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{{Souvenir Note from Akarist}}<noinclude>[[Category:Story Arc Templates|Library of Souls]]</noinclude>
=== The Library of Souls (30-34) ===
==== {{UL|Rescue Edgard Torvald}} ====
==== Souvenir ====
{{Souvenir|Note from Akarist}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Rescue Edgard Torvald}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Pry into the secrets of the Magic Library}}
I've got a mission for you, {{Character}}. A librarian named Edgar Torvald was recently abducted by the [[Circle of Thorns]]. Torvald's been doing some research for the [[Midnight Squad]], that group of academics who try to help the city's heroes with magical conundrums. They think that the Circle might have taken him because he was trying to map out the known areas of [[Oranbega]], the sunken city the Circle calls home. {{Green|Can you rescue Torvald before the Circle does away with him?}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Rescue Naomi Hutchins}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Find Akarist}}
'''Mission Acceptance'''
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Talk to Azuria}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Help the soul within the crystal orient itself}}
The Circle hates having people pry into their secrets. If you don't move quickly, Torvald probably won't last for long.
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Liberate the imprisoned souls}}
{{Missions:The Library of Souls - Recover Zoria and Akarist}}<noinclude>[[Category:Story Arc Templates|Library of Souls]]</noinclude>
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Torvald's life won't be worth much if you don't get him back from the Circle quickly.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The lost halls of the ancient city of Oranbega echo with your every movement.|Primary=Find Edgar Torvald|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You found Edgar Torvald's body}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Body of Edgar Torvald|Text=Though there is no sign of violence, Edgar Torvald lies dead.  You notice that he seems to have scratched a crude map into the lining of his jacket.  Of particular interest is a room marked 'The Magic Library.'}}
There was nothing you could have done. Torvald was probably dead before anyone even knew he was missing. He did leave us a clue, though. He scratched a rough map on the inside of his jacket. This Magic Library he indicates might be worth checking out. It won't bring Torvald back, but it might let his death mean something.
==== {{UL|Pry into the secrets of the Magic Library}} ====
Well, I've talked to all of the experts on [[Oranbega]], and I've had them take a look at this map Torvald left us when he died. I think it may be possible to reach the map's Magic Library. If Torvald thought the place was important enough to record with his last moments, it bears investigation. {{Green|Are you ready to pry into the secrets of the Magic Library?}}
'''Mission Acceptance'''
The [[Circle of Thorns]] have made the lost city of Oranbega their home ever since [[Baron Zoria]] founded them back in the 20's. We've always thought that finding Oranbega might have been the key to the mystic might the Baron unlocked. Maybe this Magic library can tell us how he did it! Take anything you find to [[Azuria]] over at [[MAGI]]. She'll know how to put it to use.
===== {{UL|Investigate Magic Library}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Anything you can find in that Magic Library will be of value.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The ancient stone walls seem to emanate a watchful malevolence.  It is as if the dead of this city know you are here.|Primary=Investigate Magic Library|Secondary=3 crystals to find|Additional=|Completion=You found several strange crystals in the Oranbegan Magic Library.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Librarian {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Agony Mage}}
{{NPC Text|title=Librarian|text=
'''Before combat:''' The energies are disturbed. There is an intruder in the library.<br />
'''Combat start:''' A hideous fate awaits all who would trespass here.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Glowing crystal|Text=This crystal radiates light from each of its perfect geometric faces. It feels warm in your hands, and strangely heavy.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Shadowed crystal|Text=The dark facets of this perfect geometric crystal are cold to the touch, and it seems to emanate a palpable aura of darkness. You can feel some sort of inscriptions on the crystal's surfaces, but the dark aura makes them impossible to read.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Inscribed crystal|Text=This perfect geometric crystal sheds no light or warmth. Its surface is inscribed with numerous magical runes.}}
After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a single group of Circle of Thorns mystics.}}
===== {{UL|Take crystals to Azuria}} =====
'''Unnecessary Solicitation'''
Those crystals you found in Oranbega's Magic Library may have all kinds of mystic properties. Azuria should know how to handle them.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Take crystals to Azuria|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Azuria|Text=I have felt the strange vibrations of these crystals ever since you brought them up from the ruins of Oranbega. They hold a great deal of energy, and are wrapped in layers of spells. I would guess that they are some sort of tool used in the Circle's magical training. Each crystal is a repository of knowledge. I will study them, and get my findings to {{PAGENAME}} at once.
I must tell you one more thing. You appeared in one of my visions last night. I see much danger in your future, as well as much opportunity. I do not know if it is for good or ill, I believe we shall learn a great deal about the Circle of Thorns.}}
MAGI is studying the artifacts you found in Oranbega's Magic Library. As soon as they know anything, they'll pass it along.
