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==Level 50 Heroes==
=Level 50 Heroes=

[[Image:Originicon mutation.png|20px]] Mutation Scrapper [[Image:Archetypeicon scrapper.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Spines]]/[[Dark Armor]]/[[Body Mastery]]<br/>

Coming soon...
| description = Filibuster can be found patrolling [[Servers#Champion|Champion]]
| name = Filibuster
| realname = Capitol Offense
| image = [[Image:ShadowFighting_ShadowMaul.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = mutation
| archetype = scrapper
| primary = Dark Melee
| secondary = Willpower
| epic =  Dark Mastery
| pool1 = Speed
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 =
| pool4 =

===Aether Lux===
{{Userboxtop| toptext = Incarnate}}
{{Userbox Generic|Musculature Total Radial Revamp|[[Image:Incarnate_Alpha_Musculature_Rare.png]]|background=orange}}
{{Userbox Generic|Judgement Unlocked|[[Image:Incarnate_Judgement_Blank.png]]|background=gray}}
{{Userbox Generic|Interface Unlocked|[[Image:Incarnate_Interface_Blank.png]]|background=gray}}
{{Userbox Generic|42% Unlocked|[[Image:Incarnate_Lore_Blank.png]]|background=gray}}
{{Userbox Generic|63% Unlocked|[[Image:Incarnate_Destiny_Blank.png]]|background=gray}}
[[Image:Originicon natural.png|20px]] Natural Peacebringer [[Image:Archetypeicon peacebringer.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Luminous Blast]]/[[Luminous Aura]]

After a battle with the Clockwork King, Electrilux was victorious but severely woundedTo save his life, he bonded with a Kheldian, and began a new life as a Peacebringer.
| description = Harry the Hepcat can be found patrolling [[Servers#Liberty|Liberty]]
| name = Harry the Hepcat
| realname = Harry Hepcat's Jumpin' Joint
| image = [[Image:Claws_Evicerate.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = science
| archetype = scrapper
| primary = Claws
| secondary = Super Reflexes
| epic = Body Mastery
| pool1 = Leaping
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 =
| pool4 =

===Dustin the Wind===
[[Image:Originicon magic.png|20px]] Magic Controller [[Image:Archetypeicon controller.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Gravity Control]]/[[Storm Summoning]]/[[Primal Forces Mastery]]<br/>

Coming soon...
| description = Obsidian Honor can be found patrolling [[Servers#Pinnacle|Pinnacle]]
| name = Obsidian Honor
| realname =  State Champions United
| image = [[Image:Katana_Disembowel.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = science
| archetype = scrapper
| primary = Katana
| secondary = Dark Armor
| epic =  Darkness Mastery
| pool1 = Speed
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 =
| pool4 =

{{Userboxtop| toptext = Incarnate}}
{{Userbox Generic|Musculature Core Paragon|[[Image:Incarnate_Alpha_Musculature_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
{{Userbox Generic|Ion Core Final Judgement|[[Image:Incarnate_Judgement_Ion_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
{{Userbox Generic|Reactive Radial Flawless Interface|[[Image:Incarnate_Interface_Reactive_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
{{Userbox Generic|Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally|[[Image:Incarnate_Lore_Drones_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
{{Userbox Generic|Barrier Core Epiphany|[[Image:Incarnate_Destiny_Barrier_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
{{Userbox Generic|Assault Radial Embodiment|[[Image:Incarnate_Hybrid_Assault_VeryRare.png]]|background=purple}}
[[Image:Originicon technology.png|20px]] Technology Blaster [[Image:Archetypeicon blaster.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Electrical Blast]]/[[Electricity Manipulation]]/[[Electrical Mastery]]<br/>

A promising student of Paragon Technical Institute, Keith Sterling was horribly injured when a transformer in his lab exploded. His advisor working in the lab with him was killed instantly and shrapnel shredded Keith's right arm from the elbow to the shoulder. The robotic arm which he had been working on was able to replace his damaged flesh, but the loss of his mentor haunts him. He learned from the legendary hero Citadel that the Clockwork had sabotaged his lab, causing the explosion. In desperation, he sought out the Clockwork, determined to destroy as many as he could. They nearly killed him, but in desperation he hit them with his robotic arm and disabled them. Finding that he now had a stronger than normal arm he worked to improve his power. He constructed armbands to store charge, which he can release at an enemy. He now fights all manner of villain, not just Clockwork, but patiently waits for the day when he will be able to confront the Clockwork King.
| description = Electrilux can be found patrolling [[Servers#Triumph|Triumph]]
| name = Electrilux
| realname =  Unyielding Talons of Justice
| image = [[Image:ElectricalBolt_ThunderouseBlast.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = technology
| archetype = blaster
| primary = Electrical Blast
| secondary = Electricity Manipulation
| epic =  Electrical Mastery
| pool1 = Flight
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Teleportation
| pool4 =

