Missions:The Shining Stars - With Friends Like These: What the Future Holds

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What the Future Holds

Speak with Grym


Here's the deal, kiddo: I think I may know how the Praetorians have been getting in. It's not much more than a hunch, but if I'm right I can end this, right now. I've been talking with some old colleagues of mine, and they provided me with... well, it was highly interesting. I don't really have time to go into it now, though.

I'm going to head back to base, and see if I can find the lynchpin to this case.

  • What do you want me to do?

You hang tight, kiddo. This... this is something I need to do solo.

I'm sorry, Character. I know you want to help, and you've put as much work into this case as anyone, but what's happening here... it's way over our heads. It's the sort of thing that I can't involve you in.

Try to understand, kiddo. I'll talk to you later...

Twinshot pauses, staring at nothing for a moment.

...I think.

Unnecessary Solicitation

What's up, kiddo? Did you need something before I head out?

Contact Small Grym.jpg


Character. You return as promised. Is the time to strike upon us?

  • She's heading to base now. I think it's the best shot we have.

Agreed. I will summon the rest of the team, and we will meet you there. If Twinshot has truly betrayed us, then we should all be present for her downfall.

It is... regrettable that we must do this. To strike down one's commander, even for a just cause... it is shameful.

  • I don't feel any better about it than you do, Grym.

Then you are a man / woman of honor, Character.

Now, let us depart. We must make haste, if we are to corner our former companion.

  • Alright. I'll see you there.

Confront Twinshot in the Shining Stars' Base!

Unnecessary Solicitation

What's up, kiddo? Did you need something before I head out?

Mission Objective(s)


You enter to find alarms ringing everywhere. The base is under attack!

  • Confront Twinshot in the Shining Stars' Base!
    • Rescue Flambeaux
    • Rescue Dillo
    • Rescue Grym
    • Push through to the portal room
    • Defeat Proton and the Praetorians
    • Speak to Proton

Flambeaux Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Flambeaux: Get AWAY from me, you stupid... metal... THING!

Combat Start:

Flambeaux: Character! Why do we always have to fight robots?
Flambeaux: I HATE robots!

Upon Rescue:

Flambeaux: GRR! I can't BELIEVE that hussy is going after poor Proty!
Flambeaux: I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind!

Dillo Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Dillo: Your kinetifications are incandescent to my oculatory perception! Ha-HA!

Combat Start:

Dillo: The Character! Your arrival's timing has occurred to my right!

Upon Rescue:

Dillo: I shall perambulate expediently!
Dillo: Do not, as you say, create unnecessary friction upon your pediment!

Grym Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Grym: You face a Gressalian champion, automaton. You have no chance.

Combat Start:

Grym: You arrive, Character. Let us vanquish these metal monstrosities.

Upon Rescue:

Grym: I sense that there is more to this than we originally believed.
Grym: I will meet you further inside the base.

Final Showdown Dialogue 

Proton: Why can't you understand, Twinshot? Your future is my past. I KNOW what happens if Paragon City is left intact, and it affects the fate of the entire planet! Listen to reason!
Twinshot: Proton, I'm telling you. I've been where that portal leads, and it doesn't go to another time. You're delusional. Snap out of it!
Maelstrom: Give it up, Rochelle. Tilman's work is not so easily undone.
Twinshot: You... you did this to him, didn't you? How low have you gotten, Edward?
Maelstrom: ...
Proton: He's only trying to help, Twinshot. I know you think you're doing the right thing, but I can't let you close this portal. Don't make me fight you... please.
Twinshot: We're way past that now, Proton. I don't know what they did to you, but I'm going to shut this thing down and get you some help... whether you like it or not.
Dillo: The one called Dillo has become uninterested in your structural integrity.
Dillo: *hoorgb* Prepare for posterior repercussion!
Riptide: Um... sure. Whatever you say.
Aria: Ugh! This dog smells worse than you do, Riptide!
Riptide: Aria... not now. Show some professionalism.
Aria: Hmph.
Grym: You would do well not to mock me, invader. You will not long remain in this realm.
Aria: Was that a threat, you overgrown anklebiter?
Zane: I'm gonna enjoy playing with you, darling.
Flambeaux: Ew, GROSS! Does anyone want to switch?
Proton: I'm sorry. Twinshot, Character... everyone. I'm sorry it had to be this way.
Proton: Goodbye.