==== {{UL|Rescue Naomi Hutchins}} ====
I just heard from [[Azuria]].  She hit a road block while trying to analyze those crystals you found in the Oranbegan Magic Library, so she called in a specialist: Naomi Hutchins, expert in geometric magics and earth sorceries.  Trouble is, Naomi never showed up.  She was kidnapped by the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle]] before she even got to [[MAGI]]!  I know it's a lot to ask, but someone must rescue Naomi Hutchins before the Circle makes sure she's never heard from again.
I'd hate to see Naomi end up like poor Edgar Torvald.  We've got to get her back before the Circle can silence her with the same brutal tactics.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The last time you tried to rescue one of the Circle's victims, you found him dead.  You can only hope the same hasn't befallen Naomi Hutchins.|Primary=Defeat kidnapper, his coven|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have rescued Naomi Hutchins and defeated her captors.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* The Talon of Flame {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Behemoth Lord}}
* Naomi Hutchins (NPC Hostage)
{{NPC Text|title=The Talon of Flame dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' ''I was summoned to consume a human scholar. Akarist had best not reneged on this pact. ''<br />
'''Combat start:''' ''My promised prey may be denied to me, but you will do. ''}}
{{NPC Text|title=Naomi Hutchins dialogue|text=
'''Naomi Hutchins:''' ''I thought I was done for. Listen, I have some important to tell you! ''}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Naomi's story|Text=When you rescued Naomi Hutchins, she told you:
'They were going to sacrifice me, but he saved me!  [[Akarist]]!  He's a Circle mystic, but for some reason he told the rest of them not to hurt me.  Then he took me aside, and he told me about those strange crystals you found.  He told me how to get past the defensive spells set upon them.  I don't know why he saved me, but I'll never forget his kindness!}}
Naomi Hutchins is safe at MAGI, thanks to you.  She seems to have learned a lot from her time in the Circle's captivity.  We may soon know more about those strange crystals you found.  From the sound of her story, Naomi was saved by one of the Circle's own mages, this Akarist.  Puzzling, Puzzling.
==== {{UL|Find Akarist}} ====
When you rescued Naomi Hutchins from the [[Circle of Thorns]], she said she was protected by a Circle mystic named [[Akarist]].  If he really did save Naomi and tell her how to access those strange crystals you found, maybe he's trying to get that information to us.  Maybe he's even looking to change sides.  I've never heard of a Circle defector before;  this could well be a first!  I want you to find this Akarist and see if he's really on our side.
From Naomi's description, this Akarist sounds pretty powerful.  I'd suggest that you ready yourself in case he isn't willing to talk.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The ancient depths of the lost city seem endless.|Primary=Find Akarist, his coven|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have defeated Akarist.  After the battle, you found a crumpled note tucked into his robes.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Akarist]] {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Agony Mage}}
{{NPC Text|title=Akarist dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' ''I know that you are here, Hero. I know why you are here.''<br />'''Combat start:''' ''This time we must fight. But should you defeat me, I may have something for you. ''}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Message from Akarist|Text=This message is penned in a spidery hand.  It reads:
'Records show that I was a kind man once, though I can barely remember that now.  Perhaps that is why I have helped you more than I should.  The crystals you took are no mere baubles;  they are something far greater, and far more horrifying.  The knowledge I gave your researchers will point the way.
'Now that I have lived again and felt the sunlight once more, I realize that we cannot go on as we have.  And so I bring you the wisdom with which to fight the evil we have become.  Soon, you will comprehend the fate of all those flung into the abyssal void.  You will know the truth, and you will despair.
I hoped that Akarist was willing to leave the Circle, but that may have been too optimistic.  No one ever leaves the Circle.  This note he left you is so strange.  At least we can thank him for telling us how to unravel the protection spells on those crystals you found.  I'll check with [[MAGI]] and see if they've made any progress.
==== {{UL|Talk to Azuria}} ====
I had a chance to speak with [[Azuria]] over at [[MAGI]] about those crystals you found in the [[Circle of Thorns|Circle's]] Magic Library.  I think you need to go over there and talk to her right away.  They've found out what those crystals really are, and Azuria sounded pretty shaken up.
I've never heard Azuria sound this ruffled.  You  better hurry.
===== {{UL|Talk to Azuria about crystals}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to Azuria about crystals|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Briefing|Contact=Azuria|Text=The Circle mystic, [[Akarist]], pointed our research in the proper direction.  Thanks to him, we now know exactly what these crystals are.
They are receptacles, crystalline cages for the souls of those who have been cast from their bodies by the Circle of Thorns!
The brightly glowing crystal contains over a dozen such souls, from an ancient Roman centurion  to a [[Dawn Patrol]] hero who disappeared in the late 30's.
That shadowed crystal is a prison for souls who have been uncooperative.  We believe that there are two spirits trapped in there right now.  Finally, the clear crystal is used to transport a captured soul.  It seems you didn't raid a library of arcane lore, but a Library of Souls!
One of the displaced souls told us a horrifying thing about the Circle's spirit thorns.  We aren't yet sure we can trust it, but we do know that the Circle plans to release several of these spirit thorns onto the black market.  You must stop this.}}
