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* {{green|Now, for Polario...}}}}
* {{green|Now, for Polario...}}}}

{{Mission Briefing|Contact=''Michael Polario|Text=Michael Polario's face goes blank as you approach him. He stumbles back, his hand shaking. ''
{{Mission Briefing|Contact=Michael Polario|Text=Michael Polario's face goes blank as you approach him. He stumbles back, his hand shaking. ''

Y-you're Alex Isaacs!  
Y-you're Alex Isaacs!  

Revision as of 06:22, 25 February 2011

Collapsing Ideals

Villain Morality Mission

Mission You overhear some Arachnos operatives speaking about a mind control device being worked on by Arachnos scientists. You look into the matter, using all the resources at your command to find every bit of information there is...

You discover that Arachnos does indeed have a mind control device, though it is only powerful enough to control the mind of one person. They have been developing it to combat recent problems with Bane Spiders breaking free from their mental network.
They already plan on using a prototype on the device on a man named Michael Polario, a rich gambler living in St. Martial. They have evidence that he has left Johnny Sonata's inner circle to work with Longbow in an attempt to kick out Johnny - and Arachnos - from the Giza and St. Martial! Polario has been seen speaking with the hero Overdrive about this on several occassions.
Later today, Polario will be giving a live conference to the people of Paragon, telling them of the corruption within St. Martial in order to bring as many heroes as possible into the island to remove the threat of Johnny Sonata and Arachnos.
Arachnos, however, has a different plan of their own for this device.

Well, well! Looks like you stumbled upon quite the tangled plot: a former member of Johnny Sonata's gang trying to redeem himself, Arachnos looking to stop that with a very lucrative device, and a connection with Overdrive - someone considered to be a hero amongst heroes in Paragon.

All of this comes together to form an idea in your mind - take the mind control device for yourself, stop this Michael Polario from inviting more heroes into the Isles, and then, to top it all off, mind-control Overdrive to make her your lackey for ALL of Paragon to see!

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will change your alignment to Villain. Becoming a Villain means you will be unable to travel to Paragon City. Any ties to the heroic world will be lost.

  • Get yourself a new lackey - Overdrive!

WARNING: This is a Morality Mission. Completing this mission will maintain your current alignment of Villain, removing any progress you may have made on any other alignments.
Are you sure you want to do this?

  • Yes, get myself a new lackey - Overdrive!

You map out your master plan after picking up some more information on Arachnos's 'big plan'.

Operative Vargas is currently waiting for some hired help in the form of Savage Siren to show up - looks like they're paying her off to be the one to do the deed. You're going to get there before Savage Siren and take the device from Vargas - leaving him sprawled out along the ground should leave a clear message to Savage Siren - stay away from here.

Once that's done, you'll have to make your way to the top of Polario's penthouse and take him out - before the cameras start to roll. Once he's taken care of, you'll send a message to Longbow that you're 'holding him hostage' - it's just a matter of time until your soon-to-be lackey, Overdrive, arrives.

You'll beat her into a pulp, use the device, then walk out with the people of Paragon watching your victory!

Longbow will have lost their inside man of Polario, the heroes of Paragon will never be commanded to assault St. Martial, and you'll have yourself a new personal lackey. What's not not to like?

  • Get yourself a new lackey!

You head off to the location of Polario's penthouse within St. Martial...

Unnecessary Solicitation

If only you could see the faces of the people of Paragon as they see one of their most prominent heroes defeated in front of their very eyes!

Mission Objective(s)

You enter the building to see Operative Vargas waiting...just as you planned.

  • Make Overdrive Your Lackey!
    • Take the device from Operative Vargas!
    • Deal with Michael Polario!



V badge Security.png Security Guards

Notable NPCs

Contact Small Operative Vargas.jpg
Operative Vargas


Operative Vargas's face pales as you walk up to him, though he tries to maintain his composure. In his right hand is a small device that resembles some sort of futuristic ray gun - the mind control device.

Ah...Character...this is a...pleasant surprise. I was expecting miss Siren...

...I assume you're not here to talk.

  • That would be a correct assumption, yes.

Operative Vargas glances to the weapon in his hand, then up towards you.

Well...tell you what. I'll just get out of your way and...

...zap you with this-!

  • (Grab the device out of Vargas' hand)

Vargas blinks as you rip the device out from his hand. He remains motionless with his arm raised, pointing his finger at you. Vargas lets out a nervous laugh.

...you really don't want to hurt me, Character. I can help bring you places in Arachnos! You'll go places thanks to-

  • (Knock out Operative Vargas)

Vargas collapses to the ground, knocked unconscious. And you have the mind control device in your hands - time to get to work.

  • Now, for Polario...

Contact Small Michael Polario.jpg
Michael Polario


Michael Polario's face goes blank as you approach him. He stumbles back, his hand shaking.

Y-you're Alex Isaacs!

If you're here...that can only mean that y-you know about...

Polario gulps, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a communicator - Longbow-made.

Take one step closer and I'll call in Longbow! I swear I will! You won't take ME hostage!

  • What makes you think I am here for you?

xxxx dialogue 

Before Combat:

Private Security Guard 1: When is Longbow going to get here? I REALLY don't want to be guarding this guy...
Private Security Guard 2: Tell me something I don't know. It's tough enough being a cop in the Isles.
Private Security Guard 1: But then guarding a guy who EVERYONE would be after if they found out about his secret?!
Private Security Guard 2: Yeah...you think even Character would show up?
Private Security Guard 1: I wouldn't put it past him, that's for sure.

