Serpent Drummer

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Serpent Drummer
Serpent Drummer
Zone Rikti War Zone
Level Range 40-50
Introduced By Levantera
Enemy Groups Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis
v  d  e

Serpent Drummer is a hero and villain contact in the Vanguard Compound neighborhood of Rikti War Zone. His level range is 40-50.


New Contacts

Contact Introduced By


Leader of the Vanguard Gauntlet

The enigmatic man called Serpent Drummer is the head of the Vanguard's Gauntlet division. The Gauntlet was originally Vanguard's offensive division, but changing events have seen it shift those responsibilities to the Shield Division, while the Gauntlet concentrates on coordinating Vanguard's forces with the recent influx of super-powered volunteers. Even in the middle of such great changes, Serpent Drummer remains serene.

Initial Contact

You draw the admiration of our allies and the ire of our enemies. Excellent.

I think it will be very good to work with you, Character, but this is not the time for pleasant chit-chat. I have some very important issues where I could use, well, someone like you.

Below Level Requirement

I apologise to you Character, but I am afraid that I must ask you to wait a bit before we begin working together. I would suggest that you take some time to settle other matters first, then return to me. Perhaps when you are around Level 40. Yes, that should be about right.

Store (?)

Story Arc

Dreams of Peace and Acts of War

souvenir info

Help with Conference Security

Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
Part: One

Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


You have proven that you can handle some weird situations, so I want your help with something strange. I need you to work security on one of the most important conferences in the history of mankind. Interested?

I'm glad to hear it. The conference is to discuss terms of peace between humanity and the Rikti Traditionalist faction. You did hear that correctly. One of the factions of Rikti on Earth seeks a peaceful end to the war. They are the far smaller faction, but it is a start. This conference is delicate, to say the least, and someone of your experience will be an excellent asset. Dress well, this is an important time. Your main responsibility is to guard Lady Grey. Once you arrive on site, keep your eyes open for signs of trouble. It'll be up to you to determine if anything seems amiss.

Serpent Drummer hands you a book entitled 'Rikti Factions Vol. 1' to help you catch up, in case you weren't familiar with the Traditionalist and Restructurist factions.

Icon clue generic.png
Rikti Factions, Vol 1
This book is an explanation of how the Rikti have become divided since their time on Earth. While there's a great deal of information covered in the book, a series of bookmarks and highlightings help you pick out the important information:

Ever since the end of the First Rikti War, the Rikti on Earth appear to have suffered through disagreements about how best to proceed. These disagreements grew until the Rikti on Earth began to factionalize into two groups: the Traditionalists and the Restructurists.

The Traditionalists believed that wherever they were, they should maintain the norms of Rikti society, with its slow decisions reached through psychic debate and group consensus. The majority of the Traditionalists were from the minority of scientists and engineers who had accompanied the invasion force and had been trapped when the portals were sealed.

The Restructurists felt that the old paradigms wouldn't work in their current situation and were open to creating new ones, centered around the military majority of the invading force. They quickly became focused on advancement through military accomplishment and swelled their ranks with converted humans.

The Traditionalists were terrified of these changes as they saw their society turned upside-down and becoming a military dictatorship. In an attempt to blunt the power of the Restructurists, they've even begun talking to humanity about ending the war. The Restructurists need the continued war to justify their changes, and are unlikely to accept any peace.

It is conjectured that on the Rikti Homeworld, the military is a small minority of Rikti population, and that the Rikti civilian government could have far more power. But, in the war on Earth, the Rikti military and the Restructurists are all anyone knows.

Mission Objective(s)

For once, things seem to be under control when you arrive on the scene.

  • Guard Lady Grey
    • Check security computer
    • Protect Lady Grey

You saved the peace negotiations!

Contact Small Fusionette.jpg


No no no! Don't hurt them! They're just making conversation! They were completely and totally respectful of me and my person at all times! Please do not instigate an argument on my account!

What pigs. Seriously. I'm not kidding. I was this close to blasting them into next week. Good thing you got here. What's with the get-up? This is supposed to be formal. Oh. Whoops.

What? Oh, no, that's not at all necessary! I'm sure Faultline understands they were just inquiring about heightened security measures for the peace conference! You don't have to tell him at ALL!

That'll fix their little red wagons. Even those Rikti Traditionalists had better manners. Well, except that one. He kept saying, "'nette: Sup?" Someone needs to take away his Mark 1 decoder.

Like my attire? I picked it up from Icon. I practically had to beat Serge senseless before he'd give me a decent deal.

So, hey, did you talk to Faultline and Serpent Drummer yet?

