Talk:Number Six

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Dump of Content for Number Six

Below is placed my 'run through' dump of the arc, for posterity.

WIP Content for Number Six 


  • Let's go, Character! I know you can do it!


Doctor Orts of Vanguard has an urgent message for you.

One of Vanguard's head dimensional scientists is requesting your help.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window. This contact's storyline takes place after Night Ward and Dark Astoria


Provost Gerard Marchand of Praetoria requests your support.

This contact has now been added to the active tab of your Contact window. This story takes place after the events of Issue 23.

Number Six
Super Heroic Computer Expert

Dr. Michael Orts, known as Number Six, has a unique ability; he can turn himself into pixilated data and insert himself into any computer in the world, no matter how high tech it is. This power has a downside however; Number Six has a tough time coming back, and his body was permantely turned into metal. Number Six was recently lost for years in a Crey facility until he was recovered with the help of Gaussian and a woman called the Doctor.

Since then, Vanguard has been employing Number Six to help with their portal technology and with the evacuation of Praetoria.

Number Six

When Number Six speaks, his voice has a sort of echo to it, as if it is reverberating against something.

Hello, Character! I'm glad you got my memo. I'm Dr. Michael Orts, but you can just call me Number Six! It's sort of my professional nickname. B

efore you ask, yes, I am very... pixellated! It's due to a power I have, where I can turn myself into pixels and enter into computers!

Isn't it fascinating?

  • Wasn't there a reason you called me, Number Six?

Oh, yes! Sorry, my mind sometimes has a hard time focusing, what with the pixels.

Yes, Vanguard is currently working on the evacuation of what we're calling the Final Bastion in Praetoria. This was a place that several rogue IDF troops set up to be an outpost from Emperor Cole. The outpost was quite impressive, really! They had sonic fences to keep the Hamidon back, along with turret schematics stolen from Lambda sector to serve as their defense.

The civilization is falling, however; it was going to be our last outpost in Praetoria, but I don't think it's possible for us to recover it. We need you to help with the final evacuation, Character!

You think things over for a moment. You've fought a god of death in Dark Astoria and helped push back the forces of Praetoria in Imperial City. You have the power to do more than help in an evacuation, you have the power to turn the tide and save this place and establish one last outpost in Praetoria!

  • I'll help, but we're not going to abandon that civilization.

Briefing: Praetoria's last gasp
Part One: Defy the Odds

Huh? You don't want to evacuate?

You want to SAVE this place?! That's crazy! Why, you'd have to be... ...

A super powered incarnate to begin to think that's feasible. OK, so, maybe it's possible. Okay, okay, think Orts... There's got to be a way we can make this work.

Well, okay, here's the situation we have right now. There's a Seed of Hamidon making its way to way to code-name Last Bastion. The Lambda turrets have all stopped working, along with the sonic fences. The entire place is crawling with Devouring Earth. Vanguard and well, the good IDF, are doing their best to rescue any remaining civilians and get them out using our new Portal Corp tech, courtesy of Emil Christie.

But... oh, OH! I have an idea! Yes, I think I know how we could pull this off!

  • I'm all ears, Dr. Orts.

Okay, so, you know how Emperor Cole was able to give his Praetors greater powers? What if... And this is a big if... you were able to do that to the Lambda turrets? Maybe you could use your Incarnate powers to temporarily reboot them with Incarnate energy!

It's possible that turrets firing energy of that magnitude could repel something as massive as the Seed of Hamidon! Because, to be frank, Character, if the Seed of Hamidon makes it there, that place is doomed, and we'll need to close the portal ASAP.

I would suggest that's your main goal, after you've secured the area! Serpent Drummer is leading the evacuation, so I would talk to him once you're through. Good luck, Character!

US: Oh! Did you need something else? Did I forget something? I don't think I did...

  • Secure the Last Bastion
    • Speak with Serpent Drummer
    • 25 Devouring Earth to defeat

MEntry: You're ejected out of the smaller, sleeker portal into what remains of the area known as Last Bastion.

Praetorian Civilians NPC

Serpent Drummer:
Character, Dr. Orts said that you would be coming here to help with an evacuation. I just received an odd message, however, that you intend to try to save this place instead of give it up to the Hamidon.

