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=== Too Busy ===
=== Too Busy ===
My goodness, haven't you got enough to do already?
My goodness, haven't you got enough to do already?
=== Too Low Level ===
I have something, but it's classified Security Level 4.

=== No More Missions ===
=== No More Missions ===

Revision as of 20:26, 14 March 2009


Jonathan St. John Smythe
Jonathan St. John Smythe.jpg
Science Hero Liaison
Zone Atlas Park
Coordinates (70, -784, -916.5)
Level Range 1-4
Introduced By None
Introduces Level 5-9
Need Info
Enemy Groups Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok
v  d  e

Jonathan St. John Smythe is a hero contact in the Atlas Plaza neighborhood of Atlas Park at coordinates (70, -784, -916.5). Jonathan St. John Smythe is a Science origin contact. His level range is 1-4. He can be found within City Hall.


Contact Introduced By

  • None. Jonathan is an initial contact for heroes of Science origin.

New Contact(s)

Need Info



Science Hero Liaison

Professor Jonathan St. John-Smythe is a brilliant research scientist whose inventions have been of great help to Paragon City and its heroes. The Professor works for SERAPH, which is a section of the Federal Bureau of Super-powered Affairs. SERAPH stands for Scientific Experimentation, Research and Application to Paranormal Humans. His primary duty is monitoring and measuring the power levels of the city's heroes, and he is always eager to help new heroes better understand their powers. He is fascinated by the Vahzilok, and he gathers information on their activities whenever possible.

Wrong Origin Introduction

I'm terribly sorry, but you should be talking to Active Contact instead.

Initial Contact

Oh, hello. Here to do some good for the city, are you? I have your file here somewhere. Character, isn't it? With Science based Scrapper powers, I do believe. Excellent. Let's begin.


  • Oh, hello. Up for a spot of action?
  • Ready for a new mission, I trust?

Too Busy

My goodness, haven't you got enough to do already?

Too Low Level

I have something, but it's classified Security Level 4.

No More Missions

I don't have anything more for you. Perhaps your other contacts have something?


I do believe I can trust you fully at this point, Character. Come, let's find you some new trinkets in my lab. I am at your disposal.


Talk to Iris Parker about the zombie attacks


Welcome to SERAPH, Scientific Experimentation, Research and Application to Paranormal Humans. It's come to our attention recently that individuals are being pulled off the streets by creatures that can only be described as zombies. Normally this would be MAGI's bailiwick, but they say they've seen no new mystic residue lately. I think these zombies may have been created by medical means. Fascinating, yes?

There's an elderly lady named Iris Parker who witnessed one of the assaults. I'd like you to talk to Mrs. Parker about the zombie attacks.

Mission Acceptance

Do let me know what you find. I can only imagine the foul den these creatures come from!

Unnecessary Solicitation

I'd be ever so grateful if you could figure out where on Earth those zombies are coming from.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Iris Parker

Contact Small Iris Parker.jpg
Iris Parker


I was walking back from the grocery store, when out from the sewer a horrible creature appeared. Its flesh was rotted and grey, and its skin was covered in stitches. I feared for my life, but the creature ignored me. It grabbed Alex Carter, a newsstand owner near where I live, and dragged him into the sewer! I'll gladly tell you where this nightmare occurred, if you could rescue that poor dear.


  • The NPC hostage can vary between Alex Carter and Michael Thompson.

Unnecessary Solicitation

That Iris Parker knows more about this situation than anyone else. Heed her words.

Mission Objective(s)

The foul odor you smell could not possibly be from sewage alone.

  • Defeat all zombies in sewer
    • Find Alex Carter

You found Alex Carter and defeated his abductors.

Hostage Dialogue 

(After rescue)
Alex Carter: I don't know what they wanted; they never said anything. They were very careful not to hurt me though. The men in the medical masks kept talking about taking me to see a doctor. I'm so glad you came after me!


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok


They were handling this Alex Carter fellow with care, eh? That could mean a lot of things, and most of them aren't good. I want to know more about this 'doctor' they mentioned. I hope I can count on you to help me investigate.

Template:Mission Common Learn about the fallen heroes of Paragon City

Investigate the disappearances


Several wealthy citizens have disappeared in the last couple of days. That's hardly unusual in this town, but this time no ransom notes have been delivered. I want you to investigate these disappearances, Character. I have a bad feeling that those people are in serious trouble.

