Invention System Capacity

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The base number of invention salvage, vault slots, recipe slots and Auction House transaction slots a character can have increases with level. Additional slots can be obtained by acquiring certain badges, earned through the Paragon Rewards Program or can be purchased through the Paragon Market.

The maximum a character can have of each item is:

  • 205 pieces of salvage
  • 94 recipes
  • 57 transaction slots
  • 100 vault slots

Salvage Capacity

By Level

Level Range 1 2 3 4 5 – 35 36 37 38 39 40 – 44 45 – 50
Capacity 3 spaces 4 spaces 8 spaces 15 spaces 30 spaces 32 spaces 34 spaces 36 spaces 38 spaces 40 spaces 50 spaces

From Badges

Each of the following Invention System related badges allow a character to carry two additional salvage items, for up to 20 additional on-hand Invention Salvage slots. Except for Scrounger, which is awarded for the sale of salvage on the Auction House, the badges are for memorizing the level 25-30 IO enhancement recipes.

File:Badge auction seller hero.pngFile:Badge auction seller villain.png Scrounger

You've sold 50 salvage on the Auction House.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Despoiler

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Rebuilder

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Heal.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Protector

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Charming

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Nuclear Powered

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Hit-Man

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Colonel

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Warhead

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Damage and Knockback.

File:Badge crafter 3.png Wanderer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

The following veteran badge adds five more Invention Salvage slots:

File:Badge vr months generic.png Enduring
This world is in a state of constant change, but there's one thing people can count on: you. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty three Reward Tokens.
This world is in a state of constant change, but there's one thing that people will always fear: you. This badge has been granted to you for earning twenty three Reward Tokens.

From Vanguard

Finally, level 35-50 characters can craft the Vanguard Storage Sack reward for an additional ten Invention Salvage slots.

Recipe Capacity

By Level

Level Range 1 – 5 6 – 9 10 11 – 15 16 – 19 20 – 25 26 – 34 35 – 40 41 42 43 – 50
Capacity 1 space 4 spaces 8 spaces 10 spaces 11 spaces 12 spaces 13 spaces 14 spaces 16 spaces 18 spaces 20 spaces

From Badges

Each of the following Invention Recipe related badges allows a character to carry one more recipe, for up to nine additional on-hand Invention Recipe slots. The badges are for memorizing the level 45-50 IO enhancement recipes.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Retrograde

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Reanimator

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Heal.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Defensive

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Mesmerizer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Perpetual

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Sharpshooter

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

File:Badge crafter 5.png General

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Lord of War

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Damage and Knockback.

File:Badge crafter 5.png Nomad

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

The following veteran badge adds five more Invention Recipe slots:

File:Badge vr months generic.png Enduring

Enduring Badge

Transaction Capacity

By Level

Level Range 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 – 9 10 – 11 12 – 13 14 – 15 16 – 17 18 – 19 20 – 39 40 – 50
Capacity 1 space 2 spaces 3 spaces 4 spaces 6 spaces 7 spaces 8 spaces 9 spaces 10 spaces 11 spaces 12 spaces 13 spaces 14 spaces 15 spaces 16 spaces

From Badges

Each of the following Auction House transaction slot related badges add one transaction slot, for a possible total of five additional slots. The badges are awarded by selling any items (salvage, recipes, inspirations, etc.) on the market.

File:Badge auction seller 04.png Merchant

You've sold 250 items on the Auction House.

File:Badge auction seller 06.png Retailer

You've sold 1000 items on the Auction House.

File:Badge auction seller 08.png Auctioneer

You've sold 3000 items on the Auction House.

File:Badge auction seller 10.png Marketer

You've sold 5000 items on the Auction House.

File:Badge auction seller 12.png Power Seller

You've sold 7000 items on the Auction House.

The following veteran badge also adds one more transaction slot:

File:Badge vr months generic.png Enduring

Enduring Badge

Vault Capacity

By Level

Level Range 1 2 3 4 5 – 35 36 37 38 39 40 – 44 45 – 50
Capacity 3 spaces 4 spaces 8 spaces 15 spaces 30 spaces 32 spaces 34 spaces 36 spaces 38 spaces 40 spaces 50 spaces