Jessica Flores

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Jessica Flores

Zone Imperial City
Coordinates (-1448, -13, -2074)
Level Range 8-15
Introduced By == Level 8 ==
Calvin Scott
Introduces == Level 8 ==
Luke Larson
Enemy Groups Destroyers
Praetorian Police Department
Praetorian Clockwork
v  d  e

Jessica Flores is a Praetorian contact in Imperial City at coordinates (-1448, -13, -2074).  Her level range is 8-15.


Contact Introduced By

Contact Introduces

I've got someone I think you should meet.

Do you know Luke Larson? Yeah, the politician. He's done a lot to keep Imperial City a great place to live, but recently, with all the crazy going on, he's taken a pretty bad rap. Whatever, people don't have all the information. If they really knew Luke they'd see that he had their best interests in mind. Despite working for the government, he believes strongly in the old ways of the republic. You can trust him.

This contact I've introduced you to can probably move you along down the path you've chosen.



Jessica Flores is an independent investigative reporter whose agenda is uncovering the media's lies about the Resistance movement and showing people the truth of things. This is a dangerous job, however, and she has adopted several pen names under which she writes her articles in order to hide her identity. She hopes to one day crack the wall of censorship that TPN imposses over any and all stories involving the Resistance movement and its believers.

Prior to Introduction

You look kinda lost. You aren't going to do much good fighting the Destroyers or Syndicate if you can't find your way around town. Why don't you look for another Powers Division member who knows the city to show you around?

Initial Contact

I'm Jessica Flores. I don't normally get to talk to you Powers Division types, so this is really exciting for me. I'd love to ask you a bunch of questions for an article I've been meaning to write, but right now I can't remember a single one of them. Ha ha, I'm such a dork sometimes. Do you have time to talk, maybe they'll come back to me if we just chat for a little while.


  • Hi there! I haven't seen your face around before.
  • Hey.

Too Busy

I could really use a hand with a few things, but it looks like you're busy with other tasks. Stop by when you've taken care of those, okay?

Too Low Level

There are some important things that I could use your help with, but I'm worried this might be a little too dangerous, even for someone like you. Come back when you're Security Level 8

No More Missions

Everything's changed, the only thing I want right now is to make sure my boyfriend is ok. Please, keep fighting the good fight, and thank you, for everything.


Story Arc

The Truth Hurts

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 2 Reward Merits.

Souvenir: The Truth Hurts

The Truth Hurts

You still have the Loyal Tea & Coffee card that Jason Maxwell gave you. On the back is the passcode to Laura's computer, an employee at TPN. Seeing it reminds you of a story that proves the old adage:

The Truth Hurts

It all began when you met Jessica Flores, an independent reporter who wrote columns for TPN Today under a variety of pen names. She was working on a piece to expose the truth behind the Destroyers and their tie with Praetor White, in addition to uncovering where they were getting their supply of Fixadine from. You interviewed a few Destroyers and eventually got your big break when you ran into Acid Black. He revealed not only a fairly lengthy history of the Destroyers during the Hamidon Wars, but he also hinted to you that the Praetors might be supplying the Destroyers with Fixadine.

Jessica was overjoyed to discover that the facts she had dug up on her own coincided with what Acid Black was saying. She sent her story off to TPN, but then had another task in store for you. All media intended for TPN use must first pass through Athena Labs for government approved editing. The plan was that a friend of Jessica's would disable the surveillence systems in Athena Labs remotely. This gave you a window of time to enter the facility and move her article through the editing process unchanged, and then get out before no one was the wiser.

Unfortunately, the PPD were the wiser. Jessica's boyfriend, Jason Maxwell, and TPN chief editor Kenneth Hall, were supposed to transmit the story once it arrived. Jessica got an urgent call from Jason that was cut off early. Panicking she insisted that they were in danger and pleaded with you to rescue them. Entering TPN you soon discovered that Jessica was right, the place was crawling with PPD searching for Resistance sympathizers. By the time you found Jason Maxwell the PPD had almost beaten him to death with their 'non-lethal' force gauntlets. Jason told you that the PPD had the main control room locked down but informed you of a back door into the system that he secretly installed on a co-worker's computer. He gave you the password and told you to find Kenneth Hall in order to operate the transmitter and send the story out. You found Kenneth and gained access to the transmitter through the back door. Returning to Jason you found him to be completely unresponsive. Fearing the worst you rushed him outside where the Resistance whisked Jason and Kenneth off to a Resistance safehouse. Jessica was in tears over what had happened to her boyfriend, but let you know that while Praetoria may not know who showed them the truth, she would always remember the sacrifices made so that others might not have to.

