Missions:The Emperor's Sword - Finale: Imperial's Last Stand

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Finale: Imperial's Last Stand

Mission Briefing

Desdemona has sent back a message regarding the whole situation with Pendragon. She believes that Excalibur was corrupted because of how long it and this 'Lady' were in Night Ward, which is why Black Swan was able to use her powers of manipulation to control it. Black Swan didn't realize this until the Lady was revealed.

Now, we've got a situation on our hands because of Pendragon's presence. He and this weapon that we're calling the 'Shadowblade' are wiping out our forces left and right. Meanwhile, some guy named Transmuter just took the Four Gables from us. That neighborhood is on an island that can easily be fortified. This is all on top of Sinclair picking off the Resistance and Vanguard.

The situation is grim, Character. We need to make a push now, or else we're going to lose the battle for Imperial City.

  • I can handle it, but what about Pendragon?

I had a feeling you'd be able to handle the situation. Desdemona says that she knows of a ritual that might just be able to save Pendragon, but it's risky. If she can get close enough, she can try to pull the original Pendragon out of this 'Nega-Pendragon'.

The downside is that Cole will still have another ally in this Nega-Pendragon. The upside is that Pendragon will be free, both of the sword and of his vices. Or so Desdemona claims; all I care is that we'll gain another powerful ally in the fight against Cole.

Your first goal is going to be retaking Four Gables from Transmuter. After that, you'll need to meet with Luke Larson. He'll get you up to speed on where we are with the fight. I can tell you now, though, this is going to end when we take down Sinclair. Sinclair is going to be vicious, so I suggest you prepare yourself. I'll be there to fight him, but I may not be able to stop him.

I'll see you out in the field, Character.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Belladonna's line is silent.

Mission Objective(s)

You're greeted by Alec Parson and the reprogrammed IVy. You can see the IDF forces up ahead fortifying their position in the Four Gables.

  • Take Control of Imperial City
    • 3 War Walker Defenders to destroy
    • 4 IDF Commanders to defeat
    • Defeat Transmuter's forces
    • Speak with Luke Larson
    • Escort Desdemona to Pendragon
    • Defeat Praetor Sinclair

Imperial City has been taken by the Resistance, and Praetor Sinclair has retreated!


V badge Loyalist.png Imperial Defense Force
Badge villain praetorians.png Praetorians

Notable NPCs

Ally Dialogue 

IVy: Hello! I have been programmed to help retake Imperial City!
Alec Parson: Character, good to see you!
Alec Parson: I've reprogrammed IVy to help retake Imperial City. It's amazing, she was built with such advanced combat technology!

Transmuter Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Transmuter: We won't let this place fall!

Combat Start:

Transmuter: Character! You have no hope against the Transmuter!

Upon Defeat of Forces:

Transmuter: O-okay! I give up!

Contact Small Luke Larson.jpg
Luke Larson


No time for us to chit-chat, Character, though I wish we could! Vanguard is going to move in to help fortify the Four Gables. Desdemona just arrived at People's Park. Nega-Pendragon is temporarily disabled, thanks to the Carnival of Light. She needs you to get her through the IDF and to Pendragon to save him!

  • Alright, I'm ready to go.


Chimera: Vetrano.
Chimera: I should have known you could not resist one last attempt to kill me yourself.
Belladonna Vetrano: Is that all you have to say for yourself, Sinclair?! After everything you've done?!
Chimera: Your trivial words mean nothing to me. Look around you.

Belladonna Vetrano: Even after all of this, you still think you're better than all of us. I pity you, Sinclair.
Chimera: Pity. A poor emotion to show in the last moments of your life. Goodbye, Vetrano.

Ritual Dialogue 

If Lost:

Desdemona: Hold on for a moment, Character!

When Found:

Desdemona: Let's continue.

Upon Arrival at Pendragon:

Desdemona: Pendragon! I am here to break you from the spell of the cursed Excalibur!
Pendragon: Get... away...!
Desdemona: Your mad obsession for the sword, combined with Night Ward's corruption, have destroyed both it and yourself. Come to your senses!
Pendragon: You're... manipulating... me... I need... the sword!
Desdemona: I can save you, but only if you're willing! Ask yourself, Pendragon, is this sword the answer to your needs?
Pendragon: It's... I can barely hear anyone... the sword's voice... tells me to ignore you...!
Desdemona: Are you giving up so easily, Pendragon?! Is this your legacy? To give in to the darkness that dwells in your heart, in your mind?
Pendragon: No... it... isn't... I don't want this... give me your aid...!
Desdemona: Then you have it. Pendragon, I rid you of the evils in your heart, of the evils of the Shadowblade!
Pendragon: It's... It's done... I'm free... Free of the sword... free of my hatred... Of my obsession... But what is this...?
Nega-Pendragon: We will meet again, Pendragon. The Shadowblade does not forget, nor does it forgive. You will be destroyed, one day!
Pendragon: Desdemona... Character... Thank you. I must go rest, I am sorry I cannot help you any further.
Desdemona: I must retreat as well, Character, the ritual has drained my energy.

Final Battle Dialogue 

Before Combat:

Praetor Sinclair: It's time to finish this, Vetrano.

Combat Start:

Praetor Sinclair: Character. You've come far, but it ends here.
Belladonna Vetrano: Urgh... I'm sorry, Character... I can't help you in this...!
Belladonna Vetrano: Sinclair is using his final fighting style...!

75% Health:

Praetor Sinclair: Look around you. This is what your so-called freedom has brought to Praetoria. Destruction! Chaos!

50% Health:

Praetor Sinclair: Was it worth it, Character? Was the freedom of these people worth the destruction of our world?

25% Health:

Praetor Sinclair: You shall see my true power before I fall! Praetoria deserves that much!


Completion of this mission awards the Imperial City's Savior badge.

File:Badge i23IncarnateArcComplete.png Imperial City's Savior

You helped the forces of Primal Earth take Imperial City from Praetor Sinclair.


Well, we did it, Character. As we speak, our forces are occupying Imperial City and setting up for the final attack on the Magisterium. Sinclair is still alive, but his pride and control has been shattered. Imperial City was his proudest accomplishment, and now it's gone.

Pendragon is almost a different person now, and it really gets me thinking about the whole Excalibur thing. That ritual of Desdemona, it cast out not only Nega-Pendragon, but also all of the negativity that was within him. He's almost like some sort of... knight now. Pendragon's obsession over the sword nearly destroyed him, but now, he's better than ever, even without the sword. He's sworn to help us now, saying he's 'honor bound'.

You and I, in the meantime, are done. We'll be calling on you soon to help in the final fight against Cole. He still has Sinclair, Black Swan, Shadow Hunter, and whatever remains of the IDF with him.

Without you, Character, we would've never taken Imperial City. Wherever Tyrant is right now, he's probably regretting every single thing he's done to get to this moment. At least, I can only hope so.