Missions:Melvin and the Mysterious Malta Group - Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office

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Stop the Malta Group from wiping out Melvin's office


Our 'Friends' are doing a little clean-up work at Melvin Langley's office, the kind of clean-up work that makes a lot of people very dead. They're going to go into that office, steal anything Melvin worked on, assassinate anyone who worked with Melvin directly, and then set fire to the place. Very thorough and very brutal. I want you to stop them from wiping out Melvin's office.

Mission Acceptance

You have two main objectives to accomplish: protect Melvin's co-workers and stop the bombings.

I'm a little surprised that our 'Friends' would be willing to do something this overt. They would have to be pretty upset to do something like that, wouldn't they?

Unnecessary Solicitation

You have two main objectives to accomplish: protect Melvin's co-workers and stop the bombings.

I'm a little surprised that our 'friends' would be willing to do something this overt. They would have to be pretty upset to do something like that, wouldn't they?

Mission Objective(s)

The seal on the doors of this nondescript office makes you pause. Melvin Langley's old place of work was a CIA office.

  • Stop bombing, save office workers
    • 7 hostages to save, 6 bombs to disarm

You saved the CIA office from an attack by agents of the mysterious Malta Group.

Notable NPCs


Malta Operatives

Malta Patrol 

Before Combat

Malta Operative 1: All right, men, time for a little house cleaning.

Combat Start

Malta Operative 1: MHI in progress!
Malta Operative 2: I can take you down.

Kitty Kat Bravo 

Before combat: Yeah, I heard. Character's on the way. I'll be waitin'.
Combat start: Well, and there you are, Character. You're just what we need to finish this thing.


Upon Rescue

3x CIA clerk: They were looking for anything to do with Melvin Langley, Character, but he was just a normal guy.
3x CIA clerk: I heard them mention Melvin Langley! He has been hanging out with some strange people recently, but not this strange.
1x CIA clerk: Character, they were trying to find out what Melvin Langley knew. I was his office mate. Let me tell you what I know.

Might for Right act draft records
These reams of paper contain hundreds of names of meta-humans drafted under the Might for Right act from 1956 to 1967. Curiously, few of them are recorded as going into military service. The order to draft nearly all of them traces back to one name: Roger Vrabel.
A word about Melvin Langley
After being rescued from Malta agents, Melvin Langley's office-mate told you:

'I don't know why they were after Melvin. He was a really nice guy. Really efficient and a wizard at searching through old paperwork. He'd started researching the old Might for Right act, I think as a favor for someone he knew, and he really started to get into it. He was pouring through old documents, talking to people, working late nights. He was kind of obsessed. He told me that he thought he'd found something big right before he disappeared.

I hope you're looking into what happened to him. Melvin Langley was a really nice guy, and after running into those commando guys, I'm kind of worried about him.'


Fast work, Character. That bombing would have cost the lives of a lot of innocents. Unfortunately, we're not a lot closer to finding Melvin Langley. We'd better stay on his trail.