Battle Royale Dialogue 

Flambeaux Defeated:

Flambeaux: Proty... why are you...?
Zane: Hahaha, good times! I'll come back for you later, sunshine.

Maelstrom Defeated:

Maelstrom: Tilman's plan has failed. It's time to withdraw.
Twinshot: Eddie... why did it have to be this way?

Riptide Defeated:

Riptide: This is... unfortunate...
Dillo: Ha-HA! The scaled one has mislaid his symmetry! I am without pretermition!

Twinshot Defeated:

Twinshot: I'm sorry, everyone. I couldn't...

Dillo Defeated:

Dillo: Ha-HURGH! I...
Dillo: *hoorgb*
Dillo: have gained many holes...

Aria Defeated:

Aria: Get AWAY from me you-
Grym: You'd best return to your training, invader. You do not have the skills to best me.

Grym Defeated:

+++ Missing Information +++

Zane Defeated:

Zane: Damn, they're tough...

Proton Defeated:

Proton: No, stop... you can't do this!

Contact Small Proton.jpg


You... you don't know what you've done, Character.

You may think you've done a good thing today. You may even believe that for the rest of your life. But you will be wrong.

  • You're confused, Proton. You need help.

I do NOT need- bah! It's pointless to even try at this point.

I'll never understand why you can live in a world where the supernatural is commonplace, where time travel has been documented, and still you refuse to believe that I could come from a different time.

You seemed smarter than that, Character.

  • Proton, these people were from another dimension - Praetoria. That's a fact.

I... I don't know what you're...

Proton trails off, staring at nothing. After a moment, he looks up at you.

Character, I don't understand. I had a life there, I have memories - I remember meeting Maelstrom when I was a teenager. What you're telling me... it's like you're trying to convince me that I'm not me.

  • You may not be, Proton. I think they did something to you... something to your head.

Proton frowns. He stares at the floor, lost in thought.

You're telling me... that everything I know is a lie? That my every memory was planted?

That... that I almost killed thousands of people... for nothing?

  • You can't blame yourself. The Praetorians did this to you.

Proton remains silent. It's clear he has a lot to think about.

  • I'm sorry, Proton. We're going to get you some help. I promise.


Badge DefeatClockwork.png Praetorian Clockwork

Notable NPCs

Talk with Twinshot About What Happened

Unnecessary Solicitation

Come talk to me in person, kiddo. There's a lot to unload, and you deserve it face-to-face.

Contact Small Twinshot.jpg


Hey, kiddo. That was pretty rough in there. How you holding up?

  • Could be worse. How's Proton?

He's... he's not doing so hot, kiddo. Manticore said they could get him some help, maybe have someone go over his memories. Try to tease out the fake from the real. I'm holding out hope for the guy.

Twinshot stares at you dead-on.

Grym told me what you two had planned. Bold action, kiddo.

  • I'm sorry, Twinshot. Under the circumstances...

I know, I know. I've been so shady with you guys lately, I must have seemed more suspicious than a Sky Raider in drag. I don't blame you, really.

Twinshot smirks at you.

Stings a little, but I don't blame you.

  • So what happens now?

I think the Shining Stars are on temporary hiatus, kiddo. Manticore's basically put a hold on any Hero work I do until he can make sense of my past. He doesn't really like the fact that I used to be chummy with Eddie. The Phalanx doesn't like Praetoria one bit, let me tell you.

Still, even though Proton and I are out of the picture, you're pretty much in the clear. No reason for you to stop fighting the good fight, you know?

Twinshot flashes you her trademark grin.

I think you'll go far, kiddo. I really do.

  • Thanks, Twinshot. I'll see you around.


Upon completing this mission, you are awarded the Supernova Badge

File:Badge OGTH3.png Supernova

The Shining Stars have stopped a Praetorian plot to destroy Paragon, but at great cost.