Superadine (object)

Superadine appears on the missions destroy the Trolls' superadine from Talshak the Mystic, and later in destroy the illicit drug shipment from Stephanie Peebles. You will find four of them in the first base and three in the second. Later, during the Stephane Peebles' mission there will be four of them. Each crate will have some guards around. It can't move, nor has any attacks, nor any special abilities or effects, though it can regenerate life somehow. It has slightly less hit points than a Lieutenant of the same level. It is destructable, and any hero or NPC caught in its blast will suffer some damage:
Small Explosion Area of Effect, Moderate Damage (Lethal/Fire), Foe Knockback. This object erupts into a small explosion if destroyed.
The contents of this crate must be destroyed!