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I know someone within Arachnos that is recruiting free agents. He is known as Operative Wellman, an ex-cop from Paragon City who despises vigilantes. He has a lot of connections, and can get you Mutant and Science Enhancements.
I know someone within Arachnos that is recruiting free agents. He is known as Operative Wellman, an ex-cop from Paragon City who despises vigilantes. He has a lot of connections, and can get you Mutant and Science Enhancements.
* [[Seer Marino]]

=== Information ===
=== Information ===

Revision as of 11:11, 7 May 2006


Picture MIA

Marshal Brass is a villain contact in Cap Au Diable.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

Wellman is efficient and ruthless, but do your job well, and you'll get good ratings with Arachnos.

I know someone within Arachnos that is recruiting free agents. He is known as Operative Wellman, an ex-cop from Paragon City who despises vigilantes. He has a lot of connections, and can get you Mutant and Science Enhancements.


Marshal Leon Brass is the head of all Arachnos military operations in Cap Au Diable. though he technically reports to Dr. Aeon, the Island's governor, Marshal Brass has a lot of power of his own. Many think that he was put in place to monitor Dr. Aeon for Arachnos, and remove him by force should the erratic scientist become a threat.



Speak with Arachnos Liason


You heard about Bloody Bay? Arachnos is recruiting villains there to fight against the heros coming in from Paragon City. Go talk with the Arachnos Warzone Liasion for Bloody Bay over in Cap Au Diable.

Mission Acceptance

The Arachnos Liason will give you an appraisal of the situation in Bloody Bay. You can then make the choice of whether you want to get involved or not.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Arachnos Liason


So how's the situation in Bloody Bay? Bloody I'm assuming.

Steal Rocket-pack from the Goldbrickers


I'm Marshal Leon Brass. I control all Arachnos operations in this Cap Au Diable, reporting to Dr. Aeon. You'd be Villain-name, right? You've tangled with my forces before, I'm sure. Don't worry about it. I don't hold grudges for that kind of thing. It's just how it is here. I've heard good things about you. That you're powerful. That you're capabale. That you don't mind getting your hands dirty. Sounds like what I need.

I have a job or two I need done by an independant contractor, and I think you could be the one. You'll be paid, but this will be kept quiet. This is not official Arachnos work. You will not officially work for me in any capacity. Arachnos troops will still consider you a valid target, and if you mess up, I wil deny any knowledge that you even exist. What I will do, is pay you for certain jobs for me. The first one will be against the Goldbrickers. The job is yours if you want it. Otherwise, walk away. Word of warning: You can take your time on the first part, but you'll only have 90 minutes for the last half. You'll get more details if you agree.

Mission Acceptance

Here's the details:

I've been wanting to see one of the Gold Brickers hoversleds up close for a long time. they resemble an old Arachnos prototype. If they're derived from that program, then we have a leak.

Your job is to steal one of the Rocket-packs, then to deliver it to Dr. Flammonds's lab for analysis. Flammond is one of ours. The Gold Brickers will try to stop you. Don't get stopped. Once you have the pack, it's security system will fuse it's inner workings solid in 90 minutes, so get it to Flammond on time.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Steal Rocket-pack from Brickers


Flammond no doubt told you what he told me. Only one who could have done it is my boss, Dr. Aeon. He's been using the Goldbrickers to carry out thefts and attacks on his own. trading them technology for their services. Using them as his own secret mercenary force. I've suspected that for a while. Dr. Aeon keeps a lot of secrets. Now I know. You also know. Technically, I should have you killed; but I appreciate good work. I also appreciate someone who can keep things quiet. If you can cover both, then I'll have another job for you.

Defeat all Wyvern in base


Aeon's connection to the Gold Brickers makes something else clear. Wyvern had been targeting them, but seemed to drop that recently. Now they're going after Arachnos, but it looks like they're searching for something. Possibly evidence of that connection. They can't be allowed to find it, and it has to be done without revealing it actually exists. That means I'll need another job done by a deniable outside contractor.

Mission Acceptance

I have no special hatred of Wyvern. They help to cull out the weaker villains. However, they've somehow gotten a lot of information on our bases recently. they're searching through our files with near impunity. This has me upset.

