Penelope Yin

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Revision as of 18:00, 14 October 2006 by imported>StarGeek (adding first mission (Help Doc Delilah), *sigh* Even the wonderful Doc D. couldn't stand up to the hordes of Vahz sent at me.)
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Penelope Yin is a hero contact in Faultline. Her level range is 15-19.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

I know you met Doc Delilah already. She is totally amazing. She's smart, she's super-strong, and, well, she's enough to give a normal girl a complex. But she's really nice, too. She came out here because she wanted to explore the old hero bases and dig up, like, history and stuff. Anyway, she said she wanted to talk to you about something important.

Cool. I know that she thinks she found something big, but she's really gonna need help, I can feel it.


Trouble-prone Teenager

The daughter of Wu Yin, owner of Yin's Market, Penelope Yin is a normal girl with a penchant for having strange things occur around her. Many of the heroes who had their bases in Overbrook prior to it's destruction had tales of strange things happening shortly after 'Perilous Penelope' swooped by on her scooter to drop off a delivery from her father's store. Now that the city has begun reconstruction in Faultline, Penelope returned with her father to help re-open Yin's Market. Shortly after their arrival, the local Clockwork began to protect Penelope from danger. No one knows why the Clockwork keep their silent vigil over her safety, and the Clockwork King has issued no announcements on the subject.

Initial Contact

Oh, man, did Jimmy Temblor send you? He and Ann, err, 'Fusionette' have been treating me like a little sister since before...


Um, actually, I kinda could use some help. Well, not me, I mean. It's just that my Dad, he's been kidnapped!

Story Arc

Template:Souvenir Yin's market super-saver card

Help Doc Delilah


My Dad and I were both kidnapped from the store. I got away because the Clockwork helped me, but the Lost, they still have my Dad. I'm so worried about him, it hurts. I tried looking on my own, but if it weren't for the Clockwork, the Lost would have caught me. So I've been asking for help. I just got a call from Doctor Delilah Stein that she may have found something, but her call go cut off, and I know she's in trouble. Could you help her?

You are so awesome! Doc Delilah used to be a hero, too, but she's like, an archaeologist now. She's digging all around here looking for stuff, so she's been everywhere and talked to a lot of people. I asked her to keep an eye out for anything about my Dad, just in case. So of course, she gets cornered by some Vahzilok somewhere without cell reception. She's okay right now, but those Vahzilok guys are really scary. You better get her out of there.

Mission Objective(s)

Many old hero bases were lost when Faultline destroyed Overbrook. If Penelope's right, Dr. Stein was investigating one when the Vahzilok arrived.

  • Rescue Doc Delilah
    • Lead Doc Delilah out

Icon clue generic.png
Supergroup database
This is some old data from one of the ruined superhero bases scattered throughout Faultline. It clearly shows that Bill Temblor, the secret identity of the villain Faultline, had a cover job where he worked with numerous heroes as an advisor on scientific and mutant investigations. Investigations where he often ended up foiling his supposed villainous co-conspirators like the Demon Digger and Psicurse. Apparently, Bill Temblor was such a good friend to the city's heroes that there are records of heroes taking care of his son, Jim. It doesn't seem to match the maniac who destroyed Overbrook at all.

Notable NPCs


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Jim Temblor

Debriefing Jim Temblor

Doc Delilah found this? Weird. I remember this. I remember all of this. I remember my dad working with heroes, I remember being in hero bases. I don't remember him ever building an earthquake machine, and without Mom around I was almost always with him. This is how I reember it. But how can that be?

Oh, wait, that's my phone.

Hey, Penny.



Yeah, Ann and I will be by later. Ok, bye.

That was Penelope. She Says that Doc Delilah told her something major. She wants to see you.

Debriefing (Success)

Missing Debriefing

Debriefing (Failure)

Hey! I totally owe you for all this, but it was really worth it. Doc Delilah had some big news. But I think I'm going to have to ask for your help again, if that's ok?

You're the best! I know you'll find my dad!



Mission Objective(s)

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Notable NPCs



Mission name


Mission Objective(s)

Icon clue generic.png

Notable NPCs


Temporary Power:

(Info on how/when you get temp power plus link)

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