===== {{UL|Recover spirit thorns}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Azuira's instructions have led you to an old warehouse.  The prickling hairs on your arms alert you to the presence of something unnatural.|Primary=Recover spirit thorns|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have recovered the Circle's strange spirit thorns.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Spirit thorns|Text=You recovered these spirit thorns before the Circle could make them available on the black market.  Such thorns are typically given by the Circle of Thorns to power-hungry mages.  When thrust into the mage's heart, a thorn can greatly amplify his power.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Thorn Keeper {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Thorn Caster (Fire)}}
{{NPC Text|title=Thorn Keeper dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' ''The Warriors are late for the meeting ''<br />'''Combat start:''' ''Can no plan occur in this city without meddling? ''}}
===== {{UL|Return thorns to Azuria}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Return thorns to Azuria|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Azuria|Text=From the souls trapped within these crystals, we have learned the true nature of the spirit thorns.  We always assumed that they were relics of power given to the Circle's favored members.  Now we know that they are traps!  When a mage plunges a spirit thorn into his heart, it opens a gateway into his very soul that the Circle can exploit.  Through it they can posses the thorn bearer, overriding his will, supplanting and imprisoning his very soul.  This is a vile and evil magic.  Thank you for preventing its spread.}}
Trapped souls in crystals, spirit thorns that destroy souls, and the Circle of Thorns presiding over it all from the depths of Oranbega.  It's unbelievable!  I'm simply amazed that the Circle has been using those spirit thorns to override the souls of new devotees.  I knew they were evil, but I never knew they cannibalized their own acolytes!
==== {{UL|Help the soul within the crystal orient itself}} ====
The souls trapped within the Circle's crystals continue to give [[Azuria]] more information about the [[Circle of Thorns]] and their sunken city of [[Oranbega]].  One of them claims to know the location of the great Library of Souls where many more spirits are kept in torment.  However, the soul needs to orient himself before he can remember the library's exact location.  Will you take the crystal containing a dead man's soul to find the place where he died?
I knew you wouldn't falter.  Azuria sent me the crystal containing the spirit who's willing to help us.  His name is Ashton Fletcher, and according to what he has told us, he was a sailor aboard the Novus Cartago Expedition in the early 1600's.  Mr. Fletcher here will need to get his bearings.  In order to do that, he asks to be returned to the last place he went before he met his fate at the hands of the Circle of Thorns.
{{Mission Clue|Name=Soul of Ashton Fletcher|Text=The surface of this perfect geometric crystal is inscribed with numerous magic runes.  A single point of light lies at the crystal's heart, and it sheds an unnatural warmth.  As you hold it in your hand, you can sense the thoughts of Ashton Fletcher, a young man who died more than 400 years ago.  He seems excited to be out on an adventure again, even if it's only a small one.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=Ashton's spirit has led you to this place.  It yearns to go inside and explore, but you can see telltale signs that the Devouring Earth have taken up residence here.|Primary=Find landmarks|Secondary=3 landmarks to find|Additional=|Completion=Ashton's soul has found its bearings.  As you ready to leave, you find a scribbled note from the Circle mystic [[Akarist]].}}
{{Enemy Devouring Earth}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Akarist
{{NPC Text|title=Akarist dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' '' ''<br />
'''Combat start:''' ''Surprised to see me again? You shouldn't be!''}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Akarist's second message|Text=This message is penned in a spidery hand.  It reads:
'From your route I can see that you must have one of the Novus Cartago crew with you.  Understand that such a creature's knowledge is fragmentary at best, and be on your guard.  Invisible eyes watch your every step.  Do you understand, now?  Do you judge us?  It was all we could do, once we learned  the forces that threatened us.  We needed flesh, and so we took it.
'We have become inhuman, evil, corrupt.  But even I have to wonder:  after all we have become, is such evil not our right?
There's a brief message after discovering each clue:
* After finding the strange stone marker: ''You can sense that Ashton's soul remembers this place. It was this intriguing marker stone that convinced Ashton and his comrades to explore the caves further.''
* After finding the rubble: ''You can sense that Ashton's soul remembers this place. It is here that he and his comrades tried to dig their way out of the Circle's trap.''
* After finding the bones: ''You can sense that Ashton's soul recognizes these bones and feeble tatters of clothing. This body was once his own.''
Thanks for helping Ashton's soul get his bearings.  Now that he's oriented himself, he should be able to take us to the underground library where the rest of the Circle's imprisoned souls are kept.  You say that Circle mystic was there again?  Akarist?  How strange.  These messages keeps sending you are so cryptic.  What is he getting at?
==== {{UL|Liberate the imprisoned souls}} ====
With your help, one of the trapped souls you recovered has shown us the way to the Greater Library of Souls, deep within the ruins of [[Oranbega]].  The souls of hundreds, possibly thousands of Paragon's missing are trapped down there.  Will you liberate those imprisoned souls?