They triggered a false radiation alert and forced one base to evacuate. I want you to find why they targetted that base, and then find and defeat every last one of them in there. Report back to me when you're done.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Wyvern in base
  • Find Wyvern's objective


I assume you read that file? If you were an actual Arachnos Operative, I'd have to order your death for that. But you're not. In fact. there's no way of me knowing what you have or haven't read, since we don't know each other and have never met. Isn't that something?

Yeah, Dr. Aeon used to be Dr. Egon, the mad scientist. He hasn't changed much. I was one of the people who brought him in. Now you know the truth in a deniable fashion, meaning now you know enough to be helpful with a few more jobs. Aeon's always been unstable, but I'm concerned. He's working on a number of projects that might endanger the whole island. If that were to happen, they'd have my head. Literally. What do you think controls the drones?

Rescue Amanda Vines


Now you're one of the people who know about Dr. Aeon's past as Dr. Egon. In a deniable fashion, that is. Now, you can do jobs that would arouse too much suspicion in others. which is good. Because I got a lot of jobs. The first is a two-for-one. first point is Amanda Vines. She's WSPDR's star reporter. she's popular. A "crusading reporter" type. People love her. She's got a bad habit of investigating Arachnos business. Lord Recluse finds her presence useful, though. A voice of dissent makes him look more tolerant, more legitimate. And a bit of manipulation makes her very useful. That's what you're going to do. Ms. Vines has been digging into Dr. Aeon's current research. Now she's in trouble. And that's the second part. she snuck into a base where Aeon's experimenting on something. Knowing him, it's something he shouldn't be experimenting on. I want you to find her, find out what Aeon's working on, and find out what she's learned.

Mission Acceptance

Aeon keeps a lot of secrets, even from me. If I'm to look after Arachnos's interests, I need to know them. Vines is an expert at finding out secrets, and she's been after Dr. Aeon hard the last few weeks. I want to know what she knows. Don't hurt her, though. Like I said, Lord Recluse likes to have her around. Oh, and there's one more thing. You remember Professor Echo? He might be after Vines, too. Make sure he doesn't get her.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover Amanda Vines
  • Find Professor Echo


Aeon's working on the Shivans, and Vines suspects Aeon's real identity. The first part is a surprise. The Shivans are supposed to be isolated in Bloody Bay. He could get in a lot of trouble for that. Good. I had suspected she might have started to figure out Aeon's real story. Don't know how close she is, though. I also didn't expect her to be looking into the Power Transfer System. That's very interesting. Dr. Aeon keeps the PTS under very close watch. even I don't know all the specifics. Maybe it's time to learn more.

Kidnap Aeon's Workers


Opportunity is a funny thing. I was just talking about learning more about the Power Transfer system. Seems part of it is about to be attacked. Clockwork. Those weird little robots are massing to attack a section. Dr. Aeon says he needs all his own troops for something else, so he's asked me to handle it. So I'm asking you. But I don't care about stopping the attack. I just want more information. So I want you to concentrate on the workers trapped in the attack. Deliver them to safety. The safety of my interrogation rooms.

Mission Acceptance

this has to be quiet. So I want you to go in underground. the sewers in New Haven have an exit in the PTS. If no-one sees you go in, we're in the clear. As far as Dr. Aeon will know, his men were captured by clockwork. I'll make sure you have an alibi. Aeon will suspect nothing, I'll learn what I want to know, and you'll be well paid.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Kidnap 3 Workmen


Those men talked. Didn't take much. Seems that there is something strange with the PTS. Not too surprising. Vines was onto something. If Dr. Aeon has jeopardized this island with his experiments and the PTS, I need to know before an arbiter gets involved.

Find truth behind the PTS


the workers you captured have told me where the control center for the Power Transfer System is. I want to know what Aeon's hiding. I can't let on what I suspect, so I'm going to ask you to find out for me.

Mission Acceptance

We have the location of the control room. That was the easy part. Now I want you go get inside. Find out what Aeon's hiding. the men in there are loyal to Dr. Aeon, not me. I don't care what happens to them. that won't be a problem. There is a complication though: Amanda Vines. She might have learned about the place. Security leak. It was taken care of. If she's there, get her out, unharmed. Like I said, Recluse likes to keep her around.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Find truth behind PTS
  • Secure PTS data
  • Find Vines


This, this is too much. This re-defines going too far. Tapping into a demon? All these attacks? The clockwork out here? And now I got it. Thanks to you. I told you Vines was useful.

