Buddy Cop Badge

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File:Mission DA Zone Achievement.png


You rescued Detective Hopp from the Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria. When the time came, he remembered you and was able to stay alive long enough for you to find him. The question is, did you actually save him?

How to Get

Badge Requirements: Save Detective Hopp at least once in Dark Astoria before your final meeting in Dream Doctor's story arc.

First, you must save Detective Hopp in "Part Two: No Escape" mission from the "Burden of the Past" arc with Heather Townshend. While in this mission, find and rescue Detective Hopp, who is kneeling, surrounded by a mob, and does not issue dialogue. This is "optional" and will not appear as a Mission Objective in the navigation. Do not end the mission without rescuing him first.

Next, you will need to find Detective Hopp in "Part 6: The Life of David Hazen" mission from the "Choice of Hope" arc with Dream Doctor. He may be difficult to find due to him being prone and not issuing dialogue when close to him.

If you have completed "Part Two: No Escape" successfully, the Detective will still just barely be alive and you can speak to him and teleport him out to safety, thus earning the badge. If you did not successfully rescue him first in "Part Two", the Detective will have been tortured to death and there will be no option to rescue him.

See Also

External Links