According to Ashton's soul, there are ten crystals down there, each of which holds a hundred or more trapped souls.  As soon as you recover all ten, get them to [[MAGI]].  They'll know how to keep the crystals safe.
===== {{UL|Liberate the Library of Souls}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You hear the whispers of tormented spirits in the echo of every footstep.|Primary=Liberate the Library of Souls|Secondary=10 soul crystals remaining|Additional=|Completion=You have recovered all of the soul crystals.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* Librarian {{Named|Faction=Circle of Thorns|Type=Agony Mage}}
{{NPC Text|title=Patrolling Circle Minions dialogue|text=
'''Circle Minion 1:''' ''Find the intruder!''<br />
'''Circle Minion 1:''' ''I will send your soul to the netherworld!''<br />
'''Circle Minion 2:''' ''I will boil your blood!''<br />
{{NPC Text|title=Librarian dialogue|text=
'''Before combat:''' '' ''<br />
'''Combat start:''' ''I will personally add you to our collection! ''<br />
{{Mission Clue|Name=Soul crystals|Text=These crystals glow brightly with the light of the hundreds of souls trapped within.  They are warm to the touch.}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Darkened soul crystal|Text=The darkness that radiates from this crystal draws all the warmth from the air around it.  The anguished thoughts of the souls within brush against the edges of your mind.}}
'''After exiting the mission''' you will be ambushed by '''a group''' of '''Circle of Thorns mystics'''}}
===== {{UL|Take crystals to Azuria}} =====
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Take crystals to Azuria|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
{{Mission Briefing|Type=Debriefing|Contact=Azuria|Text=I am relieved to see that you have recovered all the soul crystals.  As we learn more about these severed souls, I foresee a day when we may be able to release them from their crystal prisons.}}
It will take MAGI years to sort through all of the souls trapped in those crystals and put them to rest.  But without you, they wouldn't even have a chance.
You know, I've been thinking.  Do you remember Ashton Fletcher, the sailor from the 1600's whose soul was in the first crystal you found?  From what we know, the Circle of Thorns started in the 1920's when Baron Zoria discovered Oranbega and unlocked its magics.  So how could Ashton have been trapped by the Circle of Thorns way back in the 17th century?  I have a feeling that the souls you recovered might still have some things to tell us
==== {{UL|Recover Zoria and Akarist}} ====
I just got word from [[MAGI]].  They've made contact with one of the souls in the strangely darkened crystal you recovered from the Greater Library of Souls.  It claims to be the soul of [[Historical_Heroes_and_Villains#Lord_Frostimus|Lord Frostimus]], one of [[Baron Zoria]]'s old allies from the 1920's.  What's more, it claims that the Baron himself is also a prisoner in another soul crystal!  It says that it was transferred from the Baron's crystal to make room for a special guest: a [[Circle of Thorns]] traitor named [[Akarist]]!  If half of what Frostimus claims is true, this could be the biggest break we've ever had against the Circle of Thorns.  Will you recover Zoria and Akarist?
You should be able to find Zoria in a dark soul crystal, like the one you already recovered.  I don't know whether Akarist's alive or dead, but keep your eyes peeled for him.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=You have seen much of Oranbega, but today the crushing weight of its age presses down on you as never before.|Primary=Rescue Zoria and Akarist|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have recovered Baron Zoria and rescued Akarist.}}
{{Enemy Circle of Thorns}}
'''Notable NPCs'''
* [[Akarist]] (NPC Ally) (Pet)
* Agony Mage (Guarding Akarist)
'''After freeing Akarist''' you will be ambushed by '''a group''' of '''Circle of Thorns mystics'''}}
{{NPC Text|title=Akarist dialogue|text=
'''Akarist:''' ''For the moment, I stay my hand. Count yourself lucky, Furias. ''<br />'''Agony Mage:''' ''Don't make me laugh, Akarist. You're lucky we don't discorporate you. ''<br />
'''Agony Mage:''' ''Destroy the intruder!''
(once free)
'''Akarist:''' ''For now, I will aid you against my brethen.''
{{Mission Clue|Name=Soul of Baron Zoria|Text=The lone prisoner within this dark crystal lashes out at your touch.  You can sense the thoughts of the spirit trapped within:
'We were fools, we were deceived.  We asked for their power, and they came.  They gave us the thorns, telling us they were the key to great power.
'We stabbed the thorns into our hearts, never knowing that by doing so, we were giving up our souls. Some they flung to the void.  Others they kept in these crystal prisons.  Our bodies they usurped, our forms they wore as clothing.  They were mere spirits, but we gave them flesh!'}}
{{Mission Clue|Name=Akarist's story|Text=When you rescued Akarist, he told you:
'Fool Zoria thought to invoke us as gods, for as such we have been worshiped.  We clothed ourselves in their flesh, took over the bodies of those who sought our favor.  As living people, we could once again summon demons and perform all our old magics.
We told ourselves we sought only security.  But the truth is, we wanted power.
Oranbega is no lost city.  No empty sepulcher of abandoned stone.  Every hall, every chamber is filled with us.  Invisible wraiths, we have floated through uncountable eons, here in the city we built before history, before we lost our own humanity.  Oranbega is no ruin.  Oranbega is a living city.  A living city of the dead.
And through the gulfs of eons, I am the first to betray it.  I must now leave Oranbega.'  }}
So, the Circle's acolytes are really just hollow shells, inhabited by the spirits of long-dead Oranbegans?  Uhg, Akarist was right.  I almost wish I didn't know.  This is mind-boggling!  All those ghosts, living under our feet for thousands of years!  You've done the city a great service by uncovering this secret.  Now that we know how they operate, perhaps we can strengthen our fight against the Circle of Thorns.

