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Changes to European Services

NCsoft have announced the phasing out of localized content on the French and German servers and the game client by Issue 23. In addition, forums, websites will also become English only by late April. Customer Service tickets will continue to be responded to in French or German.

For more information please see the Official Announcement.

Featured at the Paragon Market

New and Featured! The Lion Pet and Liger Pet. Non-combat pets that let you have the king of the jungle at your beck and call, or call a liger that combines lion and tiger, with a scorpion's tail. 400 Paragon Points (pp) each. The new "Jungle Pets 1" bundle contains both pets and is on sale this week for 600 pp.

  • Vanguard MVAS Pet. A Miniature Vanguard Assault Suit (non-combat) pet that will follow you around. 25% off now 263 pp.
  • German Shepherd Pet. Companion (non-combat) pet that follows you into danger, lounges lazily or scratches behind its ears. 25% off now 375 pp.

Sales generally last for one week. See the official announcement and the Paragon Market in-game for further information.