Contact Small Faultline.jpg


So you may be wondering why I'm all dressed up in this fancy suit. Oh, Serpent Drummer already told you? Okay. So you call that dressing up? Anyway, 'nette and I are on security for this conference. Only the best for world peace, right?

So far so good. It's been pretty quiet, actually. Everyone is surprisingly civil. It kind of makes me nervous, if you want the truth. Anyway, Serpent Drummer slipped in the back door a few minutes ago, so maybe you should go talk to him. He's got that purposeful stare about him and it's directed at you.

Contact Small Borea.jpg


This peace conference is crucial. Whatever Serpent Drummer requests of you, do it.

Contact Small Levantera.jpg


Vanguard security has been heightened throughout the rest of the base so that we can observe the conference proceedings. If Serpent Drummer has requested your assistance, you must have great potential.

Contact Small Gaussian.jpg


I'm here for security, not idle chit chat. If Serpent Drummer requested you oversee this conference, you'll want to check in with him. He's right over there.

Contact Small Dark Watcher.jpg
Dark Watcher


You have more important things to do than stand here speaking with me. I have more important things to do than let you.

Badge question mark.png
Traditionalist Ambassador: Il'los


Before the coming of Heroes: My people peaceful. Our creators taught: War an excess: Producing only death: Despair.

Among us: Some Rikti maintain: Counter belief system. Preference: Continue warfare.

I: We: Not among those. We: Traditionalist. Belief: ways of peace: Ways of Knowledge. This legacy: We desire to foster.

Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


I've been watching the conference for a little while and, so far, everything is progressing according to plan. We have diplomats and Rikti Traditionalists in the same room and there is no bloodshed.

I should be glad about this, but I'm not.

Nothing ever runs this smoothly during a conference where peace between two worlds is on the line. I need to stay here for a while longer so make sure you keep an eye on Lady Grey. If you haven't found her yet, slip out the corridor behind me and look at the security computer. She hasn't reported in for a while.

Faultline, Fusionette, and I can keep an eye on things in here.

Balloon.png The Lady Grey: 'Lord' Nemesis!
You dare interrupt these negotiations, and yet you lack the decency to show up in person?

Fake Nemesis: Please, my dear, do not fret!

Your 'Vanguard' society has simply gone too far, and had to be corrected.
It was all quite humorous, but steps had to be taken.
Now, don't let it trouble your pretty little head.


Oh, steps are indeed going to be taken!


Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs

Faultline: So I said, "Ninjas and lawyers? Then it's a Tsoo Sue Studio!"
Faultline: Get it? Sue like litigation versus Tsoo the gang? No? Oh, nevermind, no one appreciates an artiste.

Faultline: Hey, Character!

Fusionette: No, I will NOT. Didn't your mama teach you any manners? Honestly. HEY! EYES UP HERE.

Fusionette: Character!

Fusionette: It's my strong and highly capable yet highly twitchy relative Character! Sorry, guys, family beckons!

Fake Nemesis: They are surely cogs in the great machine of Nemesis.
Dragoon: For Lord Nemesis!
Lady Grey: Ah, Character, and just in time.
Fake Nemesis: To arms, lads! Have at them!

Lady Grey: The gall of that foolish old man! Well, let us clean up this mess.

  • Conference Attendee

Conference Attendee: Go away. I'm attending this very...bzzt...important conference.

  • Serpent Drummer

Serpent Drummer: Character, good to see you. Let's talk a moment.

Icon clue generic.png
'We are only seeing the edges.'
Lady Grey seemed rather upset by Nemesis' actions, and even let her normally calm demeanor slip as she vented her frustrations:

'The absolute GALL of that man! Machine. Cyborg... Whatever! Only he would have the brazen temerity to interrupt these crucial proceedings for his own petty aims of world domination! And then to dismiss me like a precious niece! Oooh!

No, we shall not give in to such angers. No doubt Nemesis wishes to fray Our nerves, and We shall not be so easily manipulated. In all likelyhood, he wishes for us to grow angry, and miss his true objectives whilst blinded by rage. As you are well aware, Nemesis rarely acts through direct means. So let us consider his actions... You thwarted those Arachnos impostors that were surely his, preventing the abduction of Mr. Arnold Decker. And this time, after his imposter negotiators were discovered, his forces abducted several human and Rikti negotiators. Alas, We are not seeing the connections, but clearly this is all part of something larger. Whatever it is, We fear that we are only seeing the edges.'

Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


The Lady Grey spoke well of you, and I can see why. The negotiations will continue, thanks to your efforts in coordinating the defense, but the Nemesis Army was not completely unsuccessful. We must now reverse their gains and recover our losses.