[[Image:Originicon science.png|20px]] Science Scrapper [[Image:Archetypeicon scrapper.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Radiation Melee]]/[[Radiation Armor]]/[[Blaze Mastery]]<br/>

Coming Soon...
| description = Frozen Son can be found patrolling [[Servers#Triumph|Triumph]]
| name = Frozen Son
| realname = Unyielding Talons of Justice
| image = [[Image:IceArmor_Hybernate.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = mutation
| archetype = tanker
| primary = Ice Armor| secondary = Ice Melee
| epic =  Arctic Mastery
| pool1 = Concealment
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Leaping
| pool4 =

===Frosty the Slowman===
| description = Laa'fe Cskeh can be found patrolling [[Servers#Triumph|Triumph]]
| name = Laa'fe Cskeh
[[Image:Originicon magic.png|20px]] Magic Corruptor [[Image:V archetypeicon corruptor.png|20px]]<br/>
| realname =  Unyielding Talons of Justice
[[Ice Blast]]/[[Time Manipulation]]/[[Psychic Mastery]]<br/>
| image = [[Image:MartialArts_CraneKick.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = natural
| archetype = scrapper
| primary = Martial Arts
| secondary = Regeneration
| epic =  Body Mastery
| pool1 = Leaping
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Flight
| pool4 =

Turns out there was WAY more magic in that hat than they expected...

===Furious Father===
| description = Barbacoa Belle can be found patrolling [[Servers#Virtue|Virtue]]
| name = Barbacoa Belle
[[Image:Originicon mutation.png|20px]] Mutation Scrapper [[Image:Archetypeicon scrapper.png|20px]]<br/>
| realname = Legion of LiveJournal
[[Savage Melee]]/[[Fiery Aura]]/[[Blaze Mastery]]<br/>
| image = [[Image:DualBlades_HighLow.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = natural
| archetype = scrapper
| primary = Dual Blades
| secondary = Fiery Aura
| epic =  Body Mastery
| pool1 = Speed
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Leaping
| pool4 =

Coming soon...
| description = Dung Beatle can be found patrolling [[Servers#Virtue|Virtue]]
| name = Dung Beatle
| realname = Legion of LiveJournal
| image = [[Image:EarthGrasp_AnimateStone.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = science
| archetype = controller
| primary = Earth Control
| secondary = Sonic Resonance
| epic =  Stone Mastery
| pool1 = Flight
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Leadership
| pool4 =

===Hom Tanks===
| description = Lux Eternae can be found patrolling [[Servers#Virtue|Virtue]]
| name = Lux Eternae
[[Image:Originicon natural.png|20px]] Natural Tanker [[Image:Archetypeicon tanker.png|20px]]<br/>
| realname =  Legion of LiveJournal
[[Shield Defense]]/[[Super Strength]]/[[Energy Mastery]]<br/>
| image = [[Image:LuminousBlast_BrightNova.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = natural
| archetype = peacebringer
| primary = Luminous Blast
| secondary = Luminous Aura
| epic = 
| pool1 =
| pool2 =
| pool3 =
| pool4 =

==Level 50 Villains==
Coming soon...

===Slamuel Adams===
[[Image:Originicon natural.png|20px]] Natural Scrapper [[Image:Archetypeicon scrapper.png|20px]]<br/>
[[War Mace]]/[[Willpower]]/[[Body Mastery]]<br/>

Coming soon...
| description = Discordant Potential can be found plotting on [[Servers#Infinity|Infinity]]
| name = Discordant Potential
| realname = Masters of Malice
| image = [[Image:Thugs_TargetedSummonMob.png|32px]]
| level = 50
| origin = technology
| archetype = mastermind
| primary = Thugs
| secondary = Force Field
| epic = Mu Mastery
| pool1 = Leaping
| pool2 = Leadership
| pool3 =
| pool4 =

=Level 50 Villains=
| description = Vicki Villosa can be found plotting on [[Servers#Infinity|Infinity]]
| name = Vicki Villosa
| realname = Total Domination
| image = [[Image:PlantControl_Strangler.png|32px‎]]
| level = 50
| origin = science
| archetype = dominator
| primary = Plant Control
| secondary = Icy Assault
| epic = Leviathan Mastery
| pool1 = Flight
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Presence
| pool4 =  

