Memorization Badges

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The formulas for crafting common Invention Origin Enhancements (IOs) can be memorized. Memorization awards badges and allows enhancments to be crafted at lower cost and without the need of a recipe. A worktable and salvage, however, are both still needed. Recipes for costumes and other types of enhancements, including Enhancement Sets, can't be memorized.

How to Memorize

For purposes of memorization the common IOs are divided into groups and the crafting, using a recipe, of any IO within that group counts toward the memorization of the whole group. A group consists of enhancements with a similar benefit (like Fly, Jump, Run, Range) and similar level (like 35 & 40 together). Each group has its own requirement for how many must be crafted at each level to complete the memorization of that group. Completing the memorization of a group awards a badge.

This table shows the 45 groups, including the name of its badge and the number of craftings needed at each level within the group to complete the memorization. For example the Arms Dealer Badge, in the Damage/Knockback category for levels 35 & 40, is obtained by crafting 11 IOs in that category at level 35 and 11 at level 40. The 11 can be all Damage, all Knockback, or a mix of both. If two different quantities are shown, such as 2 & 1 for the Decaying Badge in the first row, it doesn't matter whether 2 are crafted at the lower level and 1 at the higher, or 1 at the lower level and 2 at the higher.

A character's in-game badge list shows a progress bar toward earning each badge. If a character crafts an enhancement and the progress bar doesn't move then the character has completed all the craftings necessary at that level. Further progress requires craftings at the other level within the group.

Table of Memorization Badges and Crafting Count Requirements
Badge Category Recipe Levels
10 15 & 20 25 & 30 35 & 40 45 & 50
Defense Debuff,
To Hit Debuff,
Taunt, Confuse
2 & 1
2 & 2
2 & 3
4 & 3
Heal Medicator
5 & 4
7 & 6
8 & 7
10 & 9
Defense Buff,
Resist Damage,
5 & 4
7 & 6
8 & 7
10 & 9
Sleep, Snare,
Hold, Stun,
Immobilize, Fear
5 & 5
7 & 6
9 & 8
11 & 11


6 & 6

8 & 7

10 & 9
12 & 12
Recharge Rate,
Interrupt Time
Trigger Man
Hired Gun
7 & 6
9 & 8
11 & 11
14 & 14
ToHit Buff
Lt. Colonel
7 & 6
9 & 8
Major General
11 & 11
14 & 14
7 & 6
9 & 8
Arms Dealer
11 & 11
Lord of War
14 & 14
Run Speed,
Fly Speed,
Jump, Range
7 & 6
9 & 8
Walks the Earth
11 & 11
14 & 14
Icon for all
badges in
that level:
Notes: +2 salvage
+1 recipe

Benefits of Memorization

Earning a memorization badge for a group of common IO enhancements awards the character the ability to craft enhancements in that group for half the cost (Influence or Infamy) and without a recipe. Crafting must still be done at an Invention Worktable and still requires Invention Salvage.

Each badge earned at the 25 & 30 level grants the ability to carry two more items of salvage. Each badge earned at the 45 & 50 level grants the ability to carry one more recipe.

The memorization badges at level 40 and below, all of them, are part of the requirements for the Field Crafter Badge and its Portable Crafting Table accolade power.

Memorization Badges

There are 9 categories with 5 levels of memorization in each catetgory. Here are the 45 memorization badges and their icons.

Invention Debuff badges (ToHit Debuff, Defense Debuff, Confuse, Taunt)

{{#ask:Declining Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Declining

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

{{#ask:Decaying Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Decaying

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

{{#ask:Despoiler Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Despoiler

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

{{#ask:Dismantler Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Dismantler

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

{{#ask:Retrograde Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Retrograde

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Defense Debuff, To Hit Debuff, Taunt, and Confuse.

Invention Heal badges (Heal)

{{#ask:Medicator Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Medicator

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Heal.

{{#ask:Mender Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Mender

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Heal.

{{#ask:Rebuilder Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Rebuilder

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Heal.

{{#ask:Revivifier Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Revivifier

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Heal.

{{#ask:Reanimator Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Reanimator

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Heal.

Invention Mitigation badges (Defense Buff, Dam Resist, Intang)

{{#ask:Armorer Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Armorer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

{{#ask:Guardian Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Guardian

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

{{#ask:Protector Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Protector

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

{{#ask:Security Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Security

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

{{#ask:Defensive Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Defensive

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Defense Buff, Resist Damage, Intangible.

Invention Mez badges (Fear, Hold, Immob, Sleep, Slow, Stun)

{{#ask:Blinding Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Blinding

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

{{#ask:Beguiller Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Beguiller

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

{{#ask:Charming Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Charming

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

{{#ask:Charismatic Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Charismatic

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

{{#ask:Mesmerizer Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Mesmerizer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Sleep, Snare, Hold, Stun, Immobilize, and Fear.

Invention Endurance badges (End Reduc, End Mod)

{{#ask:Energy Conservationist Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Energy Conservationist

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

{{#ask:Battery Powered Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Battery Powered

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

{{#ask:Nuclear Powered Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Nuclear Powered

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

{{#ask:Mystically Powered Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Mystically Powered

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

{{#ask:Perpetual Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Perpetual

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction.

Invention Rate of Fire badges (Recharge Reduc, Interrupt)

{{#ask:Trigger Man Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Trigger Man

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

{{#ask:Hired Gun Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Hired Gun

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

{{#ask:Hit-Man Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Hit-Man

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

{{#ask:Sniper Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Sniper

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

{{#ask:Sharpshooter Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Sharpshooter

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Recharge Rate and Interrupt Time.

Invention Accuracy badges (Acc, ToHit Buff)

{{#ask:Major Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Major

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

{{#ask:Lt. Colonel Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Lt. Colonel

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

{{#ask:Colonel Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Colonel

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

{{#ask:Major General Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Major General

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

{{#ask:General Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} General

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Accuracy and To Hit Buff.

Invention Damage badges (Damage, Knockback)

{{#ask:Munitionist Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Munitionist

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Damage and Knockback.

{{#ask:Weaponeer Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Weaponeer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Damage and Knockback.

{{#ask:Warhead Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Warhead

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Damage and Knockback.

{{#ask:Arms Dealer Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Arms Dealer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Damage and Knockback.

{{#ask:Lord of War Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Lord of War

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Damage and Knockback.

Invention Travel badges (Fly, Run, Range, Jump)

{{#ask:Pilgrim Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Pilgrim

You have memorized the following recipes at level 10: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

{{#ask:Vagabond Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Vagabond

You have memorized the following recipes at level 15 and 20: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

{{#ask:Wanderer Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Wanderer

You have memorized the following recipes at level 25 and 30: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

{{#ask:Walks the Earth Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Walks the Earth

You have memorized the following recipes at level 35 and 40: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.

{{#ask:Nomad Badge |?Image|limit=1|default=|format=list|link=none|template=Template:BadgeBox/icons}} Nomad

You have memorized the following recipes at level 45 and 50: Run Speed, Jump, Fly Speed, and Range.