That's admirable. I would help you, but I'm unfortunately spent. I've done everything I can to protect the last refugees that are here.

  • Alright. What's the situation?

We've got Vanguard engineers that are out missing in the field, along with civilians trapped in those crumbling buildings.

We can't get them out with all the Devouring Earth around here, however. We need the Vanguard engineers back here to power up the portal - it'll take forever to evacuate everyone one by one. Well, I guess that is if we're going to evacuate.

Vanguard and the IDF can recover the civilians trapped in the buildings once the numbers of the Devouring Earth are thinned.

You see the ground starting to rumble somewhat - the Devouring Earth are moving in on the portal!

The Infested
Devouring Earth

  • Here they come!

    • Defeat the incoming Ambush,

(amb. Greater Dev)

    • 3 Engineers to rescue,

    • Power up the Turrets

    • Speak with Serpent Drummer

Alright, Character, the Vanguard engineers were able to get the Lambda turrets back online. They're reporting huge spikes in their energy after your infusion.

The Seed of Hamidon is coming in fast - are you ready to face it down?

  • I'm ready, let's get this started.


MComplete: You've saved Last Bastion and established a defensive position!

[NPC] Blood Brother Slammer: I need your money. NOW.
[NPC] Blood Brother Slugger: Whatcha need?
[NPC] Blood Brother Brawler: Where's my change?
[NPC] Blood Brother Slicer: Just give it up.
[NPC] Elois: Please no.
[NPC] Vanguard Security Officer: I'm the Vanguard Security Officer, Character. You need to come talk to me.
[NPC] Greater Devoured: Humanity has proven itself lacking. Give in to the Hamidon!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: You have to save us!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: Please do something!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: Please do something!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: I don't want to die here!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: I don't want to become one of the Devoured!
[NPC] Praetorian Civilian: I've come too far to die here!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: You won't take me! I'll die before I become one of the Devouring Earth!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: What? Character? Thank goodness!
[NPC] Greater Devoured: Character, you were not expected, not yet.
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: I never thought I'd see you here!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: Do your worst, I'm ready for it!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: What? Character? Thank goodness!
[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: You will make an excellent part of Hamidon, Character.
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: Character, if there's anyone who can help us, it's you!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: You won't take me! I'll die before I become one of the Devouring Earth!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: Your Hamidon can't stop up to Character!
[NPC] Infested Augur: More to join the Hamidon!
[NPC] Vanguard Engineer: Character, if there's anyone who can help us, it's you!

[Caption] We have a visual on the Seed! Its too far for the turrets!
[Caption] This world has been scarred enough by the sin of humans.
[Caption] Emperor Cole had one chance, and he wasted it.
[NPC] Player: Fire!

Talk about your last minute saves, Character! We've got several super strength heroes on the scene now to position the powered up Lambda turrets around the area.

Serpent Drummer has set up a base inside the main building of Last Bastion; that's where all the civilians are currently staying. We're not out of the woods yet, however. Well, technically, you're about to go into the woods! Let me explain...

Praetoria's Last Gasp
Part Two: Hamidon's Territory

The IDF managed to build and power up the previous sonic fences in the area thanks to a facility nearby.

Right now, those sonic fences are down and missing crucial parts. I analyzed the data - not even your Incarnate powers could reboot them. It's like... ah... trying to use your powers to make a car work when there's no engine for the car to actually use.

You saving Last Bastion won't mean much if we can't get those sonic fences up and running. Hamidon's forces are vast and you can't be in this place all the time to fight them off.

We need to get the supplies from the facility nearby to rebuild the sonic fences and activate them.

  • Alright, do you have the location of the facility?

I do... er, sort of. Kind of. Well, not really. Here's the problem. The facility is in the Hamidon's forest. There's all sorts of things crawling around in there, and it's not just Hamidon.

Scouts reported seeing Spirit Stalkers there. I know Shadow Hunter was the head of that pack... maybe it means he's been taken over by Hamidon? I don't know.

What you'll have to do is try to thin the numbers of the Spirit Stalkers and Devouring Earth there, and get a beacon to locate where the facility is.

