User:Core Xion

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Revision as of 15:40, 29 December 2008 by imported>Core Xion (→‎Core Xion)
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Globalchat.png This user's global chat handle is @Core Xion.
Badge vr months 009.png This user is Dependable.
Archetypeicon scrapper.png This user's main hero is a Scrapper.

V archetypeicon mastermind.png This user's main villain is a Mastermind.

CoH Game Icon.png This user plays City of Heroes on the Guardian server.
CoV Game Icon.png This user plays City of Villains on the Guardian server.
EST This user's time zone is EST.

Proud member and Second in Command of the Defenders of the Realm. (Hero: Guardian) Proud member and leader of The Fifth Legion. (Villain: Guardian)

Since I love to play both City of Heroes and City of Villains, I thought that I would help out filling some of the missing information in the wiki. I am usually on the Guardian server when I am not working on artwork or college.


Corexion.png Scrapper.pngOriginicon science.png

Name: "Classified"
Alias: Core Xion
D.O.B.: "Classified"
Age: 25
Nationality: German-Japanese American
Place of Birth: Paragon City, RI. USA

Core Xion, also known as Core X-10N, was created by Doctor Victor Van Dread as part of an illegal program to create meta-humans using a serum based of of previous attempts to create super soldiers. The serum combined the powers and DNA of other well known meta-humans in the hopes of giving the same powers to the test subjects. The process failed and only known survivor of the initial twelve "volunteers", X-10N was freed during a raid on Doctor Van Dreads lab by a member of Longbow and the Paragon Police Department. The serum did not grant the powers of the heroes that Doctor Van Dread had hoped for, but instead triggered the dormant powers inside of X-10N to surface. Taking the Longbow agent's weapon, he helped to capture Doctor Van Dread, scaring the doctor in the process. Taking his classification and transforming it into a name, Core Xion uses his powers to protect the city rather then take it over as Doctor Van Dread had originally planned. His abilities with a sword have lead to some to refer to him as "A demon with a blade", and also led him to becoming the second in command of the Defenders of the Realm under Reactor42's command.

Angel.png Blaster.pngOriginicon magic.png

Sera Pfhen, known by "Angel" to her friends and grandmother took an interest in magic at a young age after she accidentally found a mystical tome in the public library left 'accidentally' by an unknown person. Following the Rikti War that killed her grandmother she learned that it was in fact her grandmother, Madame Skyfire, who left the book there for her to find after seeing the natural mystical energies surrounding her. Doing some research into her grandmothers past, Angel was shocked to learned that she was actually a villainous who had tried to take over the city in the past only to be stopped by other practitioners of the mystic arts. She finally stopped her evil ways when she had a daughter of her own, whom had no talent for magic at all.

When the Rikti returned Angel was determined to do something to stop them from taking more human lives and so dawned her grandmothers old costume along with rings of power that helped focus her mystical energies into either long range or short range blasts of energy. Taking the name Angel Skyfire, she has joined the Defenders of the Realm in a never ending quest to stamp out evil.

Pala.png Tanker.pngOriginicon mutation.png

Growing up far away from Paragon, Katrina Castle had no idea what Superdine was or what it could do to a person, so when she attended a college rave she had no idea that the substance handed to her was a drug and not a mixed drink. Being rushed to the hospital soon after ingesting a vial of the drug she had her stomach pumped and prevented some of the effects from taking hold. But her body was changed from the exposure, giving her superior strength and reflexes she didn't have before as well as hardening her skin and body. At first enraged about what had happened to her she blamed herself and others for not warning her of such a drug, this anger continued as people saw her and considered her nothing more then another "Troll".

Turning her anger to her advantage she decided to fight crime and prevent the spread of the drug that changed her life as well as show people that not all "Trolls" were bad. She attempted to get the name Palisade for herself, as a symbol to her fortified will, but a misprint on the registration form and ID gave her the name Palacade. She decided to show others that even from mistakes great things can happen.

