Missions:Tip - Old Russian Ballad

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Old Russian Ballad

You overhear a song being played nearby in a foreign language - you recognize it as Russian. Looking nearby, you see it's coming from a small music box, dropped by someone. Examining the box, you see the figure inside carrying a small note...

Arachnos have finished the plans on the MK II Nullifier Gun. My plan was so far gone perfectly, but now I need you to retrieve said item, just as we spoke of earlier. I have listed the location of the base in Grandville where they have the specs for the new gun. Bring it to me and I will give you a portion of the money that Longbow is willing to pay to have the item back. Maintain radio silence until operation is complete.

-Lt. Demitrovich

You recognize the name Lt. Demitrovich - she is the Longbow turncoat in Nerva Archipelago - of course Longbow doesn't know that, but you know what side Demitrovich plays for - her own. It's fortunate that whoever was tasked with this delivery has...lost their way. It will offer you a good chance to take advantage of the situation. The amount of money Demitrovich is offering is pitiable - however...you could steal the schematics for the MK II Nullifier Gun for yourself...and give Demitrovich a modified version of it. Say...a modified version where the gun explodes upon activation

Of course, Demitrovich probably has much more money to throw around. And she has a lot of secrets too. Secrets Longbow would be willing to pay for. This could be the perfect opportunity to make some money by taking advantage of all the parties involved here.

VILLAIN: Steal the schematics and modify them!

You're not so interested in Lt. Demitrovich's payment for the new Nullifier Gun MK II. However, if she plans on giving the schematics to Longbow, you don't see why you couldn't...have some fun with it.

She wouldn't know, of course, about the additions you made to it - neither would Longbow, until their Nullifiers suddenly get a face full of fire when they try to use the guns. And then...who will Demitrovich blame? The villain who sold her the Nullifier Gun? Or Arachnos, who originally got their hands on the gun from Demitrovich?

  • Modify the Nullifier Gun MK II Schematics!

+++ Missing Information +++

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

+++ Missing Information +++

  • +++ Missing Information +++
    • +++ Missing Information +++
    • +++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

Notable NPCs +++ Missing Information +++


+++ Missing Information +++

ROGUE: Blackmail Demitrovich after selling the information to Longbow!


Lt. Demitrocich is a woman who closely guards all of her secrets - from the villains she deals with in the Isles and from the soldiers she serves with in Longbow. You're sure that the people in Longbow would be very generous in their payment for outing a traitor in their group.

You're also certain that demitrovich would be willing to pay a good amount of money to keep her secrets safe. As long as she doesn't know about Longbow having the information until it's too late for her to do anything about it.

It's just a matter of tracking down the evidence to present to Longbow.

  • Get the blackmail information on Demitrovich!

+++ Missing Information +++

Unnecessary Solicitation

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Objective(s)

The Malta warehouse is bustling with activity. There's a lot of information here on the people they're tracking, though you're only after what they have for Lt. Demitrovich.

  • Retrieve blackmail information!
    • Find the data on Lt. Demitrovich!
    • Contact Longbow with your offer
    • Speak with Lt. Demitrovich

You've finished the deal with both Longbow and Demitrovich!

Ajax's Background
You found a file that Malta had on the hero Ajax...

REAL NAME: Ralph Valetti


CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Wallowing in self-pity.

PROPOSAL: Observation for now, wait for more activity

Shock Treatment's Background Background
You found a file that Malta had on the villain Shock Treatment...

REAL NAME: Rebecca Hollister

FORMER OCCUPATION: Research Assistant

CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Spreading chaos and destruction throughout the Rogue Isles.

PROPOSAL: Keep an eye on her, reel her in when she becomes too much of a liability.

Lt. Demitrovich's Background Background
You found the Malta file regarding Lt. Demitrovich...

REAL NAME: Demitrovich (First name unknown)

FORMER OCCUPATION: Russian Freedom Fighter


CURRENT ACTIVITIES: Double-crossing Longbow on multiple accounts - images, recordings, and other physical evidence can be seen on pages 5 through 30 of report attached.

PROPOSAL: Allow her to continue to subvert Longbow, ensure she does not try to cross Malta.


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs


Sometimes the best way to make a profit is to play all the sides that are involved. Longbow will no doubt be after the good lieutnant now. While she's on the run, you'll be sure to be spending all the money she so...graciously gave to you.