Speaking of Vines, did she talk to you? The next thing I need done involves her. Her and WSPDR. sources on the inside tell me they're going to go live with all they know. I'd like to see Aeon get what he deserves. But deserve's got nothing to do with it. I can't let that broadcast happen.

Stop the broadcast


My sources inside WSPDR have alerted me to a problem. Amanda Vines has proof about Dr. Aeon's identity. She intends to broadcast it. this cannot be allowed. I'm sending in assault troops, but I know they have guards. Mercenaries. Wyvern probably. that's where you come in. I want you to make sure WSPDR doesn't transmit anything. Once the pressure's on, they'll try to act fast. Boradcast ahead of schedule. you'll have about 90 minutes. after that, either the news will be out of commision, or the news will be out on the airwaves.

Mission Acceptance

We're setting up jamming stations as back-up. Activating them would alert enemies and scramble communications. I'd rather you handled this cleanly. There should be four generators. Some on the roof, some back-ups scattered around. Destroy all of them. That will cut their power. We can then get their evidence at leisure.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Destroy 7 generators
  • Or do nothing at all, if you'd rather side with Vines.


Good work. We've confiscated all of the evidence. Pinned the whole thing on a Hero assault. No one suspects the truth. Except Ms. vines. I've had my men have a little "talk" with her. discuss her boundaries. what she can and cannot say. Nothing too severe. No marks for the cameras. It should make her even more determined, but reign her in some. She gets to live. Me? I get to crucify Aeon with what you've found. That should keep him in line. for a while. And you? You get paid. Not that you were ever a part of this. Everybody wins.

The souvenir you get at this point, depends upon whether you chose to assist that ridiculous journalist woman, or display your loyalty to to the mighty and all-seeing Lord Recluse. The wise will receive the "After Action Report". This writer can only theorise as to what snivelling hero-loving traitors might get, though I have a few suggestions. (Alright, it's "a Bootleg recording", but you didn't hear it from me.).

Defeat all Wyvern tech thieves


Wyvern's been stealing some high-tech gear from Dr. Egon's labs Sorry, I mispoke. I meant, Dr. Aeon's labs. I think that Echo guy is involved again. I need it investigated. Pay's good as always. Interested?

Mission Acceptance

As usual, this is on the QT. Your involvement is deniable. there will be no assistance from Arachnos other than my information. Clear?

Wyvern will do another raid soon. I want every head caved in. If you find out why they're doing this, tell me. Professor Echo has some kind of plan. I want to know what it is.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Wyvern tech thieves.
  • Find target of theft.


A time deflector? Interesting. I'm going to keep this quiet. But this isn't over. Let me tell you about what the Wyvern's been up to.

Defeat Any Intruders in Base


Wyvern agents known to work with Professor Echo have been seen observing two unused Arachnos bases. They have yet to take direct action. I want you to investigate thos bases. Find out why they're interested in them. Obliterate anyone who might stand in your way. Can you do that?

Mission Acceptance Good. That's why you make the big money. Your mission profile is simple: The base should be empty. If it's not, destory all opposition until it is. See if you can find out why Wyvern and Echo are interested in these two bases. Report to me when you're done.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Any intruders in base


Alright. This is getting weird. While you were busy, wyvern moved into the other old base. We haven't attacked yet. Don't want to flush them into hiding. I'd rather crush them in one place. I'd like to have you do it.

Catch Professor Echo


Wyvern and Professor Echo are in that second abandoned base. This is a chance to get Echo once and for all. Get a whole gang together. I don't want him to get away.

Mission Acceptance

Don't worry as much about getting everyone. Concentrate on Echo. Find out what's going on here.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Catch Prof. Echo


You're sure that the other person looks like Dr. Aeon? This might make sense, with the time travel deflector. honestly, I don't know what I should do with this yet. I'll report that you took care of Professor Echo. I'm going to have to think about what to do about Dr. Aeon. either way, that's the last thing I have for you. You did well.

Souvenir: An old drawing of you.

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