Latest revision as of 15:05, 25 June 2021

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 21 Reward Merits.

The Library of Souls (30-34)


Note from Akarist

You've kept this crumpled note from the Circle of Thorns traitor, Akarist. It's a reminder of the time you liberated:

The Library of Souls

It began with a rescue mission. You were too late to save Edgar Torvald, a researcher who had been investigating Oranbega, the home of the Circle of Thorns. But you did find his last message, a map scratched into his jacket lining.

You raided the Magic Library marked on the map, but instead of books, you found several crystals containing a powerful energy. The Circle then kidnapped one of the researchers MAGI would need to decipher the crystals' power. When you rescued her, she told you that she had been spared from certain death by a mysterious Circle mystic named Akarist. This same Akarist had told her how to access the crystals you had earlier uncovered.

You descended into the depths of Oranbega once more in an attempt to contact Akarist. He fought you and perished in the battle, but left behind a cryptic message full of dire warnings about the knowledge you sought.

Due to Akarist's hints, the truth about the crystals was revealed: they were receptacles for souls that had been imprisoned by the Circle of Thorns. One of the trapped souls explained that the Circle's spirit thorns could be used to usurp control of a body. Acting on this information, you confiscated a number of spirit thorns before they were sold in the city's underworld.

One of the imprisoned souls claimed to know where a much larger Library of Souls was. Unfortunately, he was having trouble getting his bearings. You took the crystal containing the soul of Ashton Fletcher to the place where he died, so that he could orient himself.

One of these trapped souls proved to be none other than a henchman of Baron Zoria, the reputed founder of the Circle of Thorns. According to this soul, the Baron was not the Circle's leader. Instead, he was a prisoner in another soul crystal. What's more, Akarist, the Circle mystic who had helped you, was to be imprisoned within a soul crystal as a traitor. Descending once more beneath the city, you rescued both Zoria and Akarist, and learned the truth about the Circle of Thorns.

For nearly a century, the Circle of Thorns was believed to be a cult working out of the ancient underground ruins of Oranbega. The truth is far more sinister. Oranbega is no ruin, but a city of spectral wizards, wraith-like mages who have lived in it since before recorded history.

Rescue Edgard Torvald


I've got a mission for you, Character. A librarian named Edgar Torvald was recently abducted by the Circle of Thorns. Torvald's been doing some research for the Midnight Squad, that group of academics who try to help the city's heroes with magical conundrums. They think that the Circle might have taken him because he was trying to map out the known areas of Oranbega, the sunken city the Circle calls home. Can you rescue Torvald before the Circle does away with him?

Mission Acceptance

The Circle hates having people pry into their secrets. If you don't move quickly, Torvald probably won't last for long.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Torvald's life won't be worth much if you don't get him back from the Circle quickly.

Mission Objective(s)

The lost halls of the ancient city of Oranbega echo with your every movement.

  • Find Edgar Torvald

You found Edgar Torvald's body


Circle of Thorns

Body of Edgar Torvald
Though there is no sign of violence, Edgar Torvald lies dead. You notice that he seems to have scratched a crude map into the lining of his jacket. Of particular interest is a room marked 'The Magic Library.'


There was nothing you could have done. Torvald was probably dead before anyone even knew he was missing. He did leave us a clue, though. He scratched a rough map on the inside of his jacket. This Magic Library he indicates might be worth checking out. It won't bring Torvald back, but it might let his death mean something.

Pry into the secrets of the Magic Library


Well, I've talked to all of the experts on Oranbega, and I've had them take a look at this map Torvald left us when he died. I think it may be possible to reach the map's Magic Library. If Torvald thought the place was important enough to record with his last moments, it bears investigation. Are you ready to pry into the secrets of the Magic Library?

Mission Acceptance

The Circle of Thorns have made the lost city of Oranbega their home ever since Baron Zoria founded them back in the 20's. We've always thought that finding Oranbega might have been the key to the mystic might the Baron unlocked. Maybe this Magic library can tell us how he did it! Take anything you find to Azuria over at MAGI. She'll know how to put it to use.

Investigate Magic Library

Unnecessary Solicitation

Anything you can find in that Magic Library will be of value.

Mission Objective(s)

The ancient stone walls seem to emanate a watchful malevolence. It is as if the dead of this city know you are here.

  • Investigate Magic Library
    • 3 crystals to find

You found several strange crystals in the Oranbegan Magic Library.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


Before combat: The energies are disturbed. There is an intruder in the library.
Combat start: A hideous fate awaits all who would trespass here.

Glowing crystal
This crystal radiates light from each of its perfect geometric faces. It feels warm in your hands, and strangely heavy.
Shadowed crystal
The dark facets of this perfect geometric crystal are cold to the touch, and it seems to emanate a palpable aura of darkness. You can feel some sort of inscriptions on the crystal's surfaces, but the dark aura makes them impossible to read.
Inscribed crystal
This perfect geometric crystal sheds no light or warmth. Its surface is inscribed with numerous magical runes.

After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a single group of Circle of Thorns mystics.

