Bane Spiders

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Only the best of the Wolf Spiders are allowed the grand honor of joining the ranks of the elite Bane Spiders.

Enemy Types


Bane Spider Commando

Bane Spider Commando

Taken from the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, Bane Spider Commandos are given specialized assault training. They are vicious masters of combat that relish engaging the enemies of Arachnos.


Gadgets WebGrenade.png Web Grenade (Ranged) Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
The Bane Spider has snared you in his web grenade. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, moderate damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.


Bane Spider Scout

Bane Spider Scout

Taken from the ranks of the Wolf Spiders, Bane Spider Scouts are given specialized covert operations training. They are elite spies used by Lord Recluse to monitor activities both in Rogue Isles and Beyond.


Gadgets WebGrenade.png Web Grenade (Ranged, No Damage) Foe Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Mace Beam Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Mace Beam Volley Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nulifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of Force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

RadiationPoisoning RadiationInfection.png Poisonous Ray (Ranged), Damage over Time, Toxic, Foe -Defense
You have been poisoned and your Defense has been reduced.

Mace Bash.png Bash Melee, Moderate Damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Melee, High Damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.

Mace Clobber.png Clobber Melee, Minor Damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe's head in order to disorient him. This attack does little damage on its own, but can leave most opponents disoriented for a very long time.

Mace Shatter.png Shatter Melee, Extreme Damage, Smash, Damage over Time, Poison, Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.

Invisibility Invisibility.png Hide Self, Toggle, +Stealth, +Defense
Hide makes you almost impossible to detect. When properly hidden, a stalker can pull off Critical hits with his attacks, and even land a massive "Assasin's Strike" with an assasins power.. When you attack or are damaged while using this power, you'll be discovered. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and retain some bonus to Defense. Unlike most Stealth powers, Hide can be used at the same time as other Concealment powers, giving you even greater Stealth capability. Very low Endurance cost.

PowerPunch Placate.png Placate Placate
Allows you to trick a foe into no longer attacking you. A successful Placate will also hide you. This hide is very brief, and offers no defense bonus, but it will allow you to deliver a critical hit or an Assassin's Strike. However, if you attack a placated foe, he will be able to attack you back.

Leadership Tactics.png  ??? +Perception
Bane Spider Scouts can see through Stealth and Invisibility.


Bane Spider Executioner

Bane Spider Executioner

Only the most trusted Arachnos agents are allowed to lead the Bane Spiders. An agent must be ruthless and efficient to become one of Lord Recluse's personal guardsmen. It is a great honor to be promoted to the position of a Bane Spider Executioner.


Gadgets WebGrenade.png Wide Area Web Grenade (Ranged, No damage) Foe: Immobilize, -Fly, -Recharge
You have been caught in a web. You cannot move or fly and your attack speed is reduced.

Gadgets WebGrenade.png Cocoon Ranged, No damage, Foe Hold
Envelopes the target in a cocoon of webs. They are held helpless and unable to act.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Mace Beam Volley Ranged, Cone, Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

PowerBlast PowerBlast.png Mace Beam Blast Ranged, Area of Effect, High Damage (Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
The Nullifier Mace is capable of firing a tremendous bolt of force from the end of it. Arachnos Troopers call this the Power Blast. The Arbiters who invented it scoff at this simple term.

RadiationPoisoning RadiationInfection.png Poisonous Ray Burst Ranged, Damage over Time (Poison), Foe -Defense
You have been poisoned and your defense has been reduced.

Mace Pulverize.png Bash Disorient, Damage over Time (Poison)
You have been disoriented and poisoned.

Mace Pulverize.png Pulverize Disorient, Damage over Time (Poison)
You have been disoriented and poisoned.

Mace Clobber.png Clobber Disorient, Damage over Time (Poison)
You have been disoriented and poisoned.

Mace WhirlingMace.png Whirling Mace Disorient, Damage over Time (Poison)
You have been disoriented and poisoned.

Mace CrowdControl.png Crowd Control Damage over Time (Poison)
You have been poisoned.