You don't need to track down Shadow Hunter, if he's there, but if he's not taken down, he could cause more harm in the future. Also, there are three IDF generals who went out to find the warehouse, but they never returned. The forest is a maze, so I wouldn't recommend trying to find them... but if you did find them, they could potentially help out in the defense of Last Bastion.

US: The entire forest creeps me out, I'm glad I'm not the one going in there! ... Sorry.

  • Locate the Sonic Fence Warehouse

MEntry: You're brought deep into the forest by a Vanguard escort. You can hear multiple Seeds of Hamidon flying overhead - you'll have to stay beneath the forest canopy to avoid them.

    • Locate the tracking beacon
    • 3 Generals to rescue (Optional)
    • Track down Shadow Hunter (Optional)
    • 20 Spirit Stalkers
    • 20 Devouring Earth to defeat

note the map shows many waypoints. These include main path, SOS signals, and Vanguard Escort

Enemies: The Infested
Devouring Earth
Spirit Stalkers

NPC: Shadow Hunter (Praeotirans)

MComplete: You've located the warehouse for the sonic fence technology!

[NPC] Shadow Hunter: I have seen what the Hamidon sees, finally. We will ensure its vision of Earth is fulfilled.
[NPC] Shadow Hunter: Character. I have ascended, become something greater! I have become the Alpha Predator... and you are the prey!
[NPC] Shadow Hunter: The darkness will sustain us!
[NPC] Shadow Hunter: The darkness will sustain us!
[NPC] General Lapton: This can't be how it ends...
[NPC] General Lapton: Someone else is out here?!
[NPC] Infested Augur: More outsiders in Hamidon's forest?
[NPC] General Lapton: Have you found the others?
[NPC] General Maywer: Just end it. The Praetoria I knew is gone, thanks to you monsters.
[NPC] General Maywer: What's this...?!
[NPC] Greater Devoured: You cannot stop Hamidon's future!
[NPC] General Maywer: I thought... I thought it was all lost. Maybe we have a chance, still.

Great work, Character! Vanguard is sending in a crew as we speak to recover the sonic fence technology and bring it back to Last Bastion.

They'll be moving quick, of course; there's only so long that Hamidon's forest will actually be safe.

We just received word that there was a huge explosion over in what's left of Neutropolis. It looks like Anti-Matter's reactors all went off - it was massive! I bet that put a huge dent in Hamidon, or at least, I hope it does.

In the meantime we should take advantage of this and- er. Uh oh.

We've got a problem, Character. I don't think that should surprise you at this point, right?

Praetoria's Last Gasp
Part Three: The Last Top Dog

The Vanguard team has pulled out of the warehouse. They say there's too many Devouring Earth in there. It looks like the Hamidon knows how important this place is. They also reported something odd, which was a signature of another super-powered individual in there. This person might be with the Hamidon, or they might be some poor soul that's trapped down there.

I hate to ask more of you, but...

  • It's up to me to get the sonic fence technology.

You read my mind! ... Wait, did you really? I hope not, I never liked mind readers. Ah... not that I don't like mind readers, but, well, you get what I'm trying to say.

If you can recover the sonic fence equipment, the Vanguard truck outside of the warehouse will bring it back and assemble it all to get Last Bastion.

I'd also try to investigate what that power signature is down there. It could be another ally we could use in this whole thing. Well, it could also be a super that Hamidon has infested, which means that we'll take down another agent of Hamidon! Good news, right?

In the meantime, I'm going to be using my abilities to scan the area near Last Bastion for any large gatherings of Devouring Earth; the attack that you stopped came from underground nearby. I think we can make things safer if we can take more of the fight to this creature!

  • Recover the Sonic Fence Technology

US: Good luck in the warehouse!

    • 5 pieces of sonic fence technology to recover

The Infested
Devouring Earth

    • 4 sonic fence triggers to recover
    • Find the super-powered individual

Malignant Seedling - Devouring Earth minion
These horrid perversions of normal flora have become one of the most identifiable monsters in the Devouring Earth's maniacal menagerie. In addition to their astonishing mobility, they can fire swarms of thorns at their enemies, tearing flesh to shreds in an instant.

