Genomic Analysis Component
From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
This data arguably solves many mysteries around human genetic mutation.
This component is Common.
Used In
Common Incarnate Abilities
- Ageless Invocation
- Agility Boost
- Arachnos Ally
- Assault Genome
- Barrier Invocation
- Carnival Ally
- Cimeroran Ally
- Clockwork Ally
- Diamagnetic Interface
- Gravitic Interface
- IDF Ally
- Musculature Boost
- Paralytic Interface
- Preemptive Interface
- Rebirth Invocation (2 needed)
- Seers Ally
- Spectral Interface
- Storm Elemental Ally
- Void Judgement
Uncommon Incarnate Abilities
- Ageless Radial Invocation
- Cardiac Core Boost
- Gravitic Radial Interface
- Intuition Core Boost
- Paralytic Radial Interface
- Preemptive Radial Interface
- Pyronic Radial Judgement
- Seers Radial Ally
- Spiritual Radial Boost
- Storm Elemental Radial Ally
- Vigor Radial Boost
- Void Radial Judgement
Rare Incarnate Abilities
- Ageless Total Radial Invocation
- Agility Total Core Revamp
- Arachnos Partial Radial Improved Ally
- Arachnos Total Core Improved Ally
- Assault Partial Core Graft (2 needed)
- Cardiac Total Core Revamp
- Carnival Partial Radial Improved Ally
- Carnival Total Core Improved Ally
- Cimeroran Partial Radial Improved Ally
- Cimeroran Total Core Improved Ally
- Clarion Partial Radial Invocation
- Clockwork Partial Radial Improved Ally
- Clockwork Total Core Improved Ally
- Cognitive Partial Core Conversion
- Cognitive Partial Radial Conversion
- Cognitive Total Core Conversion
- Cryonic Partial Core Judgement
- Cryonic Total Radial Judgement
- Diamagnetic Partial Radial Conversion
- Gravitic Partial Radial Conversion
- IDF Total Core Improved Ally
- Incandescence Partial Radial Invocation
- Intuition Total Core Revamp
- Longbow Total Core Improved Ally
- Musculature Total Core Revamp
- Nemesis Total Core Improved Ally
- Nerve Partial Core Revamp
- Phantom Total Core Improved Ally
- Polar Lights Total Core Improved Ally
- Preemptive Partial Radial Conversion
- Pyronic Partial Core Judgement
- Reactive Partial Core Conversion
- Reactive Partial Radial Conversion
- Reactive Total Core Conversion
- Rebirth Total Core Invocation
- Resilient Partial Core Revamp
- Robotic Drones Total Core Improved Ally
- Rularuu Partial Core Improved Ally
- Rularuu Partial Radial Improved Ally
- Rularuu Total Core Improved Ally
- Spectral Partial Radial Conversion
- Spiritual Total Radial Revamp
- Vanguard Total Radial Improved Ally
- Vigor Total Radial Revamp
- Void Partial Core Judgement (2 needed)
- Void Partial Radial Judgement
- Vorpal Partial Core Judgement
- Vorpal Total Radial Judgement
- Warworks Total Radial Improved Ally
Very Rare Incarnate Abilities
- Barrier Core Epiphany
- Barrier Radial Epiphany
- Cardiac Core Paragon
- Intuition Core Paragon
- Ion Core Final Judgement
- Melee Core Embodiment
- Pyronic Core Final Judgement
- Rebirth Radial Epiphany
- Rikti Core Superior Ally
- Rikti Radial Superior Ally
- Rularuu Core Superior Ally (2 needed)
- Rularuu Radial Superior Ally
- Seers Core Superior Ally (2 needed)
- Storm Elemental Core Superior Ally (2 needed)
- Support Core Embodiment
- Vanguard Core Superior Ally
- Warworks Core Superior Ally
How to Get
Alternately, Genomic Analysis can be created with the following Incarnate Components: