Waylon McCrane

Waylon McCrane is an adventurer who has been hired by Mayor Bower to help against the Tuatha de Dannan, but it seems he has been too overconfident, despite his skill with a bow. He was one of the first NPCs in game to use a bow.
Waylon belongs to the Adventurer faction
Heroes can find him:
- on the Save Waylon McCrane from the Tuatha mission from Kelly Nemmers as a Pet and an Ally (Levels 30 -34).
- Note: Just like many other NPC Aliies, though he's presented as a Boss, he's actually a Pet
Adventurer and self-proclaimed hero Waylon McCrane was hired by the village of Salamanca to stop the strange goings on in the woods. He's gotten himself in a bit over his head, but he's still an impressive shot with a bow.
He will be found fighting the Tuatha:
Before combat:
- Tuatha warrior: This one thinks he can stop the Tuatha.
- Bres: The fool must die.
Combat start:
- Bres: Exterminate all of them!
Once free: I have to admit, I may need some help getting out of here.
If refound: Thanks, friend
At the mission exit: Thanks, ol'buddy. Of course I would have gotten out on my own. Tough as nails, you know!
See Also
- Waylon McCrane's Adventurer profile for a list of his powers