Take crystals to Azuria

Unnecessary Solicitation

Those crystals you found in Oranbega's Magic Library may have all kinds of mystic properties. Azuria should know how to handle them.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take crystals to Azuria



I have felt the strange vibrations of these crystals ever since you brought them up from the ruins of Oranbega. They hold a great deal of energy, and are wrapped in layers of spells. I would guess that they are some sort of tool used in the Circle's magical training. Each crystal is a repository of knowledge. I will study them, and get my findings to Contact at once.

I must tell you one more thing, Character. You appeared in one of my visions last night. I see much danger in your future, as well as much opportunity. I do not know if it is for good or ill, I believe we shall learn a great deal about the Circle of Thorns.


MAGI is studying the artifacts you found in Oranbega's Magic Library. As soon as they know anything, they'll pass it along.

Rescue Naomi Hutchins


I just heard from Azuria. She hit a road block while trying to analyze those crystals you found in the Oranbegan Magic Library, so she called in a specialist: Naomi Hutchins, expert in geometric magics and earth sorceries. Trouble is, Naomi never showed up. She was kidnapped by the Circle before she even got to MAGI! I know it's a lot to ask, Character, but someone must rescue Naomi Hutchins before the Circle makes sure she's never heard from again.

Mission Acceptance

I'd hate to see Naomi end up like poor Edgar Torvald. We've got to get her back before the Circle can silence her with the same brutal tactics.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Naomi Hutchins won't last long in the Circle's hands, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

The last time you tried to rescue one of the Circle's victims, you found him dead. You can only hope the same hasn't befallen Naomi Hutchins.

  • Defeat kidnapper, his coven

You have rescued Naomi Hutchins and defeated her captors.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

The Talon of Flame 

Before Combat: I was summoned to consume a human scholar. Akarist had best not renege on this pact.
Combat Start: My promised prey may be denied to me, but you will do.

Naomi Hutchins 

Upon Rescue: I thought I was done for. Listen, I have some important to tell you!

Naomi's story
When you rescued Naomi Hutchins, she told you:

'They were going to sacrifice me, but he saved me! Akarist! He's a Circle mystic, but for some reason he told the rest of them not to hurt me. Then he took me aside, and he told me about those strange crystals you found. He told me how to get past the defensive spells set upon them. I don't know why he saved me, but I'll never forget his kindness!


Naomi Hutchins is safe at MAGI, thanks to you. She seems to have learned a lot from her time in the Circle's captivity. We may soon know more about those strange crystals you found. From the sound of her story, Naomi was saved by one of the Circle's own mages, this Akarist. Puzzling, Character. Puzzling.

Find Akarist


When you rescued Naomi Hutchins from the Circle of Thorns, she said she was protected by a Circle mystic named Akarist. If he really did save Naomi and tell her how to access those strange crystals you found, maybe he's trying to get that information to us. Maybe he's even looking to change sides. I've never heard of a Circle defector before; this could well be a first! I want you to find this Akarist and see if he's really on our side.

Mission Acceptance

From Naomi's description, this Akarist sounds pretty powerful. I'd suggest that you ready yourself in case he isn't willing to talk.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If Akarist isn't willing to talk, you may have to take him on.

Mission Objective(s)

The ancient depths of the lost city seem endless.

  • Find Akarist, his coven

You have defeated Akarist. After the battle, you found a crumpled note tucked into his robes.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


Before combat: I know that you are here, Character. I know why you are here.
Combat start: This time we must fight. But should you defeat me, I may have something for you.

Message from Akarist
This message is penned in a spidery hand. It reads:

'Records show that I was a kind man once, though I can barely remember that now. Perhaps that is why I have helped you more than I should. The crystals you took are no mere baubles; they are something far greater, and far more horrifying. The knowledge I gave your researchers will point the way.

'Now that I have lived again and felt the sunlight once more, I realize that we cannot go on as we have. And so I bring you the wisdom with which to fight the evil we have become. Soon, you will comprehend the fate of all those flung into the abyssal void. You will know the truth, and you will despair.



I hoped that Akarist was willing to leave the Circle, but that may have been too optimistic. No one ever leaves the Circle. This note he left you is so strange. At least we can thank him for telling us how to unravel the protection spells on those crystals you found. I'll check with MAGI and see if they've made any progress.

Talk to Azuria


I had a chance to speak with Azuria over at MAGI about those crystals you found in the Circle's Magic Library. I think you need to go over there and talk to her right away. They've found out what those crystals really are, and Azuria sounded pretty shaken up.

Mission Acceptance

I've never heard Azuria sound this ruffled, Character. You better hurry.

Talk to Azuria about crystals

Unnecessary Solicitation

Azuria's expecting you. She has important information about those crystals you found.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Azuria about crystals



The Circle mystic, Akarist, pointed our research in the proper direction. Thanks to him, we now know exactly what these crystals are.

They are receptacles, crystalline cages for the souls of those who have been cast from their bodies by the Circle of Thorns!

The brightly glowing crystal contains over a dozen such souls, from an ancient Roman centurion to a Dawn Patrol hero who disappeared in the late 30's.

That shadowed crystal is a prison for souls who have been uncooperative. We believe that there are two spirits trapped in there right now. Finally, the clear crystal is used to transport a captured soul. It seems you didn't raid a library of arcane lore, but a Library of Souls!

