Missions:Common - Get over to Speilman's warehouse and defeat any of the Family you find there

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Get over to Speilman's warehouse and defeat any of the Family you find there


A warehouse owner named Karl Speilman has reported some trouble with the Family. They want him to pay protection money to them and have warned him that bad things are going to happen today if he doesn't pay up. Get over to Speilman's warehouse and defeat any of the Family you find there. You have about an hour at most to stop the Family.

No time to waste, hero, they could be busting the place up already. You'll need to defeat all of the Family's goons in Speilman's warehouse to show them that the city won't tolerate hoods like them abusing upright citizens.

Mission Objective(s)

Signs of struggle and property damage indicate that the Family, is already here.

  • Defeat all Family at Speilman Warehouse - 60 minutes

You defeated all members of the Family.

Notable NPCs


Badge villain family.png The Family

Hostages dialogue 

Warehouse woker: Man, this job sucks!
Karl Speilman: Don't let these goons trash my place!

Patrolling gangsters dialogue 

Family thug 1: I hate playin' lookout
Family thug 2: Shut your mouth, and do what you 're told


Family thug 1: You're in big trouble, see?
Family thug 2: Say good night, Character!

Family thug 3: Trash the whole place, but make sure you give Speilman special attention
Family thug 4: You got it!


Family thug 3: The more the merrier!

Buster dialogue 

Before combat: Make an example out of this Speilman guy
Combat start: Start bustin' heads!


Ordinary business people like Karl Speilman are what keep a city running. You did a good thing protecting his warehouse today.