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{{NPC Text|type=hero|title=Null the Gull Dialogue|text=
{{NPC Text|type=hero|title=Null the Gull Dialogue|text=
Whoah, girl... What am I doing here? Wait... Don't tell me. I'm Null the Gull (tm), a seagull with reality-altering powers, I should be able to figure this one out.
Whoah, guy/girl... What am I doing here? Wait... Don't tell me. I'm Null the Gull (tm), a seagull with reality-altering powers, I should be able to figure this one out.

''(Null the Gull pauses for a moment.)''
''(Null the Gull pauses for a moment.)''

Revision as of 01:24, 3 July 2011


Null the Gull

Null the Gull is an NPC in Pocket D where players can go to accept or deny several team buffs and travel powers, and also to see progress on the Dimensional Warder Badge. He is located on the "villain side", on top of a box van, at coordinates (-168, 12, -864).

Reality Altering Powers

As of Issue 20.5: Incarnates Ascend, Null the Gull is located in Pocket D, and is now the contact at which a player can change details on several powers. Null has several screens of dialogue, all leading to his "reality-altering powers":

Zwillinger posted about the reason for using a fourth-wall-breaking contact about functions that would be better placed in the Options Window:

I'm sure that Black Scorpion can confirm this, but to answer the question as to why Null's wonderful reality bending capabilities are not put into a UI/Options window: UI work takes a significant amount of time. Creating an NPC that offers these toggles takes significantly less time.
It is possible that at a later date these toggles could be turned into options menu item, however it's not within scope at this time. Why not wait until later to add it when we do have time on the schedule to make pretty UI options? Remember, Null is being added as a response to players concerns regarding the AoE buffs QOL improvement.

Note: Null is in the class of contact that will not talk to characters who are in an active Task Force.

Options Dialogue

Null the Gull Dialogue 

Whoah, guy/girl... What am I doing here? Wait... Don't tell me. I'm Null the Gull (tm), a seagull with reality-altering powers, I should be able to figure this one out.

(Null the Gull pauses for a moment.)

I've got it! This must be exactly where I'm supposed to be. Am I right, or am I right?

  • Uh... / or / I guess. (Same dialogue results)
I suppose you don't really care who I am. I seem to know an awful lot about you though. For starters, you're quite obviously insane, talking to a seagull and all, but I'll overlook all that and gladly share with you my fantastic reality-altering powers! At least until the System discovers I've Gone Rogue (tm) and tracks me down, that is.
  • Tell me more about these powers. (OPTIONS LIST)
  • The System?
You don't think I got this name because I come from a land of magical talking gulls, do you? You know... the System? Wink wink nudge wink and all that.
  • So tell me about those powers. (OPTIONS LIST)
  • Who are you?
(Null the Gull takes a deep breath.)
Well, I'm a talking seagull, for starters. I also have fantastic reality-altering powers! Powers I will gladly employ to making your life that much more quality. Or qualifying your living. Or... well it will come to me some day, I'm sure.
  • Tell me more about these powers. (OPTIONS LIST)
  • What can you do? (OPTIONS LIST)

Options List 

I'm still getting used to this multiverse, you'll have to be a little patient. Ok... Summoning up my fantastic reality-altering powers (tm) now.

It appears that as of now, I can:

Alter how speed buffs/debuffs from other friendly players affect you.
Alter how group travel powers affect you.
Change whether or not you are asked to confirm Mystic Fortune.
Show your progress towards the Dimensional Warder badge.


And that's all for now. Not that I supposed you're interested in that in the slightest, I'm sure.

