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Sunday January 22, 2006

New Administrator

I've added another person as an administrator of the site, StarGeek. If you've seen the Recent Changes log lately, you'll know that his additions to the wiki have been invaluable, and spread across several areas such as enemy articles, powersets, error corrections, and more. With administrator privileges, he will now have even more access to change protected pages and perform user administration as well.

Thanks for your contributions, StarGeek, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next!

Server Outage

Well, not exactly. The DNS servers for this site went kaput sometime yesterday (Saturday) afternoon Eastern time, which had the same effect: For hours, the site was inaccessible. It was, unfortunately, completely beyond my control other than logging a couple of tickets with my web hosting provider to try to have the matter resolved. Sometime between around 11:00pm EST Saturday night and 5:30am EST this morning, the problem was resolved and normal service restored. I apologize for any inconvenience this caused, and hope that the service provider takes steps to keep from having such a long outage again.