    • Speak weith Reese

You must be Character, I've heard about you, kind of hard not to when you're throwing around all that power. Name's Reese, I used to be a Top Dog around Praetoria. That doesn't matter much, though, since there's nothing much left of the place.

I heard the cities in Praetoria were nuked by Cole. Good riddance, I say, the place was too small time.

I was trying to help out these people in Last Bastion. Anyway, I guess you probably have some questions about things, don't you?

  • Why are you here?

I've been roaming the world, trying to fight off the Hamidon. Figured going up against that thing was true Top Dog material, not like the amateurs that were running around like chickens with their heads cut off in Praetoria.

I heard over some transmissions about Last Bastion and figured I'd try to find the sonic fence facility myself and recover it. You... ah... well, let's just say there were more Devouring Earth here than I thought.

Look, we can talk about this all day, or you can help me get out of here. I'm willing to share some of the spotlight for now if it means keeping Praetoria one last chance.

  • Alright Reese, you're with me (Activate Reese's teleporter)

Finding Reese:
[NPC] Reese: Not... like... this...!
[NPC] Malignant Seedling: You will become one of us.
[NPC] Reese: What in the... what is someone else doing down here?
After dlg
[NPC] Reese: Good on you, Character. I'll see you at Last Bastion.

MComplete: You've recovered the final pieces of the sonic fence technology!

Vanguard and the IDF are working on getting the sonic fences up as we speak, Character. The Vanguard have been fighting off the occasional attack by the Devouring Earth. Serpent Drummer is concerned, though, that the Hamidon is merely toying with us, making us think that we have the upperhand.

I hope he's wrong, but... well... the guy is usually right. I'm starting to have my doubts about how good of an idea this was, especially with this latest order handed down directly from Lady Grey.

She says that if the situation gets to a point where the civilization is going to fall, then I need to shut off the portal to Praetoria. Anyone left there will be considered KIA. Pretty bad, right? I mean, why do I have to do that? I was never up for this! Things were so much simpler when I was just Executable Number 6 on the tech sphere and helping out that woman in the computer...

Praetoria's Last Gasp
Part Four: The New Champion

Sorry, Character, I sort of went to a weird place there. We need to focus, right? Right! So, here's the deal.

It's going to take a while to get the sonic fencing back up to snuff. In the meantime, I've managed to locate a huge area underground where the Devouring Earth's forces are located. Not just that, but I even located, get this, an Avatar of Hamidon! Crazy!

Were you there when the first Avatar was found? It was terrifying, from what I heard! Luckily for us, that one was actually a bit of an anomaly; it had been there for a very long time. '

Your average Avatar isn't as strong as that... well, we hope. At least, the one I found isn't that bad!

  • You're suggesting I destroy this Avatar of Hamidon.

That's it precisely! The Devouring Earth tend to flock around these Avatars. They're leader figures in a sense.

Plus, well, to be honest, we kind of need to focus Hamidon's attention away from Last Bastion, and the best way to do that is throw a buffed up Incarnate like you straight at one of its prized possessions!

I'm sorry that I'm asking you to do such a dangerous thing, Character, but, well, it kind of comes with the territory of fighting to save a civilization from a giant earth monster.

Just make sure you're prepared, ok? The Avatar of Hamidon is no joke, so if you're going to go against it, you need to bring all the firepower you can muster!

In the meantime, I'm going to investigate some odd readings I'm getting from Anti-Matter's space station. I don't know what it could be, but someone turned something on in there. It could be him!

  • Attack an Avatar of Hamidon

US: I'm kind of glad my only super power is to jump into computers. I could never be brave enough to do what you're about to do!

Mentry: Vanguard's caravan once again brings you to the location of these old tunnels. You slip in quickly enough and find yourself within the belly of the beast.

Hopefully in a figurative sense.

En: DE
The Infested

    • 4 spore pods to destroy
    • 3 Master Devoured creatures to defeat
    • 4 Hamidon Seeds to destroy

You begin destroying the spore pod...
You are already interacting with the object
You've destroyed the spore pod!
You destroyed a Devouring Earth spore pod!

