Pet Commands
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There are many slash commands that can be used to direct and manipulate pets. Unlike other commands that make use of power names and player names for arguments, these commands can have such names truncated. The 8 Stance and Action orders can easily be truncated to their first 3 letters, as can all the henchmen summoning powers. When a pet name is truncated, the order given will go to all pets that have the string specified in their name.
Bind Syntax
Petcom | ||
/petcom commands | Sends commands to your current pet. | |
/petcom_all commands | Sends commands to all pets. | |
/petcom_name pet_name commands | Sends commands to named pet. | |
/petcom_pow power_name commands | Sends commands to pets summoned by named power. | |
Petsay | ||
/petsay message | Current pet says the message. | |
/petsay_all message | All pets say the message. | |
/petsay_name pet_name message | Named pet says the message. | |
/petsay_pow power_name message | Pets summoned by named power says the message. | |
Naming your pet | ||
/petrename name | Rename your current pet. | |
/petrename_name name | Rename the named pet. | |
Target | ||
/pet_select integer | Selects a pet from the list, starting with 0 at the top. | |
/pet_select_name pet_name | Selects the named pet. | |
Inspirations | ||
/inspexec_pet_name petname inspiration | Gives an inspiration to the named pet. | |
/inspexec_pet_target inspiration | Gives an inspiration to the targeted pet. |
Pet Commands
Aggressive - Attack everything in their Perception range, or that attacks you or any of your other pets.
Defensive - Retaliate to attacks made against you or any of your other pets.
Passive - Will not attack unless specifically told to.
Attack - Attacks your currently selected target, regardless of Stance. Automatically switches to Follow after all nearby hostile targets are defeated.
Follow - Follow you.
Stay - Hold position. Will move a short distance from that spot if in Aggressive or Defensive mode and attacking.
Goto - Gives you a targeting reticule to select a spot on the ground. Pets continuously attempt to move to that spot. Similar rules to Stay.
Dismiss - Causes the pet(s) to disappear from the pet window. Henchmen and other summoned pets immediately despawn. Heavies and Turrets in Recluse's Victory hang around.