User:Cannonfodder/QoL Wishlist

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User Interface Improvements

From Beginning to End


  • Ability to adjust video & sound settings before character load


  • Better explanation on unlocking "sever" vs "global" slots.
  • Mislabels all non-VIPs as free players (some will be premium)
  • On the character select screen, have the character rotation arrows appear lower, in order to not interfere with screenshots of the avatar.


  • Character creation and Paragon Market windows should be able to adapt to window scale ratios between 4:3 and 16:9


  • The powers colour customization screen should indicate the default colours on the current pallet if at all possible, especially for the alternate animations.


  • The character bio both in creation and on the ID card is just a big bunch of text. Can we get an editor that won't mangle it when it's displayed in the Character Info window?


  • Option Settings, Window Layout, Chat Settings and Keybinds should be move to the top of the General Tab and put all the Loads on the same side.
  • There should be a short tutorial explaining to players to get their interface the way they like it and then go in and save all four.
  • Make the default option HIDE instead of some options being hide and some options being show
  • An option to not see other character's badge title.
  • Ability to see a character's supergroup rank floating above their head beside the supergroup name.
  • Option to auto-permit supergroup members to ressurect and teleport you, independent of the main permissions.
  • Display an icon (star?) above any team leader's head, next to their name, so that even those not teamed with them can see it (and therefore know who to ask for an invite to a team).
  • Ability to hide the new contact arrows floating above contacts heads
  • Ability to hide the buff/damage numbers
  • Ability to hide the Base/Component Salvage tabs in the Salvage window
  • The ability to alter all aspects of the default chat bubble style with sliders in options (scale, duration, border color, transparency).
  • Window layout should remember whether the main power window has 1, 2, or 3 rows showing.



  • On the character information box have another tab for Supergroup which brings up the SG motto, description, MOTD or the character names of the highest ranking members of the supergroup.


  • Create a "sell all enhancements" button with confirmation box option.
  • Create a "hide unuseable enhancements" check box in store window for the buy pane.
  • Tabbed store inventory. For example, Training in one tab, DO's in another. Another example: Ghost Falcon/General Hammond: Tabs for Mutant/Magic/Science/Technology/Natural.



  • Allow the black area surrounding the map to be made dim-able or transparent.
  • When entering a zone, have map revert to last zoom factor you had it at in that zone. For example, when coming into IP from Steel, map zooms to halfway, the same place I had it zoomed the last time I was in IP. I next go to Brickstown (where the last time I was there my map was at 3/4 zoom) and my map goes to 3/4 zoom.
  • Center maps on character when zooming in or out.
  • Ablity to see supergroup members and friends list members on map like you can see teammates and leaguemates, with a toggle in the map display to turn these two markers on or off.
  • Map icon for Icon changed from the default 'dollar sign' to a a lowercase "i" with a blue circle around it (the actual Icons' logo).
  • Map icon for the Facemaker changed from the default 'dollar sign' to an "f" with a red circle around it. The red coloring would help distinguish it from Ferries and the lowercase "f" would work fine for those who might be color-blind.


  • Allow NPC dialog screens to accept the window opacity settings of the rest of the UI


  • Put the Inspirations in rows of ten, like the power and enhancement trays or make the tray flexible like the power trays.
  • Put "Manage" on the power tray not on the enhancement tray itself.
  • Make the HP/END/XP bars the same length as the power and enhancement trays.
  • Allow HP, END, XP, Tray 1, Tray 2, Inspirations, Enhancements, Tray 3, etc. to be docked together, either in a fixed order or (preferably) in any order the player wants.


  • There are so many temps, pools, ancillary and other powers that that tiny window needs enlarging and having some sort of overall sorting added in addition to the default display. Currently you can change the scale and nothing else.


  • Allow more than one enhancement to be deleted at a time.
  • Order enhancements as they drop: Trainings in the left slots, SOs in the right slots, DOs to the right of SOs.
  • Allow for certain types of enhancements to be auto-deleted upon drop, via a filter. For example, set the filter to: delete all training, delete all DOs, delete all reds, delete all enhancements not usable by this charater due to origin, delete all DO enhancements not usable by this character due to origin, delete all training and DOs, etc.
  • Make DOs/SOs a character cannot use due to origin incompatability display in a color other than green, blue, yellow or red. Maybe orange?


