Fortunata Bramlett

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Fortunata Bramlett


Fortunata Bramlett is an Arachnos Fortunata Mistress who has been recruited by Sister Airlia to infiltrate Sister Solaris' group of Sybils.

She appears in Sister Airlia's storyarc Politics, Cimeroran Style.

Her faction, regardless of how she looks, is Arachnos.

Information (as Fortunata Bramlett)

The most powerful of the Fortunatas are the Mistresses. These rare few have mastered numerous psychic abilities and risen to the top of Lord Recluse's beautiful Black Widows.

Information (as Sybil Bramlett)

Fortunata Bramlett has come to Cimerora and disguised herself as a Sybil to aid Sister Airlia's plans.



Sybil Bramlett

As Fortunata Bramlett, she has the standard powers of a Fortunata Mistress, but only in the mission Talk to Sister Solaris. Enemies also seem to ignore her in combat too.

Once she changes into Sybil Bramlett, she stops using her abilities in order to keep in disguise, and basically becomes a standard 'Escort hostage to location' NPC. As enemies ignore her in her Fortunata clothing anyway, it may be a good idea to complete the second objective (defeat 25 Cimeroran Traitors), which includes at least one Boss and one Elite Boss before allowing her to change her clothing.

Mental Blast Ranged, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The basic psionic attack does moderate damage and can slightly reduce a target's attack speed.

Psychic Scream (Ranged) Cone, Psionic, Foe -Recharge
The howl of Psionic energy resonates in the mind of all foes within its conical area of effect.

Telekinetic Blast Ranged, Moderate Damage, (Smash/Psionic), Foe Knockback
You can use Telekinesis to Blast a targeted foe with the power of your mind. This attack deals Smashing and Psionic damage, and can knock your opponent back. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate

Will Domination Ranged, High Damage, Psionic, Foe Sleep
This powerful attack deals Psionic damage, and is so painful it usually renders its target unconscious. The victim is asleep, and will wake if disturbed.

Mind Link Team +Accuracy, +Perception. Resist: Confuse
Your Accuracy and Perception is improved due to the Fortunata Mistress' Mind Link.

No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Fortunatas don´t have any Melee attacks at all