Combat Start:

Private Security Guard 1: It's Character...!!
Private Security Guard 2: I knew this could only end badly!

Security Captain dialogue 

Before Combat:

Polario said once he's in with Longbow, he'll get me a position in there as a Commander. Maybe then I'll finally get some DECENT armor.
My wife said if I call her up again from the hospital one more time, she's gonna scream and yell until I quit this job.

Combat Start:

V archetypeicon stalker.png Ambush! Attacks by several waves of Paragon Police occur after destroying the emergency supply cache.
Stop Character and get back Mitsumoto!

Just get what you need and go after Character!
Where are the drones? And the supplies?!

Stay strong, we can do this!
We weren't prepared for this!

We're the last line, we stop Character here and now!


V badge PPD.png Paragon Police Department
V badge Longbow.png Longbow
V badge Security.png Security Guards

Notable NPCs

Radio — Negotiations with Longbow 
Contact Small Radio.jpg

With Mitsumoto Hagashi at the proper location, you set the radio frequency to contact a nearby Longbow base. A few moments later, one of the commanders answers your call.

Hello? Who is this? Who knows this line?

  • It would be me, Character. I have a little deal to make...


We heard reports...you're at the construction site for that shelter...you're a monster!

What do you want?

  • It's more of what -you're- willing to give me for Hagashi.

You have him?!

There is silence on the other line - the commander must be speaking with the other members of Longbow about what to do.

  • I don't have all day, commander - and neither does my hostage.

Alright, Character...we're willing to pay.

Just...name your terms!

  • Tell Longbow what you want in exchange for Hagashi)

What?! You ask for too much! We won't pay that!

  • You'll pay it if you want him to live.

Fine...alright? We'll send over our agents now to deliver the package.

  • A lone agent. If you try to pull anything, Hagashi dies!


The line goes silent. All that's left now is to wait - though it seems Hagashi has spotted something...

  • (Look over at what the disturbance could be)

You turn to see Silent Blade on the top of the construction yard - charging straight towards you!

Hmph! More interruptions, I see!

Longbow dialogue 

Before Combat:

We've got reports of some combat in the area. Keep this entrance to Steel Canyon guarded at all costs!

Combat Start:

It's Character! Don't let him through!

Paragon Police guarding supplies dialogue 

Before Combat:

SWAT Equalizer: Why would anyone attack this event? It's almost pointless for us to be here.
You never know who we might find out here. It's always best to be on our guard.

Combat Start:

It's Character! Protect the supplies and alert everyone else!

Paragon Police guarding remote generator dialogue 

Before Combat:

PPD Ghost: We've got word that Character is here somewhere. We need those drones here ASAP!
SWAT Equalizer: We're working on it, the generator is barely up and running!

Combat Start:

PPD Ghost: It's too late! Hold off Alex Isaacs until we can get the drones here!

Paragon Police guarding remote emergency supply cache dialogue 

Before Combat:

SWAT Equalizer: Get these items out now! Arm everyone, even the civilians! We're taking down Character!
PPD Ghost: This is our chance, move!

Combat Start:

SWAT Equalizer: Somebody stop Character before it's too late!

Security Guards & Hagashi dialogue 

Before Combat:

Mitsumoto Hagashi: What do you mean we're cancelling the ceremony?
Private Security Guard: Don't worry, sir, we've got everything covered. You'll be safe.

Combat Start:

Private Security Guard: Take down Character!

After defeating guards:

Mitsumoto Hagashi: You won't win, Character. I know the road you travel. It will not lead you to a pleasant end.

Silent Blade and Hagashi dialogue 

Immediately after radio negotiations:
Mitsumoto Hagashi: Give Character whatever he wants!
Mitsumoto Hagashi: You idiots! Pay Character! I don't want to die for your ideals - or your wallet!
Mitsumoto Hagashi: What...who is that? No...no it couldn't be...!
Silent Blade Approaches:
Mitsumoto Hagashi: Yurika! No! Longbow will handle this, stay away!
Silent Blade: Father, I am here to rescue you. Stay calm!
Silent Blade: Character, I will not rest until my father is safe - I will kill you like the dog you are!
Silent Blade: You chose the wrong man to take hostage, Character. Use this fleeting moment to regret your actions before you are sent off this coil!
Silent Blade: I will not I have you meet this fate, father, not when you have come so far.
Mitsumoto Hagashi: I would never have been here, had I not listened to you and your ramblings!
Silent Blade: This is not my fault, father! I shall save you! You do not need to live your life of crime any longer!
Mitsumoto Hagashi: I was well protected back then - and now look! On the brink of death, and for what? For nobility? This is not worth it!
Silent Blade: I will...I will not let it end like this! Father, I will show you...I will show you that this is the right path!
Mitsumoto Hagashi: I never should have listened to you, Yurika. We do not live in an age of decency, like you so claimed!
Defeating Silent Blade:
Silent Blade: No...father...!
Mitsumoto Hagashi: I was right, Yurika. And now...I shall be the one to pay for your foolishness.
Mitsumoto Hagashi: I suppose I already know what you're going to do, Character.
Get...get on with it. I...am ready.
Silent Blade: Perhaps...you were right...all along...

Mission Exit

As you entered the truck to leave Boomtown, the tunnels around you shook from the explosion.

Papers around Paragon proclaimed that you were responsible for the explosion - and the loss of Hagashi's life. The people of Paragon mourn his loss, while the authorities have put out multiple warrants for your arrest.

It's too bad that Longbow just had to send in Silent Blade to play the part of the hero - her dear father might still be alive today if she had just followed your plan.