Julius the Kind Hearted Troll

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From the Story Arc "Julius the Kind Hearted Troll" given by Julius the Troll.
This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 10-14.

Souvenir's Text

Julius the Kind Hearted Troll

Julius is a strange one. Willing to turn against his own in order to protect the innocent and the pure. His words may be simple, but his intentions are deep. Whether it be sending you after some Trolls attempting to block the Red River dam, taking out some Igneous or going after human slave trafficking, Julius wants what's best for his world.

'I want see nature restored,' he tells you.

What bothers you though is that you know something else was going on in that last cave where you rescued the slaves from. You didn't feel right the whole time you were in there and now you're starting to have some very strange dreams.

See Also