Missions:A Window of Opportunity - Prologue: Armed Services

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Prologue: Armed Services

Intercept the Arachnos Raid
EdLetter.png Editor's Note:

Note that the briefing in this mission is not directly obtained through interaction with the contact.


The more time you spend in the Rogue Isles, the more you begin to see the cracks in Recluse's system. Arachnos has reach, and a broad power base, but as far as you can tell, Recluse's control over his subjects is more tenuous than he believes.

Thanks to your confrontation with Darrin Wade, you've established yourself as a power to be reckoned with on a global - even interdimensional - scale. And yet, no matter how powerful you become, you are still only one person. You realize that in order to achieve a level of control that could rival Arachnos, you're going to need more than simple strength... you're going to need to build connections.

You've been hearing reports recently of a new player in the Isles... someone with a hand in the high-tech weapons trade. Arachnos has been cracking down on their operations lately, which has to be bad for business.

If you can intercept an Arachnos raid team, you might be able to forge an alliance with this mysterious weapons dealer... and if not, well, then you could always just raid the warehouse yourself.

Agree to form a strike force

Arachnos has been none too subtle in their enforcement crackdowns. You imagine they must be trying to make a show of force, to scare off anyone else from trying to sneak under the organization's radar. Still, for someone in your position it just means you can pick out an Arachnos raid team from a mile away... and from the distant cacophony of Arachnos fliers and shouting voices you hear, it sounds like a raid is happening at this very moment.

Lucky you.

The raid team is likely storming one of the warehouses where they're stockpiling illicit weaponry... if you move quickly enough, you can stop them before they destroy the merchandise. At that point, what happens next depends on how amiable the dealer is... and how generous you're feeling at the moment.

Mission Objective(s)


This is the place. Arachnos appears to already have the arms operation locked down.

  • Intercept the Arachnos Raid
    • Locate the warehouse manager
    • Speak with Lastri

You rescued Lastri Kayumanis and her workers from an Arachnos raid, and may have made some new allies...


Notable NPCs

  • Lastri Kayumanis

Worker Hostage 1 

  before combat
Warehouse Worker: Calm down. I already told you I would comply.

Crab Spider Webmaster: I said, don't MOVE!

combat start
Warehouse Worker: Hm. Interesting.

Crab Spider Webmaster: This isn't your affair, Character!

worker freed
Warehouse Worker: You're... Character. I recognize you.
Warehouse Worker: ...Thanks.  

Worker Hostage 2 

  before combat
Warehouse Worker: You guys again. You're getting better at tracking us.

Crab Spider Webmaster: Just shut up and keep your hands behind your head.

combat start
Warehouse Worker: Well, this is unexpected.

Crab Spider Webmaster: We've got company. Calling it in.

worker freed
Warehouse Worker: Deftly done. I appreciate it.  

Worker Hostage 3 

  before combat
Warehouse Worker: I'm happy for you. Really.

Crab Spider Webmaster: We've already captured your boss. Your organization is finished.

combat start
Warehouse Worker: Heh... looks like you've hit a snag.

Crab Spider Webmaster: Oh, for the love of- GET HIM! / HER!

worker freed
Warehouse Worker: That... was satisfying to watch.  


Fortunata: We lost communications with Alpha team. Heading there now to investigate.

Lastri Kayumanis 

  before combat
Crab Spider Webmaster: TALK! Who are you working for?

Lastri Kayumanis: ...

combat start
Lastri Kayumanis: You appear to have more pressing issues, gentlemen.

Crab Spider Webmaster: Character? Why am I not surprised...

Lastri freed
Lastri Kayumanis: I love it when a solution presents itself.
Lastri Kayumanis: You have my gratitude, Character.  

Contact Small Lastri Kayumanis.jpg
Lastri Kayumanis


Lastri takes a moment to look you up and down before speaking. When she is done, a crooked half-smile forms on her lips.

Not bad, not bad. You seem to be more capable than your file suggested. Those goons didn't stand a chance.

Lastri levels a cool gaze at you.

I'm not sure what it is you're doing here, though. I know for a fact that my employer hasn't contracted you for security work.

Your employer?

An 'interested party' in the political and economic forces that govern the Rogue Isles. Our organization is here to lay the groundwork for further projects in the local area.
But I think you've dodged my question, Character. You came here for a reason, and I'd love to hear it. Who are you working for?
I have my own reasons for coming here.
Well, if that's the case, then I suppose I can count myself fortunate that you decided to intervene. I have contingencies in place for this sort of situation, but your arrival has made this operation much... simpler.
Now, I assume you aren't here just to aggravate Arachnos... which means you must have some interest in our operations here. Is that correct, Character?
Yes. I'll be taking your 'merchandise' off your hands.
Lastri lets out a short laugh before she manages to cover her smile with a hand. Her eyes glitter mischievously.
And what purpose would the great Character have with the hardware we're transporting? We traffic in high-quality weaponry, but it's all mass produced. Do you have an army waiting in the wings that I'm unaware of?
Not yet, but soon. I'll need them to compete with Arachnos.
Interesting... then I'll make a gift of them to you, Character. This warehouse and all of its contents are yours to do with as you see fit.
Lastri flicks her wrist, and a business card appears in her hand. She hands it to you.
I believe that my employer's interests coincide with yours, Character. Come speak with me sometime. I think we may be able to help one another.
Perhaps, Lastri. I'll consider it.
My 'interest' is in organizations that are willing to work against Recluse.
Lastri's smile broadens, and she crooks a single eyebrow at you.
Is that so? Today must be my lucky day. I may have just made my first friend in the Rogue Isles.
So, Character. Did you plan on taking on Arachnos all by yourself? You're powerful, I'll grant you that, but you'll need more than power if you want to compete with an organization that large.
If I wished to confront them alone, why would I have come here?
A fair point. You saw the resources we have at our disposal, and saw the potential for an alliance. I cannot speak for my employer directly, but given the circumstances, I believe he would agree.
Lastri flicks her wrist, and a business card appears in her hand. She hands it to you.
Stay in contact, Character. I'll confer with my employer about your proposal. Either way, on his behalf and mine, I thank you again for your assistance.
I'll keep in touch, Lastri.

Let's just say I'm... self-motivated.

+++ Missing Information +++

Mission Exit

Interesting. Whoever Lastri is working for seems to have significant resources at his disposal. You should pay her a visit, and see what proposal she has in mind.

Talk with Lastri

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk with Lastri

Contact Small Lastri Kayumanis.jpg
Lastri Kayumanis


Lastri lowers her clipboard and looks up as you approach. She gives you a courteous nod, her expression serious.

Good to see you again, Character. I've conferred with my employer, and he agrees that your interests coincide with his. Arachnos maintains a stranglehold on the Rogue Isles, and it is our belief that a rival organization - one friendly to our operations - would make our work significantly easier.

With that in mind, my employer would like to offer you my services, as an administrative supervisor.

And what, exactly, does your employer expect in return?

As I noted before, our interests coincide. If you are successful and can marginalize Recluse's control over the Rogue Isles, it will open the way for my employer's interests. Right now, Arachnos is the main obstacle for both of us, and you're in a better position to challenge them than we are.
I can help you, Character. I have experience in raising organizations from the ground up, and you're going to need help coordinating your resources if you want to be able to challenge Arachnos directly.
So, what do you say, Character? Shall we get started?
I suppose so.

...'Administrative supervisor'? Really?

+++ Missing Information +++