One of the displaced souls told us a horrifying thing about the Circle's spirit thorns. We aren't yet sure we can trust it, but we do know that the Circle plans to release several of these spirit thorns onto the black market. You must stop this.

Recover spirit thorns

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must prevent the Circle from releasing those spirit thorns onto the black market!

Mission Objective(s)

Azuria's instructions have led you to an old warehouse. The prickling hairs on your arms alert you to the presence of something unnatural.

  • Recover spirit thorns

You have recovered the Circle's strange spirit thorns.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Circle Patrol 

Before Combat

Circle Minion 1: These thorns should gain us many new vessels!
Circle Minion 2: Indeed.

Thorn Keeper 

Before Combat: The Warriors are late for the meeting.
Combat Start: Can no plan occur in this city without meddling?

Spirit thorns
You recovered these spirit thorns before the Circle could make them available on the black market. Such thorns are typically given by the Circle of Thorns to power-hungry mages. When thrust into the mage's heart, a thorn can greatly amplify his power.

After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a single group of Circle of Thorns mystics.

Return thorns to Azuria

Unnecessary Solicitation

You need to get those spirit thorns back to Azuria, Character.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Return thorns to Azuria



From the souls trapped within these crystals, we have learned the true nature of the spirit thorns. We always assumed that they were relics of power given to the Circle's favored members. Now we know that they are traps! When a mage plunges a spirit thorn into his heart, it opens a gateway into his very soul that the Circle can exploit. Through it they can posses the thorn bearer, overriding his will, supplanting and imprisoning his very soul. Character, this is a vile and evil magic. Thank you for preventing its spread.


Trapped souls in crystals, spirit thorns that destroy souls, and the Circle of Thorns presiding over it all from the depths of Oranbega. It's unbelievable! I'm simply amazed that the Circle has been using those spirit thorns to override the souls of new devotees. I knew they were evil, but I never knew they cannibalized their own acolytes!

Help the soul within the crystal orient itself


The souls trapped within the Circle's crystals continue to give Azuria more information about the Circle of Thorns and their sunken city of Oranbega. One of them claims to know the location of the great Library of Souls where many more spirits are kept in torment. However, the soul needs to orient himself before he can remember the library's exact location. Will you take the crystal containing a dead man's soul to find the place where he died?

Mission Acceptance

I knew you wouldn't falter. Azuria sent me the crystal containing the spirit who's willing to help us. His name is Ashton Fletcher, and according to what he has told us, he was a sailor aboard the Novus Cartago Expedition in the early 1600's. Mr. Fletcher here will need to get his bearings. In order to do that, he asks to be returned to the last place he went before he met his fate at the hands of the Circle of Thorns.

Soul of Ashton Fletcher
The surface of this perfect geometric crystal is inscribed with numerous magic runes. A single point of light lies at the crystal's heart, and it sheds an unnatural warmth. As you hold it in your hand, you can sense the thoughts of Ashton Fletcher, a young man who died more than 400 years ago. He seems excited to be out on an adventure again, even if it's only a small one.

Here's the crystal. The soul inside is named Ashton Fletcher. It seems like he's pretty eager to help.

Unnecessary Solicitation

The soul within the crystal still needs to orient himself. You should find some more landmarks.

Mission Objective(s)

Ashton's spirit has led you to this place. It yearns to go inside and explore, but you can see telltale signs that the Devouring Earth have taken up residence here.

  • Find landmarks
    • 3 landmarks to find

Ashton's soul has found its bearings. As you ready to leave, you find a scribbled note from the Circle mystic Akarist.


Devouring Earth
Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Akarist dialogue 

Before Combat: I know that presence. Character is here.
Combat Start: Surprised to see me again? You shouldn't be!

Akarist's second message
This message is penned in a spidery hand. It reads:

'From your route I can see that you must have one of the Novus Cartago crew with you. Understand that such a creature's knowledge is fragmentary at best, and be on your guard. Invisible eyes watch your every step. Do you understand, now? Do you judge us? It was all we could do, once we learned the forces that threatened us. We needed flesh, and so we took it.

'We have become inhuman, evil, corrupt. But even I have to wonder: after all we have become, is such evil not our right?



There's a brief message after discovering each clue:

  • After finding the strange stone marker: You can sense that Ashton's soul remembers this place. It was this intriguing marker stone that convinced Ashton and his comrades to explore the caves further.
  • After finding the rubble: You can sense that Ashton's soul remembers this place. It is here that he and his comrades tried to dig their way out of the Circle's trap.
  • After finding the bones: You can sense that Ashton's soul recognizes these bones and feeble tatters of clothing. This body was once his own.


Thanks for helping Ashton's soul get his bearings. Now that he's oriented himself, he should be able to take us to the underground library where the rest of the Circle's imprisoned souls are kept. You say that Circle mystic was there again? Akarist? How strange. These messages keeps sending you are so cryptic. What is he getting at?

Liberate the imprisoned souls


With your help, one of the trapped souls you recovered has shown us the way to the Greater Library of Souls, deep within the ruins of Oranbega. The souls of hundreds, possibly thousands of Paragon's missing are trapped down there, Character. Will you liberate those imprisoned souls?

