Missions:Common - Protect Congressman Mills from Council agents

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Protect Congressman Mills from Council agents


I hope you already had your good day, Character 'cause I am about to make it a lot worse. I was told to get word to you that the Council is planning to kidnap Congressman Mills and his entire staff. Mills is giving a speech in Jannissey Heights today, and I'll bet good money the Council plans to strike there. You need to get to Jannissey Heights right away to save Congressman Mills. You'll only have 90 mintues to save those people.

Mission Acceptance

The clock is ticking on this one, so listen carefully. The Council will be after not just Congressman Mills, but all of this staff. You'll have to rescue every last volunteer. Saving them isn't the end of it though; you'll also need to defeat Archon Chaney, the operative in charge of the assassination. Otherwise, those people will never be safe.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must protect Congressman Mills from the Council.

Mission Objective(s)

Two dead security guards are a sure sign that the Council is already in the area.

  • Stop Archon Chaney & his crew - Timed, 90 minutes
    • 7 people to rescue

You rescued Congressman Mills and his staff.



Notable NPCs

  • 4x Campaign Volunteer (Non-Escort Hostage)
  • 2x Staff member (Non-Escort Hostage)
  • The name of the kidnapped official varies. Possibilities include Congressman Mills and Senator Farnsworth (Non-Escort Hostage)
  • Archon Chaney (Council)
Archon Chaney 

Before Combat: Congressman Mills will be turned to our purposes!
Combat Start: You're in the wrong place at the wrong time, Character.

Rescued Hostages 

Upon Rescue

Campaign Volunteer: I hope I still have a job when all of this is over!
Campaign Volunteer: They said there were going to kidnap us all! I'm just an intern!
Staff member: Character, have you found Congressman Mills? Is he OK?
Staff member: I'm glad to see you, Character!
Congressman Mills: They told me they were going to brainwash me to do their bidding! Thank you, Character.


Congressman Mills wanted to thank you for rescuing him, but the Secret Service wouldn't let him come in person. I can understand their caution. The Council has been known to brainwash politicians, then sit back like a bunch of sick puppet masters pulling their strings. It's a good thing you stopped them today, Character.