Mission:An Act of Mercy - Part Two: Foundations
Part Two: Foundations
The man named Max said that someone once fought Mot in the 1800's... that is quite odd. The first that I had heard of someone fighting the darkness in Astoria was in 1953, when the Freedom Phalanx reclaimed Dark Astoria from the first time the darkness overcame it. They all believed that was the first and last time this would happen... but after the darkness came again, no one was able to stop it. I wonder, though... the Circle of Thorns were here in Astoria, even before the darkness first engulfed it. Hrm...
- Something to think on. Do you know where the bank is?
Mission Acceptance
Yes, the bank. Here is the location. I should warn you, Character, if the Knives of Vengeance attacked Max, it is possible that they also attacked the man who was meeting him here. I'm unsure why they would choose such a place to meet, but that is not our concern at this moment.
I am going to continue monitoring Scirocco. Ice Mistral has contacted me, saying that he has begun to act distant, saying that he has given up trying to teach her his various lessons on how to properly use her powers. I believe the city of Astoria and Mot are beginning to destroy Scirocco's mind, but we will deal with that.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm still having trouble contacting Scirocco, Character.
Mission Objective(s)
You found the body of the man Max was supposed to meet up with at the door. There was a note on him, indicating the information was placed in a safe within the bank.
- Find Information on David Hazen
- Find the information on David Hazen
- 8 groups of Banished Pantheon to defeat to break free from Mot
You're able to escape from wherever Mot sent you - you had better hurry!
Banished Pantheon
Knives of Vengeance
You found some information on David Hazen!
You're flung back to the entrance of the bank by the power of the unknown voice that spoke to you!
Are you alright, Character? I was unable to reach your signature for a while. Some unknown man helped you escape, you say? Hrm... a third player within this place, then. Interesting.
It is too bad that the informant Max spoke of was unable to find more regarding this David Hazen. However, what he did find is somewhat... coincidental, almost to the point of fault.
You see, Character, we have officially lost all contact with Scirocco. He told Ice Mistral that it was over, and that it was time for him to face the Sentinel.