Mission Acceptance

One more thing: all of the missing people had fatal illnesses. That connection has to mean something, but I can't figure out what!

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must do everything in your power to rescue those missing people.

Mission Objective(s)

Sick laughter echoes in the distance.

  • Rescue the missing citizens
    • 3 people to rescue

You rescued the kidnapped citizens from the Vahzilok.

Hostage Dialogue 

(After rescue)
Kidnapped citizen: I don't want to be a zombie! Kidnapped citizen: I've got to tell you what they tried to do! Kidnapped citizen: They said they'd cure me! Hah! They wanted to turn me into a zombie!

Icon clue generic.png
The kidnapped woman's story
The woman you rescued from the Vahzilok told you:

'They approached me because of my money, and because of my illness. You see, I'm dying of cancer. This strange Vahzilok said he could give me eternal life! And all he wanted was the bulk of my fortune!

'I was desperate, so I gave in. But that was before I knew what they wanted to do to me. They wanted to turn me into a zombie, a walking corpse!'.


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok


So, Vahzilok convinced those people to hand over their fortunes in exchange for eternal life. Trouble is, it was a life few people would consider worth living: a life as one of his disgusting zombies! It's really sad that he would prey on the desperately ill like this. But I suppose that's what I should expect from such a demented person.

Template:Mission SeeAPSecChief

Deliver the data disc to Henry Peter Wong


Hero Corps has pulled some strings, and they're asking for all the data we've collected on the Vahzilok. I need someone to deliver this data disc to Henry Peter Wong. He'll see that Hero Corps gets the info.

Mission Acceptance

I'm sure Dr. Vahzilok would love to get his hands on this disc. Watch your back, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hero Corps is waiting for that data, Character

Icon clue generic.png
Data on Vahzilok
This data disc contains all the data SERAPH has on the Vahzilok menace.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take data to Henry Peter Wong

Contact Small Henry Peter Wong.jpg
Henry Peter Wong


Hero Corps thanks you for your cooperation in this matter, Character. Hero Corps doesn't like to be beholden to any organization, so I'll return the favor SERAPH did for us immediately. There is a cave in Galaxy City that the Vahzilok have been using as a secret research lab. I'm sure a powerful hero like yourself will have no problem wiping it out and getting some more info for SERAPH and Hero Corps to share.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Henry Peter tipped you off to a secret Vahzilok lab? You better go check that out.

Mission Objective(s)

The foul stench of the sewers lingers in this cave.

  • Defeat lab leader and his crew
    • 2 hostages remaining

You defeated the Vahzilok and rescued the hostages.

Icon clue generic.png
Morbid research data
The research data you recovered from the Vahzilok cave is very disturbing. Apparently they are using the cover of night to conduct 'involuntary organ donations' in Kings Row.


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok

Notable NPCs

Boss Dialogue 

Skull Fracture: Ho ho! Character is here to save the day? I think not!


Looks like Hero Corps steered us in the right direction. You did a great job, Character, but I don't understand why Hero Corps didn't take care of this cave themselves.

Investigate the conference


I just got a tip that some men calling themselves the disciples of Vahzilok are planning a conference in a secondary sewer section. While their exact aims are unclear, it seems likely that they're linked to these bio-mechanical zombies that have been terrorizing the populace lately. Will you investigate this conference?

Mission Acceptance

While you're down there, look for any information on the aims of Vahzilok's minions.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I asked you to break up that conference.

Mission Objective(s)

Medical notes float in the filthy water, alongside medical paraphernalia and waste.

  • Defeat all Vahzilok in sewer
    • Rescue the hostage!, Learn purpose of conference

You disrupted the conference, rescued a hostage, and found some notes.

Icon clue generic.png
Medical notes
These wild medical notes were not made by any doctor who cares for the sanctity of human life. They describe horrible techniques for using artificial stimulus and cybernetic parts to animate the body. You notice that these notes are based on recent research.

NPC Text 

(After rescue)
Hostage: I'm so glad you saved me! They said they were going to vivisect me at their conference!


Badge villain vahzilok.png Vahzilok


Thanks for breaking up that horrible conference. It's terrifying to contemplate the depths this Vahzilok has sunk to. Human experimentation, animating the dead! He must be a madman indeed.

External Links