Mission Acceptance

According to Ashton's soul, there are ten crystals down there, each of which holds a hundred or more trapped souls. As soon as you recover all ten, get them to MAGI. They'll know how to keep the crystals safe.

Liberate the Library of Souls

Unnecessary Solicitation

There could be thousands of people's spirits trapped down there, Character You may be their only hope for freedom.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the whispers of tormented spirits in the echo of every footstep.

  • Liberate the Library of Souls
    • 10 soul crystals remaining

You have recovered all of the soul crystals.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

Circle Patrol 

Before Combat

Circle Minion 1: I sense a presence. The Library is under attack!
Circle Minion 2: Find the intruder!

Combat Start

Circle Minion 1: I will boil your blood!
Circle Minion 2: I will send your soul to the netherworld!


Before combat: I will not brook these disruptions!
Combat start: I will personally add you to our collection!

Soul crystals
These crystals glow brightly with the light of the hundreds of souls trapped within. They are warm to the touch.
Darkened soul crystal
The darkness that radiates from this crystal draws all the warmth from the air around it. The anguished thoughts of the souls within brush against the edges of your mind.

After exiting the mission you will be ambushed by a group of Circle of Thorns mystics.

Take crystals to Azuria

Unnecessary Solicitation

Now that you have all the soul crystals, you must get them to Azuria without delay.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take crystals to Azuria



I am relieved to see that you have recovered all the soul crystals. As we learn more about these severed souls, I foresee a day when we may be able to release them from their crystal prisons.


It will take MAGI years to sort through all of the souls trapped in those crystals and put them to rest. But without you, Character, they wouldn't even have a chance.

You know, I've been thinking. Do you remember Ashton Fletcher, the sailor from the 1600's whose soul was in the first crystal you found? From what we know, the Circle of Thorns started in the 1920's when Baron Zoria discovered Oranbega and unlocked its magics. So how could Ashton have been trapped by the Circle of Thorns way back in the 17th century? I have a feeling that the souls you recovered might still have some things to tell us.

Recover Zoria and Akarist


Character, I just got word from MAGI. They've made contact with one of the souls in the strangely darkened crystal you recovered from the Greater Library of Souls. It claims to be the soul of Lord Frostimus, one of Baron Zoria's old allies from the 1920's. What's more, it claims that the Baron himself is also a prisoner in another soul crystal! It says that it was transferred from the Baron's crystal to make room for a special guest: a Circle of Thorns traitor named Akarist! If half of what Frostimus claims is true, this could be the biggest break we've ever had against the Circle of Thorns. Will you recover Zoria and Akarist?


Mission Acceptance

You should be able to find Zoria in a dark soul crystal, like the one you already recovered. I don't know whether Akarist's alive or dead, but keep your eyes peeled for him.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you recovered Zoria and Akarist? No? Well, get cracking.

Mission Objective(s)

You have seen much of Oranbega, but today the crushing weight of its age presses down on you as never before.

  • Rescue Zoria and Akarist

You have recovered Baron Zoria and rescued Akarist.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


After freeing Akarist you will be ambushed by a group of Circle of Thorns mystics.


Before Combat

Akarist: For the moment, I stay my hand. Count yourself lucky, Furias.
Agony Mage: Don't make me laugh, Akarist. You're lucky we don't discorporate you.

Combat Start

Agony Mage: Destroy the intruder!

Upon Rescue

Akarist: For now, I will aid you against my brethen.

If you outdistance him

Akarist: I cannot match your pace!

Upon reuniting

Akarist: Thank you for your assistance.

The moment you pick up this crystal you can sense the tortured thoughts of a madman in Hell.

Soul of Baron Zoria
The lone prisoner within this dark crystal lashes out at your touch. You can sense the thoughts of the spirit trapped within:

'We were fools, we were deceived. We asked for their power, and they came. They gave us the thorns, telling us they were the key to great power.

'We stabbed the thorns into our hearts, never knowing that by doing so, we were giving up our souls. Some they flung to the void. Others they kept in these crystal prisons. Our bodies they usurped, our forms they wore as clothing. They were mere spirits, but we gave them flesh!'

Akarist's story
When you rescued Akarist, he told you:

'Fool Zoria thought to invoke us as gods, for as such we have been worshiped. We clothed ourselves in their flesh, took over the bodies of those who sought our favor. As living people, we could once again summon demons and perform all our old magics.

We told ourselves we sought only security. But the truth is, we wanted power.

Oranbega is no lost city. No empty sepulcher of abandoned stone. Every hall, every chamber is filled with us. Invisible wraiths, we have floated through uncountable eons, here in the city we built before history, before we lost our own humanity. Oranbega is no ruin. Oranbega is a living city. A living city of the dead.

And through the gulfs of eons, I am the first to betray it. I must now leave Oranbega.'


So, the Circle's acolytes are really just hollow shells, inhabited by the spirits of long-dead Oranbegans? Uhg, Akarist was right. I almost wish I didn't know. This is mind-boggling, Character! All those ghosts, living under our feet for thousands of years! You've done the city a great service by uncovering this secret. Now that we know how they operate, perhaps we can strengthen our fight against the Circle of Thorns.