  • A "quick" combine interface. When a hero has 50+ enhancements to buy and then combine, the accumulated time for the screen to change, then calculate percentages, then the combine animation to take place is too long. Please give us an "expert" version that has a faster interface.
  • The Manage Enhancement Screen should then be adjusted to reflect any new Powers Window layout.


  • Outline a queued inspiration in red similar to queued powers.


  • Ability to hide the Base/Component Salvage tabs


  • Move the friend online announcement to it's own chat channel and/or do not announce friends that are on your team.
  • Have members of your supergroup and/or supergroup coalition that log on be announced a la a friends announcement.
  • Sound to accompany supergroup and coalition chat messages (as with Team, League or Private messages).


  • "Quit" team button on the team window is too big and poorly placed. I imagine it will be difficult for players not to accidentally hit when trying to keep the buffs and heals going.


  • More pre-made pet macro icons.


  • League window should remember how it was set last time it was used.


  • Include 'custom' column. Players could put character's battlecry, time they normally play, if they are on vacation, etc. in this space.
  • Ability to quickly and easily add all supergroup members to your Friends list OR a box to check so you'll recieve notifications when supergroup members login.
  • Tab interface option for friends, global friends, global channels, instead of the current drop-down menu selection.
  • Should remember which list you looked at last rather than opening to a default page.
  • Local friends should at least show the information that global friends shows.
  • All friends lists should allow you to update notes/rating even if the player is offline. (Ratings/Notes are stored locally.)


  • When you get an invite to a supergroup, it should tell you the name of the supergroup, rather than just the name of the character inviting you.
  • Allow columns to be toggled on/off (origin, etc.)
  • A column or marker to show if a supergroup member is teamed, unteamed or looking for team.
  • Ability to extend a supergroup invitation to player not online; for example, via email.
  • Include 'custom' column. Players could put character's battlecry, time they normally play, if they are on vacation, a message to the supergroup, etc. in this space.
  • Ability to check to see who is online in allied supergroups.
  • Ability to change supergroup's name after supergroup creation.
  • EMPTY slot for the emblem selection screen during supergroup creation.
  • Add all the character emblem options to the supergroup emblem options.
  • Ability to add the supergroup logo without losing your current logo (on your chest). What I am thinking is, the ability to add the supergroup logo as a smaller logo over your left shoulder/chest. Similar to the way the captain of a hocky team has the "C" on their jersey.
  • A toggle for where a character wants to display the supergroup's symbol.
  • Ability to self-demote your character in a supergroup.
  • Display Global Chat handles in SG menu (at player discretion). This should be optional, where a player would have to check the "display Global Chat Handle" box in their supergroup options. If they check the box, then their Global Chat handle will appear in this column, allowing players to see which alts belong to which players.
  • Ability to select multiple members of a character's supergroup simultaneously and invite them all to a team with one click.
  • A count on roster list (1-150)
  • A Supergroup "calendar" utility -- something to make it easy for supergroups to schedule group events like task forces and things. Something where we could fill in dates of upcoming events and they would show up as sort of a second MoTD as the time approached or an SG EVENT sub-tab on the SG interface, where Leaders could post dates & descriptions of upcoming events, such as Trials, Task Forces, or whatever strikes their fancy.
  • A marker or a check box each supergroup member can check to sign up for some supergroup event, in order to make it easier to coordinate who is in for what events.
  • Ability to set up supergroup polls.
  • Ability to view the Info window for the members of your SG when they are offline or in another zone.
  • Gender-specific titles. In other words, right now, it's really difficult to use, as an example, an aristocratic theme to your SG titles. Say the leader was 'King' ... it'd be nice if you could have a 'Queen' option for a female leader. 'Duke'/'Duchess' for captains, etc.
  • Links to notes/ratings (even if stored locally) but preferably stored globaly so that Officers can make notes for each other on individual members.


  • Ability to email a group of people (like your whole supergroup, your whole friends list, etc.) using one address (@sg?)
  • Ability to re-size the upper portion of email window.
  • Ability to sort email by date, by subject, etc.
  • Tool-tips for "Account" and "Character" items
  • List pane should have the option to mark/select messages you wish to claim. In Account (All Characters) the claim all should claim all selected rewards, as opposed to all rewards.


  • More than 10 tabs.
  • Tab labels block text. Please change them so they start from right to left instead of left to right so they do not block shorter messages.
  • Team box needs to dock to the top of whatever attached, numbered tab is on top.


  • Two levels of channel operator, owner and operator. Owners can kick operators, operators cannot kick owners.


  • Filter for items already owned
  • Resize window