Arbiter Minos

Arbiter Minos is an NPC located in the Villain base of Recluse's Victory. He stand just inside the entry portal to the zone and will give an overview of the activities and objectives to be found there. He is not a contact.
Over here, Character. Before you join the battle, you need to be debriefed.
There are two pieces of important technology that I want to discuss with you. Let me break them down:
Heavy Support Robot
This creation next to me is one of Black Scorpion's latest efforts. Behold, the new Arachnos Heavy Blaster Robot, or 'Heavy' for short. Think of it as a walking tank.
There are three Heavy platform stations, like the one you see beside me, that we have secured in Atlas Park. To take command of a Heavy, simply touch the control panel. This will only work when a Heavy is on the platform.
Now this is important to remember. The Heavies pack a punch, but are slow movers, so if you want its benefits, you will have to stick close to it.
The Heroes have a version of a Heavy, too, so be careful.
Temporal Anchors aka 'Pillboxes'
There are seven Temporal Anchors located throughout the city, although all the soldiers just call them 'pillboxes'.
These pillboxes have a four-turret security system which will appear in different 'states' depending on who has ownership of them.
To capture a pillbox, defeat the turrets and then access the control panel in the center. Once activated, a defense shield will initiate to protect you. You will also have control of all four turrets for as long as you stay in the center of the pillbox. The range on the turrets is quite impressive!
If you leave the pillbox you will no longer be able to direct their fire. However, you can bring them back under your command by re-accessing the control panel. If you leave, any Villain can take over and command the turrets while the pillbox is under our possession.