Rescue Captives from the Nemesis Army

Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
Part: Two

Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


Your admirable defense of the talks will allow them to continue, but the Nemesis Army did make gains, which we must now reverse. They captured 6 of the negotiators before they were fought back. Fortunately, their mole-machine was damaged and had forced them to traverse natural caverns instead of traveling to their rally point more directly. This has delayed them greatly and exposed them to counter-attack. A counter-attack I feel you would be well-suited to lead.

Our own work mapping the tunnels beneath the zone has paid off again, providing us with a direct route for you to intercept the Nemesis Army troop column. Once you get there, your goal will be to liberate the hostages. Most will likely flee, but if any are willing to help, all the better.


Badge villain nemesis.png Nemesis

Notable NPCs

  • C'Kelkah (NPC Rikti, Boss)

C'Kelkah: Attitude Grateful: Character Assistance. Reciprocal Assistance: Gladly Offered.

  • General Aarons

Mission Objective(s)

The Vanguard-provided maps lead you down through twisting caverns until you catch up the Nemesis Army column.

  • Rescue captured negotiators
    • 3 Negotiators
    • 3 Diplomats
    • Defeat Fake Nemeses

missing completion text

Icon clue generic.png
Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


missing debriefing text

Defend the base!

Dreams of Peace and Acts of War
Part: Three

Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


Rikti Restructurist forces are amassing for an attack against our base. They fear the signing of the peace treaty between us and their rival faction, the Traditionalists. This attack must be held off and actions all over the city have depleted our forces. Character, can we count on you to defend this base?

Very soon, the peace between the peoples of Earth and one of the two Rikti factions on our world will be signed. But that will not happen if the coming attack is not stopped. Our other agents are trying to counter-attack, but our new Traditionalist allies have promised assistance. Link up with any other troops, and be prepared for any kind of Rikti attack. This will only end once the Raid leader shows himself, and is defeated. Good luck.

Mission Objective(s)

Rikti attacks are a constant threat, but they're really throwing everything into this one!

  • Defend Vanguard Base
    • Rescue Traditionalist Commando
    • Rescue Lk'Onik
    • Defeat Raid Leader

missing completion text


Badge villain new rikti.png Rikti

Notable NPCs

Traditionalist Commando: Reporting: Ready/Willing/Able.

Traditionalist Commando: Tactical Status: Ready. Personal Status: Grateful.

Traditionalist Psi-Scout Lk'Onik: ...  : Ready.

Rikti Raid Leader: Leader Status: Entering Battlefield.
Rikti Raid Leader: Intention: Assure Victory. Method: Personal!

Icon clue generic.png
Contact Small Serpent Drummer.jpg
Serpent Drummer


The Traditionalists have signed the peace accord, mostly thanks to your efforts to stop the attack. However, when word reached them that this Hro'Dtohz was now involved, they became very afraid. We are speaking with them about this. While we have made great strides, I fear that the war is far from over.

Honestly, don't remember which mission this clue goes with. Should be able to sort that out as we fill in the rest of the missions, though.

Icon clue generic.png
The Hro'Dtohz file
This dossier has been put together using mostly Rikti sources. The first few are all about the rise and fall of the Rikti homeworld's military caste, called the Lineage of War.

After the initial wars to unify the planet thousands of years ago, the Lineage of War was very small, only rising to prominence during a very few infrequent civil wars and insurrections. Their last big operation was against an alien force called the Battalion about 1000 years ago. Since then, their power had been tapering off to its normal ceremonial levels until the start of the war with Earth.

Several files about the Earth war are heavily redacted, probably for security reasons, but the gist of it is that the Lineage of War had a new leader, a young Rikti military genius called Hro'Dtohz. Originally trained as an historian, he was the one the Rikti mental network turned to in their darkest hour, and the one who organized the new military and the war against Earth.

According to the Traditionalist's mental profiles, Hro'Dtohz is certainly a military genius, but is also considered extreme in his thought and action. The translators have some trouble, because there are no terms in the Rikti language to express the qualities they see in the Lord of the Lineage of War. Determination and genius are concepts they understand. But Ambition? Pride? Even the warrior's sense of honor and desire to fight are things you can see shining out of his profile, but which most Rikti could only barely comprehend.

Hro'Dtohz had been trapped on the Rikti Homeworld when the Omega Team sealed the conduit between worlds, but with the news from the Traditionalists that a tenuous gateway has been re-opened, the threat posed by the Lord of the Lineage of War is now all too real.


See Also