Hamidon Seed - DEvouring Earth - Boss
The Malignant Seedling is a specialized Seedling which is capable of surviving for a long period of time in an enormous range of conditions. They are often dispatched into areas where the Seed of Hamidon cannot be sent, where they wreak havoc on the environment before beginning the process of converting it to an infested wasteland.

Infested T.E.S.T. Provost
The Infested - Boss
Anything that pulls a PPD Provost out of their Monitor Sphere information nexus has to be considered a severe threat. In order to insure their safety, Provosts don the state of the art in PPD protective gear to restore order in the most extreme cases of lawbreaking.

[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: The Hamidon's will must be spread. The seeds will do its will.
[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: We were aware of your presence, Character!
[NPC] Master Devoured: There is someone else here. They can be sensed.
[NPC] Master Devoured: You will become one with us, Character!
[NPC] Master Devoured: There is someone else here. They can be sensed.
[NPC] Master Devoured: You will become one with us, Character!
[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: The beautiful tundras shall be made home to all of Hamidon's new creations.
[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: The Hamidon has given birth to new life in Germany. They could not last.
[NPC] Master Devoured: The world is almost saved from humanity. We are so close.
[NPC] Master Devoured: You will be made to be apart of Hamidon!
[NPC] Infested T.E.S.T. Provost: The creatures in South America can be used to destroy the last remnants of this Vanguard.
[NPC] Master Devoured: The one known as Character is becoming a problem. They must be made to join us.
[NPC] Master Devoured: You will not stop the world from being remade!

Rikti Bomb:
You see what appears to be a Rikti bomb, though it's a dud. Vanguard probably tried to use this to flush out the Devouring Earth from these tunnels. It would appear that the Rikti Traditionalists are providing Vanguard with more support these days.

    • Go deeper into the tunnels

(transit only through beast)

Avatar of Hamidon
Devouring Earth - Elite Boss
The Avatar of Hamidon has lived in the depths of the Underground for years, though why no action has been taken against its presence or the clear infestation of the Devouring Earth is a mystery.

NPC: Hamidon?

    • Speak with Hamidon

Hello, Character. I believe it's time you and I talk. I am the Hamidon. I have taken this form to interact with you.

The heart of man is evil, Character. At its core, humans are creatures who cannot help but descend into sin, into evil, into destruction. I have seen it, I was once like that, until I ascended, became something more.

You are here now, trying to stop me, trying to stop the Good from remaking the world, from taking it back. You are fully aware of what humanity has done to the planet, to this gift that they have. It is ignored, it is used, it is destroyed... something so massive as this planet, destroyed by something so... finite.

You claim to be a hero of the people, but how can you stand to serve such a limited cause? Your actions do nothing but prolong their doom. Why do you continue, Character, when you stand for something so meaningless?

  • I continue because there's hope in humanity, hamidon.


  • I don't need to explain myself to you, Hamidon

+++ Missing Information +++
(a) Hope? In your humanity? There was never any hope, Character. Even the strongest humans give in to their weaknesses, to their vices. You are all ruled by them. I have seen this in Emperor Cole and all the others who begged for humanity to be given 'one last chance'.

In my mercy, I gave them one last chance, and they proved me right. When he was given the chance, Marcus Cole gave into his vice: pride. It was in his pride that he sought control, and through that, he eventually did an evil that was once done onto him; releasing a nuclear bomb on his own beloved city.

Don't you see how telling that act was? How it shows how self-destructive you all are? But I am different, Character. Where you all destroy, I create.

  • You call this creation? You're killing everyone!

I am purging a problem, Character. I shall try to put it in a way you understand.

I am removing the criminal so they never have the chance to commit the crime. Humanity as a whole has proven lacking, they do not deserve the Earth, the beauty that I have seen. I must save this beauty, save this Earth. In order to do that, the problem must be removed.

You will not get in my way, Character, not any further. You represent humanity's new Cole, the one who says they can be saved. But I will not give you the same mercy I gave Cole. As we speak, my new life is consuming your last diseased humanity.

You cannot save them, Character, for you too will be consumed and become part of something greater, something more beautiful than yourself.

