've only got a couple dudes on board, what's the point, you know? A good sinking needs to have, like, a TON of dudes for it to be fun and all.

Now that I think about it, I'm thinking I'll blow these dudes all the way to the north pole and get 'em all stuck in the ice! I think I'll do it by sucking in alot of --

  • I don't want to hear what you're next going to say.

Whoahhh... Chill. I don't know where you think I was going with that, but it was probably a lot more exciting than what I was going to say. So look, are you gonna work on your master plan for the contest or something?

I mean, it's all super cool hanging out with you, you know, getting to know you and all --


Sorry, what I meant to say was that you're, like, super boring and are totally harshing on my grooves.

Plus you're scaring away the ladies.

  • I'll be happy to leave you alone.

Talk to Omnicore

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the Black Market and talk with Omnicore

Unnecessary Solicitation

Omnicore indicated she will be near the Black Market. That is all I am allowed to offer.

Omnicore conversation 

Why are you bothering me, Character? Are you here to interfere with my plan the way you stole the first round away from Dollface?

  • No, I'm not worried about you winning.

Well then you are an overconfident fool! I should be the highest on your list of concerns. When I'm done with my master plan, it will be quite obvious to everyone that only I deserve to rule by the side of our hidden patron!

  • You think your silly plan will work?

Only the fool laughs in the face of defeat, Character. You don't even know my plan, yet you already feel you have won. You may have won the first round through deceit, but I will win the next round through superior intellect and careful planning!

  • And skulking around in an alleyway like common trash, right?

I will not SUFFER YOUR INSULTS, Character. I am neither skulking nor am I associating with the vermin that crawls within these walls. I am waiting for the perfect moment to strike at these smugglers of contraband. Contraband that will fetch a very high value once I seize it from their grubby hands!

And when I have won the contest, I will allow you to come begging on hand and knee for the scraps taht are beneath my notice.

And I will deny you even that!

  • You're seriously planning on attacking the entire Black Market?

No, Character. I have already begun doing so even before you swaggered up to me. What I'm doing now is waiting for my homing devices to show me the whereabouts of their wealthiest distributors and hold them at ransom. Once done... I shall BUY the Black Market's inventory and then sell it for a price that pleases me.

You do not possess the technological superiority to pull off a plan such as I have, Character. You should spend time within Aeon's foolish video game he calls Architect Entertainment. Maybe in a hundred years, you might come up with something one-tenth as cunning as I have.

Who am I kidding? You'll be in one of Longbow's holding cells within days of me defeating you in this contest.

Believe me... I'll see that it happens.

  • Sound and fury, Omnicore. We'll see if you can back it up.

Visit the Architect Entertainment building

Mission Objective(s)

  • Go to the AE Building and try to formulate a plan
    • Travel to the AE Building

You scan the Architect building for inspiration, but find the possibilities to be lacking. However, Omnicore has given you have a much better idea...
You're going straight for Longbow -- In their own base!

Day Job Locations
Day Job Locations are places where you can recieve bonuses based on the amount of time your character spends offline. If you log off in a Day Job Location, you will begin to accure a Day Job Bonus associated with that location. Each Day Job Bonus only lasts a limited amount of time, based on how long your character was offline in the related Day Job Location.

Below are some example Day Jobs:

Hospital: Grants an out-of-combat Regeneration bonus.

Arachnos Base: Grants an Experience bonus for each completed mission.

Docks: Grants a bonus Enhancement reward for each completed mission.

Black Market: Grants a Temporary Power that allows you to teleport to the Black Market.

Architect Entertainment: Grants bonus Architect Tickets for each completed Architect mission.

Debriefing Now that you've staked out the AE building, it is time to put together your plan. I would expect --

What is that? A Longbow base?! You must be stark raving mad to do something...

No, no... I mispoke.

That is a WONDERFUL idea.

Blow up the Longbow Base!

Longbow Goes Boom