Souvenir: The History of the Destroyers

The History of the Destroyers

Jessica gave you a copy of the recordings you made for her when questioning the Destroyers. Every once in awhile you think back to Acid Black and the thrashing of his life that you gave him. He asked you to light him a cigarette with his lighter while he told you a little story about:

The History of the Destroyers

It all started with the motorcycle gangs, way back in the 60's. You had turf wars all across the midwest, people claiming strips of desolate highway and what not. Heck, I was like two years old, but the stories, well, Marauder told them all to us. That's right, the big man, Michael White. He was our leader, the Top Dog of our band of ruthless killers.

Before the earth started to kill everything, White was just the toughest hombre you could run into in a highway saloon. But when the Devouring Earth came, that man had a plan. No... he had the only plan.

There was rioting everywhere, but man, you had to be there to truly know how horrible man could be to fellow man. The entire west coast was moving east, away from the ocean, and people were just flooding into Vegas.

Man, Las Vegas was the worst. After Los Angeles got nuked by the Reds back in '52, Vegas was just a cesspool of vagrants, destitutes, and homeless. All of 'em from L.A. Heh, where do you think they picked me up from?

Anyway, Marauder, he had the plan. He gathered up all the bikers he could find and turned us into an army. Quoted some crap about the Mongols, and how they swept across eastern Europe in the dark ages on horseback. Well, we had iron horses, and instead of bows, man, we raided every gunstore we found from New Mexico to Montana.

The first order of business was to eliminate competition. So instead of attacking the Devouring Earth, we ransacked every hold out settlement we could find. The weak, we purged, the strong, we recruited. It was total slash and burn policy. We were making a firebreak between us and the Devouring Earth.

It worked pretty well. We stayed away from the big cities, and on our bikes, we were faster than any of those shambling mushroom heads. We stayed mobile, lean, and mean.

But the hardest part was still to come. See, we started to run out of gas after a few months. At that point, we had to go back to the big cities. Marauder whipped us into shape, taught us how to fight smart against these creatures, how to control our fear. That was the big thing. If you were calm and alert, the creatures weren't that big of a deal. You just had to hit them hard, and fade away.

Marauder's training paid off when we took Salt Lake City. That place was loaded. We fortified twelve city blocks and leveled the rest. When we took Vegas, same thing.

Did I mention we didn't see a lick of the military during that time? Not one. Those green fatigue pansies got in their helicopters and transport planes five days into the war and left, they never looked back.

Heck, as far as we were concerned, good riddance. Things would have ended up tougher in the beginning if they'd stuck around. Pansies or not, they still had tanks before we did.

It took us about 10 years to carve out a living from the ashes of civilization, but man, we did it. We were doing well too. Sure, there were some rebellions here and there, or we'd stumble into a group of survivors who'd found a military installation and decided to try and claim some of our territory. They didn't last long, we simply couldn't risk bringing them into the fold that late in the game and having them muck up the operation.

Then came word that the war was over. My dead grandmother the war was over! Man, we were still fighting off shambling horrors on a weekly basis and some yahoos over here on the east coast proclaim the war to be over. They even had the nerve to drop pamphlets over the major cities that we'd cleared out telling survivors to 'hold tight, help was on the way'.

Marauder planned on invading the east, giving a little payback to those who'd abandoned us to die out there, you know, show them that they made a huge mistake. That was the plan, anyway, then the big man up and abandoned us.

When the Praetorian Guard moved in on us, man, we didn't stand a chance. We scattered to the winds, but the plan was to regroup, right here, in Praetoria City.

So here we are, years later, barbarians at the gates. Only now, we've got super powers too, and we're gonna repay what was done to us ten fold. Template:Mission:The Truth Hurts - Part One: Party Crasher Template:Mission:The Truth Hurts - Part Two: Edit Pass Template:MissioN:The Truth Hurts - Finale