  • Others have tried, Hamidon. You'll find I'm hard to kill!

  • Attack the ??? (Defeat the Avatar of hamidon ???

[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: This world is mine, and you do not belong in it, Character.

Character, we've got no time to talk! Last Bastion's under attack, there's a Seed of Hamidon floating right above it!

Praetoria's Last Gasp
Finale: New Earth

You've got to hurry, Character, Vanguard is going to close the portal to Last Bastion!

The forces there are being overrun, but if you can get in there, you could do something! Just... just you need to know one thing before you go in...

  • What is it?

The portal will not take you back once you go in. The only way to get back is if you can get the area secured. But... The only way to do that is to somehow get a message back to here.

That's where I come in! I'll be splitting a part of myself to monitor your activities. If things go well, I'll send the message to reactivate the portal. If they don't... well, then you're going to become really good friends with a part of me!

The reports we received from Serpent Drummer indicate that the force that's attacking is massive. You'll have to give it everything you've got to repel them!

US: Doctor Orts is concentrating on maintaining a connection for you.

  • Face Hamidon's Fury

MEntry: You're flung through the portal, which promptly shuts off.

This is going to be a one-way trip unless you can clear the Hamidon's forces.

    • Speak with Serpent Drummer

Character. It looks like we're in this together. I had a feeling the portal will close. I'm sure we'll get through this.

This would normally be when one of us would say we've been through worse. However, being trapped on a planet with an entity that controls all of the Earth that is trying to consume my life is, coincidentally, the worst situation I believe I've been in.

  • Understood. What's the situation?

We've got groups of Devouring Earth swarming outside of the building. However, Reese was able to take down a number of them before being forced to retreat. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop them from shutting down the Lambda turrets.

If you can activate those turrets, they'll blast the Seed of Hamidon away. You'll also need to clear the Devouring Earth and the Hamidon seeds from outside.

That should give us some breathing room, but we won't be out of the woods just yet. We'll stay in here to monitor your progress, good luck.

8 Alright.

    • 6 machines to reboo
    • 4 groups of Devouring Earth to defeat
    • Defeat the Hamidon Seeds

The Infested

(under debuff)

    • Return to prepare for battle

  • Defeat incoming ambushes

  • Speak with Serpent Drummer

We've got reports that there are three Avatars of Hamidon scaling the city's walls, Character.

We've never seen three of them together like this. Three IDF soldiers who were hurt in the initial attack are feeling confident enough that they can provide you support, if you need it.

Our engineers are almost done powering up the sonic fences. Once they're on, we're safe... but only if you can take care of those Avatars.

  • Aright, tell the soldiers to follow my lead
  • tell the soldiers to stay behind,. I'll handle this

Are you sure, Character? Three Avatars of Hamidon are incredibly powerful, and should not be handled lightly.

8 On second thought, tell them to gear up, they're with me

  • I'm positive

  • 8Defeat the Avatars of Hamidon

  • 8Speak with Serpent Drummer

Character, you've done it! The sonic fences are back on and the city is cleared of the Devouring Earth. Lady Grey is working on re-activating the portal as we speak. The people here have set up a large hologram to remember you for all the work you've done.

I'm still amazed that you took on all the Avatars on your own... That is quite an impressive feat! It seems like there's still someone who wants to dispute that, however.

Reese wants to face you one more time in combat.

  • ...Great.

    • Confront Reese

You think you're the new Top Dog around here, Character? Let me tell you something. My name is Reese, and I am the Top Dog here, I am the last hope of Praetoria, NOT you! Not just some random Incarnate who walked in and thinks they can just do what they want!

I challenge you, here and now, to a fight, to prove who Praetoria's final Top Dog is!

  • (Fight reese)
  • No reese. No more fighting, we're done.

MComplete: You've saved Last Bastion and established the a beacon of hope in Praetoria!

(Congratulations! You earned the Civilization's Savior badge.)
You held the line in the last bastion for civilization in Praetoria. You're considered a hero now to these people, who can now establish the beginnings of a new civilization in Praetoria.

