
From City of Heroes: Rebirth Wiki
Revision as of 03:11, 21 February 2009 by imported>MacAllister
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Archetypeicon scrapper.png This user's main hero is a Scrapper.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

CoH Game Icon.png This user plays City of Heroes on the Guardian server.
CoV Game Icon.png This user plays City of Villains on the Guardian server.
EST This user's time zone is EST.
Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @MacAllister.
Badge task force set 01.png Soloer of AVs
Badge vr months 024.png This user is Devoted.

Real Life

Work in Progress editing from code stolen from Catwhoorg

I am a half scottish, half puerto rican twenty something currently living in the greater philadelphia pennsylvania area. I live here with my wife who is a graphic designer.

Paragon City

I mainly play on the Guardian Server. I have yet to actually reach level 50 despite playing for over three years and having my account active for over two years, I have the most fun running the lower level story arcs and making new characters based around what I consider to be interesting concepts. Most my characters tend to be on the "darker" side of heroism. Closer to Batman and Gambit rather then Superman or Spider man.

A selection of notable characters:


Archetypeicon scrapper.png
Originicon natural.png

Rampant Lion Level 41 Broadswoard/Invuln Scrapper.