  • Could you alter how speed buffs/debuffs affect me?
Ok, here's the deal. Don't spread this around, but via my fantastic reality-altering powers, I can cause you to be unaffected by buffs and debuffs to your movement speed from some powers which can be used on you by other players. This means you'll get the other benefits of those powers, but that your running, jumping, flying speed and such will be unaffected. Course, I can't really tell if you're the one using the power or someone else is, so you'll just have to go with the flow. And I won't touch things like Sprint or Super Speed or Flight or Reverse Radial Umbral Rotation or what have you, just what I mention below. So if this appeals to you, just say the word.
If you select this option, your run, jump, and flight speed will be unaffected by the powers Speed Boost, Increase Density, Inertial Reduction, Enforced Morale, and Accelerate Metabolism. The other components of those powers will still affect you. Other powers such as Sprint and Super Speed will be unaffected by this setting. You can reverse this setting at any time by returning to Null the Gull.
  • Could you alter how group travel powers affect me?
Sure, I understand that sometimes you don't want to move with the flock. Be a rebel, and all that. Are we talking about Group Fly or Team Teleport here?
  • Group Fly
If you like, I can make you immune to Group Fly. You'll be able to keep your feet on the ground no matter what. If you change your mind later, come back and I can reverse it as well.
If you select this option, you will be unaffected by the powers Group Fly and Group Energy Flight, even if you use those powers yourself. Your pets and minions will still be affected by those powers. Other flight powers such as Fly and Bright Nova will be unaffected by this setting. You can reverse this setting at any time by returning to Null the Gull.
  • Team Teleport
If you like, I can make you immune to Team Teleport. You'll be able to remain anchored in space. If you change your mind later, come back and I can reverse it as well.
If you select this option, you will be unaffected by the power Team Teleport, even if you use those powers yourself. Your pets and minions will still be affected by those powers. Other teleportation powers such as Teleport and Shadow Step will be unaffected by this setting. You can reverse this setting at any time by returning to Null the Gull.
  • Could you alter my Mystic Fortune preference?
So right now, everytime someone uses the power Mystic Fortune on you, you're asked whether or not you want your fortune read. If you have a consistent preference, I can spread the word: you can choose to always accept Mystic Fortune or always deny Mystic Fortune (meaning no one can use it on you). Should you change your mind, I can change your preference later.
Choosing to always accept Mystic Fortune means that if another player uses the power on you, it will automatically be applied without displaying the confirmation dialog. Choosing to always deny means that another player cannot use the power on you at all. You can change this setting at any time by returning to Null the Gull.
  • Could you show my Dimensional Warder progress?
Whew, there are an awful lot of Praetorians swimming about. Let's try to break this down for poor Null here. What section do you want to check?
  • Anti-Matter through Infernal / or / Malaise through Siege Same dialogue results
I know when you're trashing Praetorians it can get a little confusing who you've taken down and who you haven't. Null the Gull knows the score... Let me remind you.
(Null the Gull stares at you.)
Now... Concentrate!
  • I suddenly recall I have yet to defeat [name]. (Repeated for each archvillain a character has yet to defeat.)
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get them soon enough. (Repeated for each archvillain selected.)


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes: Rebirth. The content provided may refer to City of Heroes Freedom.
It is provided for historical purposes.

Null was a seagull inhabiting Pocket D on Virtue server from May 1st, 2011, to May 2nd, 2011. His coordinates were (-56.0, 18.0, -1076.9). He was an NPC that, when clicked on, appeared to be named "Paragonian Citizen", yet when he spoke (using random lines from actual civilian NPCs) his name appeared as "(null)." When clicked on, he told the time, e.g. "The official time is 12:00 AM." A loyal cult of followers found him and praised him as Null the Gull.

He was removed by Zwillinger on May 2nd, 8:00 PM EST. A torchlight vigil was held after his deletion.

During the Paragon Studios live UStream broadcast on May 10th, 2011, Beastyle hinted at Null's possible return.

After a lengthy visit by Beastyle to Atlas Park on Virtue, a Costume Contest was held. One of the attendees was Null, this time as a PC (an AR/Devices Blaster) named Null D. Gull. He also had a gold title, Time Telling Bird. It's unknown who was playing Null, but it's assumed to be Zwillinger, since he was known to be online at the time.