Colhawke.png Blaster.pngOriginicon natural.png

A member of the UKSF, Colonel Horatio Hawke lead a team of soldiers that were visiting a military instillation for routine war games against the Rikti during their first invasion of Earth. Fighting along side heroes in Paragon City he and his team helped to hold the line and a valuable position that allowed heroes to evacuate civilians from the battlefield. As the fighting dragged on Horatio found himself and his team cut off from the others and pinned down in one of the ruined buildings. By the wars end only he and a handful of other regular soldiers survived to be picked up by relief forces.

Leaving the service he took a job with Crey as a security officer only to learn of the corruption of the company and leave after being transferred to Paragon. Living in a small apartment and seeing all that the city had gone through he decided to take matters into his own hands to preserve the memory of those that died in his command to defend the city. When the Rikti returned his determination was renewed ten fold as he joined forces with other members of the Defenders of the Realm to repel attacks and defend the city and world from the invaders second coming.


Vandread.png V archetypeicon mastermind.pngOriginicon science.png
V badge BlackScorpionBadge.png This character's patron is Black Scorpion.

The son of members of the 5th Column, Victor Van Dread grew up in America and at an early age his parents recognized his gifted intelligence. Secretly diverting money from the Column, they funded his education only to be discovered when The Council took over. As punishment his mother was executed and his father's memories altered as he was expelled from the organization. Victor went on to become a scientist working at Orion Labs, and after funding for his project to create super humans was cut he set up his own private lab to carry out illegal activity. Over the course of time he gained a half-brother as his father remarried and started a family again.

Considering himself an outcast, he used his half-brother in his experiment as a way to get even with his father only to find that Kristof's blood and inherent powers helped to stabilize his serum. When his lab was raided he took the serum himself, transforming his body by increasing its muscle mass and bone structure to make him taller. With his new found powers he was able to defeat a Longbow Agent who turned out to be his step-mother, killing her in the process. He was caught off guard as Kristof freed himself and took up the sword of his mother to defeat him, blinding his right eye.

Sentenced for his crimes Victor sat in prison for a time, his powers growing stronger and darker, till his release in a prison break by Arachnos. Freed from his prison he formed The Fifth Legion as a way to repay Arachnos and Lord Recluse for freeing him, and now serves under Ghost Widow in his own elite guard unit based off of the legendary Fifth Legion that protected the Roman Emperor.

Killawattz.png V archetypeicon brute.pngOriginicon mutation.png

Tera "Kila" Wattz was born in Paragon City with an unusual ability to control electrical currents. This mutation caused her eyes to glow an electric blue as well as leave her with a pale skin color. Growing up in Kings Row she dreamed of becoming a heroine, but in her attempts to gain further control of her powers she accidentally burned down the apartment building she lived in which resulted in the death of her parents and several others. Reguarded as a threat she was locked away in a juvenile prison facility and later transferred to the Zig. Angered at her treatment and feeling abandoned by the heroes she worshiped she swore revenge against them.

When she was given a chance of freedom in a prison raid by Dr. Van Dread she joined forces with him and the Fifth Legion as a way to carry out her vengeance on the heroes of Paragon. Even so she holds some small dreams of her childhood, and wishes she could return to Kings Row again.

Varu.png V archetypeicon corruptor.pngOriginicon magic.png

Warren Locke always held an interest in the arcane and occult, mostly the lighter side of things. This turned to a darker side when his father fell victim to the violent riots that plague Brickstown. Taken in by his aunt and moved away from Paragon, she taught him the darker arts that she knew and discovered that Warren already had a great deal of mystical powers. Cultivating his knowledge and powers, he rethred to Paragon with a new name and title, "Varo-lokkur".

Vipe.png V archetypeicon stalker.pngOriginicon mutation.png

A native of Port Oakes, Anna is the daughter of Victoria Skales. During an expedition to find some money, Victoria fell into a sink hole and right into a mating ball of Snakes. When she emerged she found she was with child, and later birthed Anna. Born with both snake and human DNA, Anna was treated as an outcast by some. When her mother died in the struggle to stay alive in the Rouge Ilse, Anna joined a group of orphens and engaged in criminal activities to survive, earning the nickname Gorganna because of her ability to strike like a viper and her appearance.