===In Good Company===
{{Userboxtop| toptext = Incarnate}}
{{Userbox Generic|Musculature Boost|[[Image:Incarnate_Alpha_Musculature_Common.png]]|background=white}}
{{Userbox Generic|38% Unlocked|[[Image:Incarnate_Interface_Blank.png]]|background=gray}}
[[Image:Originicon magic.png|20px]] Magic Mastermind [[Image:V_archetypeicon mastermind.png|20px]]<br/>
[[Demon Summoning]]/[[Sonic Resonance]]/[[Soul Mastery]]<br/>

Coming soon...
| description = Flaming Father can be found plotting on [[Servers#Triumph|Triumph]]
| name = Flaming Father
| realname = Residents of Wicked Manor
| image = [[Image:FieryFray_GreaterFireSword.png|32px‎]]
| level = 50
| origin = mutation
| archetype = brute
| primary = Fiery Melee
| secondary = Fiery Aura
| epic = Mu Mastery
| pool1 = Super Speed
| pool2 = Fitness
| pool3 = Presence
| pool4 =

Latest revision as of 21:50, 28 August 2021

Level 50 Heroes



Originicon mutation.png Mutation Scrapper Archetypeicon scrapper.png
Spines/Dark Armor/Body Mastery

Coming soon...

Aether Lux

Incarnate Alpha Musculature Rare.png Musculature Total Radial Revamp
Incarnate Judgement Blank.png Judgement Unlocked
Incarnate Interface Blank.png Interface Unlocked
Incarnate Lore Blank.png 42% Unlocked
Incarnate Destiny Blank.png 63% Unlocked

Originicon natural.png Natural Peacebringer Archetypeicon peacebringer.png
Luminous Blast/Luminous Aura

After a battle with the Clockwork King, Electrilux was victorious but severely wounded. To save his life, he bonded with a Kheldian, and began a new life as a Peacebringer.

Dustin the Wind


Originicon magic.png Magic Controller Archetypeicon controller.png
Gravity Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery

Coming soon...


Incarnate Alpha Musculature VeryRare.png Musculature Core Paragon
Incarnate Judgement Ion VeryRare.png Ion Core Final Judgement
Incarnate Interface Reactive VeryRare.png Reactive Radial Flawless Interface
Incarnate Lore Drones VeryRare.png Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Incarnate Destiny Barrier VeryRare.png Barrier Core Epiphany
Incarnate Hybrid Assault VeryRare.png Assault Radial Embodiment

Originicon technology.png Technology Blaster Archetypeicon blaster.png
Electrical Blast/Electricity Manipulation/Electrical Mastery

A promising student of Paragon Technical Institute, Keith Sterling was horribly injured when a transformer in his lab exploded. His advisor working in the lab with him was killed instantly and shrapnel shredded Keith's right arm from the elbow to the shoulder. The robotic arm which he had been working on was able to replace his damaged flesh, but the loss of his mentor haunts him. He learned from the legendary hero Citadel that the Clockwork had sabotaged his lab, causing the explosion. In desperation, he sought out the Clockwork, determined to destroy as many as he could. They nearly killed him, but in desperation he hit them with his robotic arm and disabled them. Finding that he now had a stronger than normal arm he worked to improve his power. He constructed armbands to store charge, which he can release at an enemy. He now fights all manner of villain, not just Clockwork, but patiently waits for the day when he will be able to confront the Clockwork King.



Originicon science.png Science Scrapper Archetypeicon scrapper.png
Radiation Melee/Radiation Armor/Blaze Mastery

Coming Soon...

Frosty the Slowman

Originicon magic.png Magic Corruptor V archetypeicon corruptor.png
Ice Blast/Time Manipulation/Psychic Mastery

Turns out there was WAY more magic in that hat than they expected...

Furious Father

Originicon mutation.png Mutation Scrapper Archetypeicon scrapper.png
Savage Melee/Fiery Aura/Blaze Mastery

Coming soon...

Hom Tanks

Originicon natural.png Natural Tanker Archetypeicon tanker.png
Shield Defense/Super Strength/Energy Mastery

Coming soon...

Slamuel Adams


Originicon natural.png Natural Scrapper Archetypeicon scrapper.png
War Mace/Willpower/Body Mastery

Coming soon...

Level 50 Villains

In Good Company

Incarnate Alpha Musculature Common.png Musculature Boost
Incarnate Interface Blank.png 38% Unlocked

Originicon magic.png Magic Mastermind V archetypeicon mastermind.png
Demon Summoning/Sonic Resonance/Soul Mastery

Coming soon...