Alignment System
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The Alignment System is the way characters change Alignment. It was introduced with Going Rogue.
It is only available to VIP players, players who have purchased Going Rogue, and players who have purchased it in the Paragon Market.
Beginning at level 20, players can receive Tips, which initiate Alignment Missions. Completing an alignment mission will give a character one Alignment Point (and a point of Public Fame) for the alignment the player chose at the beginning of the mission, provided the character is eligible for that alignment and does not currently have five points of Public Fame. After receiving ten Alignment Points in one alignment, the next Tip to drop will be a Morality Mission of that alignment. The morality mission allows a character to change or reaffirm their alignment.
Public Fame expires after 20 hours, effectively restricting characters to changing alignment on a 20-hour cooldown.