Missions:Venture Militarism - Part 1: Character on Deck

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Part One: Character On Deck


I'll be frank, Character. Arachnos remains the dominant force in every island of the Rogue Isles, and is recognized by the population as the primary national authority. The odds of you raising an army capable of challenging all of Arachnos is quite low - that is, unless you're willing to invest the better part of a decade to build it.

No, I don't believe a direct confrontation is the best course of action here. Rather, I would capitalize on the weaknesses in their organizational structure. Lord Recluse believes his network to be impenetrable, but he trains his subjects to be cruel and manipulative. It is my belief that we can turn this institutional corruption to our advantage.

The first order of business, however, will be to establish a proper base of operations. I realize you may own property in the Rogue Isles, but I'm afraid that will be too exposed for what we're trying to do. We don't want Arachnos to be in a position to raid your headquarters the moment they see you as a threat.

For our purposes, we'll want to claim some neutral ground... and I believe I may have just the thing.

Agree to form a strike force

The Sky Raiders operate in both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, but most of their noncombat operations occur in international waters, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This allows them to stay out of sight of most enforcement agencies, but it also leaves them vulnerable.

At some point in the aftermath of the Battle of Ocean Rift, some of the Raiders managed to get ahold of an Arleigh-Burke class missile destroyer, the USS Mitscher. I'm not sure how they managed to take it from the U.S. Navy, but they did... and now you're going to take it from them.

I have a submarine prepared to take you to the Mitscher's location. I'm confident you'll be able to take the vessel without too much trouble.

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)


This is as far as the sub can take you without being detected. You'll have to make the last leg of the journey yourself.

  • Claim the USS Mitscher from the Sky Raiders
    • Approach the USS Mitscher
    • 3 Patrols to defeat on the ship deck
    • 5 Sky Raider platoons to defeat
    • Confront the ship's first officer

You've cleared the USS Mitscher of Sky Raiders, and claimed it for yourself.


Notable NPCs

Approaching the Mitscher 

  Lastri Kayumanis: Character, this is Lastri. I'm monitoring the Mitscher's transmissions for alerts or requests for aid. So far, they don't appear to have noticed you.
Lastri Kayumanis: Once you board the ship, clear the deck of any patrols and do it quickly - we don't want anyone sending out an SOS. You should have time to clear the ship before any reinforcements arrive, but it would be best not to take that chance.  

Patrol Group 1 

  before combat
Wing Raider: Don't know why they post us out here. The ship should be able to detect incoming hostiles.

combat start
Porter: See? What did I tell you?  

Patrol Group 2 

  before combat
Porter: Hard to keep my eyes open.

combat start
Raider Engineer: Crap, we've got company!  

Patrol Group 2 

  before combat
Raider Engineer: Hold on, you got a girl back home?

combat start
Porter: Not good, not good!  

Patrols Eliminated 

  Lastri Kayumanis: Good work. We detected some short transmission bursts, but they're incomplete. Whoever they sent that message to will probably know that the Mitscher is under attack, but it's doubtful they can trace it back to you.
Lastri Kayumanis: You'll need to clear the crew out from below. I'd say they're aware of your attack by now. Stay cautious.  

Platoons Eliminated 

  Lastri Kayumanis: That should about do it, Character. I'll call in my men to-
Lastri Kayumanis: Hold on... we're detecting a small contingent incoming. It ap- *tscchhhh* -ey have brought reinfo- *kscchhhh*

First Officer Harriman: Come on out, boy. We've got the deck surrounded.  

First Officer Harriman 

  before combat
First Officer Harriman: Hold your fire, men. I want to get a good look at him / her first.

combat start
First Officer Harriman: Fire at will!  

First Officer Harriman


You've got ambition, kid, I'll give you that. Taking on a destroyer full of Raiders is a bold move indeed. But you're way in over your head on this one.

You don't spend much time in the Rogue Isles, do you?

Harriman sneers at you.
The Rogue Isles, huh? You smack down a few bank robbers in tights and you suddenly think you're a big shot, huh?
Harriman gestures with an arm toward the ocean.
Well look around, chum. You've left your little rock and now you're in the big pond. You're not the biggest fish anymore, not out here. Understand?
Big enough to take out your crew.
Harriman's sneer curdles. He frowns at you, and raises his weapon.
You're going to regret that remark, boy / girl.
Fire away, Harriman, for all the good it will do you. (Attack)

How did you manage to get your hands on a U.S. Navy ship, anyway?

+++ Missing Information +++

Sorry, I can't afford to have any witnesses. (Attack)

+++ Missing Information +++


Excellent work, sir / +++ Missing Information +++. I've got my personnel preparing the Mitscher for you as we speak.

I'd like you to review the next phase of the plan I've drawn up. I believe you'll appreciate its elegance.