Window scale (Slash Command)
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- /window_scale window_name scale
Changes the scale that the named window is displayed at, effectively shrinking (for a scale less than one) or enlarging (for a scale greater than one) the window. scale ranges from approximately 0.65 to approximately 2.25, with 1 being the default scale.
Window List
The following list of windows are valid parameters for most window related commands, and can be used in wdw save files:
- Actions
- Badge
- ChanSearch
- Chat
- Chat0 through Chat4
- Clues/Clue
- Combatmonitor (can not hide/show/toggle, but can be scaled)
- Combatnumbers (Combat Attributes)
- Compass
- Compose
- Contacts/Contact
- Costume
- Enhancements
- Friends/Friend
- Health
- Help
- Info (can only be hidden or toggled to hidden)
- Incarnate
- Inspirations/Inspiration/Insps/Insp
- Map
- Mission
- Nav
- Options
- Pet
- PowerList
- Recipes
- Salvage
- Search
- Status
- Supergroup/Super/Sg
- Team/Group
- Target
- Tray/Power
- Tray1 through Tray8