Avatar Smasher
You faced off against the Avatars of Hamidon by yourself, showing the Hamidon that you are a force to be reckoned with,


Character, I'm amazed! You did it!

We've got reports that Metronome is in Anti-Matter's space station now. He's going to be providing support from there against the Hamidon while we rebuild what's left of Last Bastion.

It's going to take a long time for anything significant to happen, but we have a beacon of hope now in Praetoria, and that's something to be proud of. The people are always going to remember you as their savior, Character, it's something you deserve. You ARE the reason why they made it.

You said that Hamidon mentioned thinking he was better than humanity, right? That we're all flawed? I was thinking about it while you were gone. Maybe he's right. We are all flawed, you know? But I think, that's what makes us strong. Hamidon, at the end of the day, is alone with everything. But with all our flaws, we know that we have to band together to do things, to make a life!

We'll show the Hamidon that there is hope in humanity, and that we can even see his dream fulfilled of keeping the Earth a beautiful place - but not at the cost of human lives.

Thank you, Character, for everything. Let's grab some coffee one day and see if we can chat about some tech stuff!

..It looks like the day is saved ..

[NPC] Infested Ranger: The world will be remade, it will be born a new.
[NPC] Infested BCU: The world will be remade, it will be born a new.
[Local] Character: above amb.
[NPC] Deathcap: You had your chance, Character. It could have been easier.
[Local] Character: 1 line each
[NPC] Infested Scryer: I would protect the world from destruction. Why would you wish to stop this?
[NPC] Infested Ranger: Humanity's imperfection doomed them from the start. Give in.
[NPC] Infested BCU: I would protect the world from destruction. Why would you wish to stop this?
[Caption] Serpent Drummer reporting. Our scouts were able to chase off Shadow Hunter, thanks to the beating you gave him earlier.
[Local] Character: * to Speak with Serpent Drummer above
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: You are fighting a war that you cannot win, Character.
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: You will join me, you will become part of me.
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: You will become part of the new world.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Tellurian Seedling: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: Ours is a power that is shared, that becomes stronger.
[Caption] The Avatars of Hamidon are powering each other up!
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: An unexpected result...
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: The Avatar... is weakening?
[NPC] Avatar of Hamidon: This... is surprising.
[NPC] Reese: Let's finish this, once and for all, Character.
[NPC] Reese: No, come back and fight me! Let me have this!
[Local] Character: above npc after confront reese, latter after no more fight option

NPC Dialogue for Raymond Keyes Personal Mission

[Caption] 'Just... A little... Longer...' Anti-Matter thought, 'just keep... a track... on Metronome.
[Caption] 'Who would've thought... the great Raymond Keyes... would be... like this...'
[Caption] 'Where did it all go wrong... did it all start... with you... Duncan... with that blasted woman...?'
[Caption] 'I was respected, dammit...! I was the best... and I was thrown aside... hah... did it really all matter?
[Caption] 'All that I worked for... to gain power... to hold onto it... it was all washed away... so easily...'
[Caption] 'All I have left... are my reactors... and my space station. And I won't...'
[Caption] 'My... I won't live to even see... them used. The reactors will hurt the Hamidon... my station...'
[Caption] 'They won't even know... that I did all of this... you're a fool, Raymond Keyes...'
[Caption] 'I suppose... it's time to finish this... once and for all.'
[Caption] W-WARN-IN-IN-ING! Suit de-de-destru-tru-truction is immin-en-en-ent!
[NPC] Anti-Matter: Urgh... get me a status update... on Metronome...!
[Caption] M-Met-Metronome has b-bro-broken into up-upper atmosphere.
[NPC] Anti-Matter: Alright... get me the... reactor... controls... force... force the self-destruct...!
[Caption] Command finished. Re-reactors expl-os-os-osion is imminent.
[NPC] Anti-Matter: Alright... Hamidon... You remember me... you... REMEMBER... ME!
[NPC] Anti-Matter: I... AM... DOCTOR... RAYMOND... KEYES!!!
[Caption] Dr. Keyes?! This is Metronome, you can't do this!
[NPC] Anti-Matter: Hah... finally... recognition...

Taosin 12:34, 1 November 2012 (UTC)