This article is about control as it pertains to gameplay mechanics. For control as it pertains to supergroup bases, see Base Control Items and Control Room.
"Control," in the context of combat in City of Heroes, refers to powers that can prevent a foe from acting in some way. Such powers are often called mez or Status Effect. For heroes, these sets are found in the Controller archetype, and for villains are found in the Dominator archetype. Powers that are considered "controls" usually have effects such as Immobilize, Stun, Sleep, Hold, Confuse, Fear, Slow, Knockback, or Slow.
Powers that reliably prevent enemies from acting at all, such as Holds or Disorients, are considered "hard" controls, while less reliable effects such as Knockback or Sleep are called "soft" controls.
Controller Sets
**Note: Only the Control powers and effects will be listed. The set may have other powers and the powers may have other effects not listed. For more information, look at the corresponding pages for each power set.**
All of the Controller primary power sets are control sets. These include:
**Note: Only the Control powers and effects will be listed. The set may have other powers and the powers may have other effects not listed. For more information, look at the corresponding pages for each power set.**
All of the Dominator primary power sets are control sets. These include: